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X Marks the Spot

If you installed the X Window System (also known simply as X) at the time of your installation, you've got a pleasing, graphical environment in which to work.

If you didn't install X at that time, and you wish to use the X Window System, your best bet is to return to the CD at this time and re-install BL2000. (Sigh...)

Certainly, there are other ways of installing X, but if you're fairly new to Linux, and if you're starting out with a brand new installation, you'll find it takes less time - and frustration - to simply redo the installation.

If you did install the X Window System - but didn't choose to start KDE automatically you're still ready to go.

At the shell prompt, type:


and the X Window System will begin.

You're logged into the system as the root account, also known as superuser. There's a reason the root account is called superuser: In this account, you can make changes to just about anything. Unless you know what you're doing, you can easily harm your system by mistakenly changing settings.

Although you may be tempted to modify files or directories, you should resist making any changes until you've created a user account.

To log out of X, bring your mouse cursor to the KDE panel, then left-click on the K-menu. A menu of applications, utilities, games and other programs will pop up.

''Drag'' your cursor to the item labeled Log out.

You can ''drag'' your cursor by keeping the mouse button depressed with your finger while moving the cursor to your selected item. Once the cursor is over the item on the menu, releasing the mouse button will start the program.

Now, a separate window will appear, asking you to confirm your decision to log out.

Click on Yes, and you'll be returned to the console.

You will now be back at your original shell prompt, so if you are done for the day, you should log out here too.

Whenever you want to start another X session, just type startx from the prompt.

At the prompt, type startx; to exit - KDE panel -> Log out

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