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RPMs of Group Applications/System

GnoSamba-0.3.3-3 A GUI tool for configuring Samba, the SMB server. Linux/i386
SVGATextMode-1.8-4 A utility for improving the appearance of text consoles. Linux/i386
acua-2.10-3 An user account management system. Linux/i386
arpwatch-2.1a4-16 Network monitoring tools for tracking IP addresses on a network. Linux/i386
auth_ldap-1.4.0-1 This is a LDAP authentication module for Apache Linux/i386
autorpm-1.9.8-6 An RPM auto-installer and FTP site mirroring program. Linux/noarch
autorun-2.3-7 A program to automagically mount/play cdroms Linux/i386
bind-utils-8.2.2_P3-2 DNS utilities: host, dig, dnsquery, and nslookup. Linux/i386
comanche-990405-2 A front-end for configuring the Apache Web server. Linux/noarch
console-tools-19990302-17 Tools for configuring the console. Linux/i386
dialog-0.6-14 A utility for creating TTY dialog boxes. Linux/i386
diskcheck-3.1.1-5 A hard drive space monitor. Linux/noarch
dosfstools-2.2-1 A program which creates MS-DOS FAT filesystems on Linux systems. Linux/i386
ethereal-0.7.1-2 A network protocol analyzer. Linux/i386
ext2ed-0.1-19 An ext2 filesystem editor. Linux/i386
ext2resize-1.0.5-2 ext2resize - an ext2 filesystem resizer. Linux/i386
fbset-2.1-1 Utilities for changing video modes properties of a frame buffer device. Linux/i386
gfcc-0.7.1-1 A GTK+ application for controlling firewall policies and rules. Linux/i386
gnomba-0.4.1-1 A GUI Samba client. Linux/i386
gnome-linuxconf-0.23-2 The GNOME front-end for linuxconf. Linux/i386
gnome-utils-1.0.50-1 GNOME utility programs. Linux/i386
gnorpm-0.9-10 A graphical front-end to RPM for GNOME. Linux/i386
gps-0.2.1-1 A graphical system process monitor. Linux/i386
gtop-1.0.3-1 The GNOME system monitor. Linux/i386
hdparm-3.6-4 A utility for displaying and/or setting hard disk parameters. Linux/i386
iproute-2.2.4-2 Enhanced IP routing and network devices configuration tools Linux/i386
ipxutils- Tools for configuring and debugging IPX interfaces and networks. Linux/i386
isdn4k-utils-3.1-23 Utilities for configuring an ISDN subsystem. Linux/i386
isicom-1.0-2 Multitech IntelligentSerialInternal (ISI) Support Tools Linux/i386
kcmlaptop-0.82-2 A KDE control panel and battery monitor for laptop computers. Linux/i386
kcrontab-0.2.2-2 A crontab editor developed for KDE. Linux/i386
kdeadmin-1.1.2-9 K Desktop Environment - System Administration Tools Linux/i386
kdeutils-1.1.2-10 K Desktop Environment - Utilities Linux/i386
kdpms-0.2.7-6 kdpms - Configures the power management functions of your monitor. Linux/i386
kernelcfg-0.5-5 A Best Linux utility for configuring the kernel daemon. Linux/i386
knfsd-clients-1.4.7-7 Clients for connecting to a remote NFS server. Linux/i386
kpackage-1.3.10-3 Kpackage is a graphical RPM package manager for KDE. Linux/i386
kudzu-0.23-9 The Red Hat Linux hardware probing tool. Linux/i386New
linuxconf-1.17r2-8 An extremely capable system configuration tool. Linux/i386
locale_config-0.1-1 Locale configuration Linux/i386
logwatch-1.6.6-2 A log file analysis program. Linux/noarch
macutils-2.0b3-12 Utilities for manipulating Macintosh file formats. Linux/i386
magicdev-0.2.5-1 GNOME daemon to automatically mount/play CD's Linux/i386
mkdosfs-ygg-0.3b-11 A program which creates MS-DOS FAT filesystems on Linux systems. Linux/i386
mkisofs-1.12b5-6 Creates an image of an ISO9660 filesystem. Linux/i386
mkxauth-1.7-11 A utility for managing .Xauthority files. Linux/noarch
modemtool-1.21-6 A tool for selecting the serial port your modem is connected to. Linux/noarch
mt-st-0.5b-4 Programs to control tape device operations. Linux/i386
mtools-3.9.1-5 Programs for accessing MS-DOS disks without mounting the disks. Linux/i386
ncpfs- Utilities for the ncpfs filesystem, a NetWare client for Linux. Linux/i386
