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What is Rescue Mode?

Rescue mode is a term used to describe a method of booting a small Linux environment completely from diskettes.

What follows in this section may help you recover from a problem at some point. A copy of these instructions is also available as rescue.txt on your BL2000 CD-ROM.

As the name implies, rescue mode is there to rescue you from something. In normal operation, your system uses files located on your system's hard drive to do everything - run programs, store your files, and more.

However, there may be times when you are unable to get Linux running completely enough to access its files on your system's hard drive. By using rescue mode, it's possible to access the files stored on your system's hard drive, even if you can't actually run Linux from that drive.

Normally, you'll need to enter rescue mode for one of two reasons:

You are unable to boot Linux, and you'd like to fix it. You are having hardware or software problems, and you want to get a few important files off your system's hard drive.

Let's take a closer look at each these scenarios.

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