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RPMs of Group Applications/File

FileRunner-2.5-6 A simple file manager with built-in FTP support. Linux/i386
bzip2-0.9.5c-1 A file compression utility. Linux/i386
file-3.27-3 A utility for determining file types. Linux/i386
fileutils-4.0-8 The GNU versions of common file management utilities. Linux/i386
findutils-4.1-32 The GNU versions of find utilities (find, xargs, and locate). Linux/i386
git-4.3.17-5 A set of GNU Interactive Tools. Linux/i386
gzip-1.2.4-14 The GNU data compression program. Linux/i386
hfsutils-3.2.6-2 Tools for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes. Linux/i386
mkhybrid-1.12b5.2-1 Creates ISO9660/ROCKRIDGE/JOLIET/HFS hybrid CD-ROM images. Linux/i386
slocate-2.0-3 Finds files on a system via a central database. Linux/i386
stat-1.5-11 A tool for finding out information about a specified file. Linux/i386
tree-1.2-6 A utility which displays a tree view of the contents of directories. Linux/i386
uudeview-0.5.13-5 Transmits and receives binary files over electronic lines. Linux/i386

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Best Linux team, Mon May 8 23:26:28 2000