nessus-alpha2_fix4-3 The server portion of the Nessus security auditing tool. Linux/i386
nessus-client-alpha2_fix4-3 The client portion of the Nessus security auditing tool. Linux/i386
netcfg-2.21-1 A network configuration tool. Linux/noarch
open-1.4-6 A tool which will start a program on a virtual console. Linux/i386
pciutils-2.0-2 Linux PCI utilities. Linux/i386
portsentry-0.98-1 Stops port scanners like sniffit. Linux/i386
portslave-1.2.0pre10-1 A client for RADIUS servers. Linux/i386
procinfo-17-2 A tool for gathering and displaying system information. Linux/i386
procps-2.0.5-1 Utilities for monitoring your system and processes on your system. Linux/i386
procps-X11-2.0.5-1 An X based system message monitoring utility. Linux/i386
psacct-6.3-10 Utilities for monitoring process activities. Linux/i386
psmisc-18-3 Utilities for managing processes on your system. Linux/i386
rdate-0.960923-8 Retrieving the date and time from another machine on your network. Linux/i386
rdist-6.1.5-11 Maintains identical copies of files on multiple machines. Linux/i386
rhmask-1.0-6 Generates and restores mask files based on original and update files. Linux/i386
rp3-1.0.1-1 Red Hat Graphical PPP Management Tool Linux/i386
rpm2html-1.2-4 Translates an RPM database and dependency information into HTML. Linux/i386
rpmfind-1.4-3 Finds and transfers RPM files for a specified program. Linux/i386
sac-1.7-2 A system accounting program. Linux/i386
safedelete-1.3-6 A trashcan capability for file management. Linux/i386
samba-client-2.0.6-10 Samba (SMB) client programs. Linux/i386
samba-common-2.0.6-10 Files used by both Samba servers and clients. Linux/i386
sane-1.0.1-4 Scanner access software. Linux/i386
screen-3.9.4-3 A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal. Linux/i386
setconsole-1.0-8 Sets the system to use either a local terminal or a serial console. Linux/noarch
setserial-2.15-2 A utility for configuring serial ports. Linux/i386
setuptool-1.2-3 A text mode configuration tool. Linux/i386
statserial-1.1-14 A tool which displays the status of serial port modem lines. Linux/i386
sudo-1.5.9p2-1 Allows restricted root access for specified users. Linux/i386
swatch-2.2-8 A utility for monitoring system logs files. Linux/noarch
symlinks-1.2-6 A utility which maintains a system's symbolic links. Linux/i386
time-1.7-9 A GNU utility for monitoring a program's use of system resources. Linux/i386
timeconfig-3.0.1-2 Text mode tools for setting system time parameters. Linux/i386
timetool-2.7.1-1 A utility for setting the system's date and time. Linux/noarch
tksysv-1.0-6 An X editor for editing runlevel services. Linux/noarch
tunelp-1.3-10 A configuration tool for certain lp device parameters. Linux/i386
ucd-snmp-utils-4.0.1-5 Network management utilities using SNMP, from the UCD-SNMP project. Linux/i386
usermode-1.18-1 Graphical tools for certain user account management tasks. Linux/i386
usernet-1.0.9-2 A graphical utility for controlling network interfaces. Linux/i386
vlock-1.3-2 A program which locks one or more virtual consoles. Linux/i386
vnc-3.3.3-2 A remote display system. Linux/i386
webalizer-1.30.04-1 A Web server log file analysis program. Linux/i386
which-2.8-1 Displays where a particular program in your path is located. Linux/i386
xcpustate-2.5-5 An X Window System based CPU state monitor. Linux/i386
xisdnload-1.38-23 An ISDN connection load average display for the X Window System. Linux/i386
xosview-1.7.1-2 An X Window System utility for monitoring system resources. Linux/i386
xsysinfo-1.7-1 An X Window System kernel parameter monitoring tool. Linux/i386
xtoolwait-1.2-2 A utility which aims to decrease X session startup time. Linux/i386

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Best Linux team, Mon May 8 23:26:28 2000