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RPMs of Group Development/Languages

compat-egcs-5.2-1.0.3a.1 Experimental GNU Compiler System for Best Linux 5.2 backwards compatibility Linux/i386
compat-egcs-c++-5.2-1.0.3a.1 C++ support for Best Linux 5.2 & 5.3 backwards compatibility C compiler Linux/i386
compat-egcs-g77-5.2-1.0.3a.1 Fortran 77 support for Best 5.2 backwards compatibility C compiler Linux/i386
compat-egcs-objc-5.2-1.0.3a.1 Ojective C support for Best Linux 5.2 & 5.3 backwards compatibility C compiler Linux/i386
cpp-1.1.2-30 The GNU C-Compatible Compiler Preprocessor. Linux/i386
dev86-0.14.9-1 A real mode 80x86 assembler and linker. Linux/i386
egcs-1.1.2-30 The GNU Compiler Collection. Linux/i386
egcs-c++-1.1.2-30 C++ support for the gcc compiler. Linux/i386
egcs-g77-1.1.2-30 Fortran 77 support for the gcc compiler. Linux/i386
egcs-objc-1.1.2-30 Objective C support for the gcc compiler. Linux/i386
expect-5.28-30 A tcl extension for simplifying program-script interaction. Linux/i386
guavac-1.2-4 A Java compiler written in C++ for high performance. Linux/i386
itcl-3.0.1-30 object oriented mega widgets for tcl Linux/i386
kaffe-1.0.b4-2 A free virtual machine for running Java(TM) code. Linux/i386
p2c-1.22-3 A Pascal to C translator. Linux/i386
p2c-devel-1.22-3 Files for p2c Pascal to C translator development. Linux/i386
perl-5.00503-7 The Perl programming language. Linux/i386
pygnome-1.0.4-3 Python bindings for the GNOME libraries. Linux/i386
pygtk-0.6.2-3 Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set. Linux/i386
pygtk-libglade-0.6.2-3 A wrapper for the libglade library for use with PyGTK Linux/i386
python-1.5.2-14 An interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming language. Linux/i386
tcl-8.0.5-30 An embeddable scripting language. Linux/i386
tclx-8.0.5-30 Tcl/Tk extensions for POSIX systems. Linux/i386
tix- A set of capable widgets for Tk. Linux/i386
tk-8.0.5-30 Tk GUI toolkit for Tcl, with shared libraries Linux/i386
tkinter-1.5.2-14 A graphical user interface for the Python scripting language. Linux/i386

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Best Linux team, Mon May 8 23:26:28 2000