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RPMs beginning with letter M

m4-1.4-12 The GNU macro processor. Linux/i386
macutils-2.0b3-12 Utilities for manipulating Macintosh file formats. Linux/i386
magicdev-0.2.5-1 GNOME daemon to automatically mount/play CD's Linux/i386
mailcap-2.0.3-1 Associates helper applications with particular file types. Linux/noarch
mailx-8.1.1-9 The /bin/mail program, which is used to send mail via shell scripts. Linux/i386
majordomo-1.94.5-4 A list management program that uses e-mail for list administration. Linux/i386
make-3.77-6 A GNU tool which simplifies the build process for users. Linux/i386
MAKEDEV-2.5-2 A script for creating the device files in /dev. Linux/noarch
man-1.5g-6 A set of documentation tools: man, apropos and whatis. Linux/i386
man-pages-1.26-6 Man (manual) pages from the Linux Documentation Project. Linux/noarch
mars-nwe-0.99pl17-5 NetWare file and print servers which run on Linux systems. Linux/i386
mawk-1.2.2-11 An interpreter for the awk programming language. Linux/i386
mc-4.5.39-0.93 A user-friendly file manager and visual shell. Linux/i386
mcserv-4.5.39-0.93 Server for the Midnight Commander network file management system. Linux/i386
Mesa-3.0-3 A 3-D graphics library with an API very similar to OpenGL's. Linux/i386
Mesa-demos-3.0-3 Demo programs for the Mesa 3-D graphics library. Linux/i386
Mesa-devel-3.0-3 The development environment for the Mesa 3-D graphics library. Linux/i386
Mesa-glut-3.0-3 The GLUT library for Mesa/OpenGL 3-D graphics. Linux/i386
Mesa-glut-devel-3.0-3 The GLUT development environment for Mesa/OpenGL 3-D graphics. Linux/i386
metamail-2.7-22 A program for handling multimedia mail using the mailcap file. Linux/i386
mgetty-1.1.21-2 A getty replacement for use with data and fax modems. Linux/i386
mgetty-sendfax-1.1.21-2 Provides support for sending faxes over a modem. Linux/i386
mgetty-viewfax-1.1.21-2 An X Window System fax viewer. Linux/i386
mgetty-voice-1.1.21-2 A program for using your modem and mgetty as an answering machine. Linux/i386
mgp-1.06a-1 X based presentation software. Linux/i386
micq-0.4.1-1 A clone of the Mirabilis ICQ online messaging program. Linux/i386
mingetty-0.9.4-10 A compact getty program for virtual consoles only. Linux/i386
minicom-1.82.1-1 A text-based modem control and terminal emulation program. Linux/i386
mirror-2.9-4 A Perl program for mirroring FTP sites. Linux/noarch
mkbootdisk-1.2.2-1 Creates an initial ramdisk image for preloading modules. Linux/i386
mkdosfs-ygg-0.3b-11 A program which creates MS-DOS FAT filesystems on Linux systems. Linux/i386
mkhybrid-1.12b5.2-1 Creates ISO9660/ROCKRIDGE/JOLIET/HFS hybrid CD-ROM images. Linux/i386
mkinitrd-2.3.2-2 Creates an initial ramdisk image for preloading modules. Linux/i386
mkisofs-1.12b5-6 Creates an image of an ISO9660 filesystem. Linux/i386
mkkickstart-1.3-1 Writes a kickstart description of the current machine. Linux/noarch
mktemp-1.5-1 A small utility for safely making /tmp files. Linux/i386
mkxauth-1.7-11 A utility for managing .Xauthority files. Linux/noarch
mod_perl-1.21-2 A Perl interpreter for the Apache Web server. Linux/i386
mod_php-2.0.1-9 The PHP/FI PHP language module for the Apache Web server. Linux/i386
mod_php3-3.0.9-1 The PHP3 HTML-embedded scripting language for use with Apache. Linux/i386
mod_php3-imap-3.0.9-1 IMAP module for PHP3. Linux/i386
mod_php3-manual-3.0.9-1 On-line manual for PHP3 Linux/i386
modemtool-1.21-6 A tool for selecting the serial port your modem is connected to. Linux/noarch
modutils-2.1.121-15 The kernel daemon (kerneld) and kernel module utilities. Linux/i386
moonclock-1.0-15 A clock which also displays the current moon phase. Linux/i386
mount-2.9u-4 Programs for mounting and unmounting filesystems. Linux/i386
mouseconfig-4.1-2 The Red Hat Linux mouse configuration tool. Linux/i386
mpage-2.4-7 A tool for printing multiple pages of text on each printed page. Linux/i386
MPEG-1.2.2-4 An MPEG video format encoder and decoder. Linux/i386
mpg123-0.59r-2 MPEG audio player. Linux/i386
mrouted-3.9b3-1 Multicast Route Daemon Linux/i386
mswordview-0.5.14bw3-2Indy MSWord 8 binary file format -> HTML converter Linux/i386
mt-st-0.5b-4 Programs to control tape device operations. Linux/i386
mtools-3.9.1-5 Programs for accessing MS-DOS disks without mounting the disks. Linux/i386
multimedia-2.1-15 Several X utilities mainly for use with multimedia files. Linux/i386
mutt-1.0pre3us-1 A text mode mail user agent. Linux/i386
mysql-3.20.32a-2 MySQL database Linux/i386
mysql-bench-3.20.32a-2 Mysql - Benchmarks Linux/i386
mysql-client-3.20.32a-2 Mysql - Client Linux/i386
mysql-devel-3.20.32a-2 Mysql - Perl Module and mysqlaccess script Linux/i386
mysql-perl-3.20.32a-2 Mysql - Perl Modules Linux/i386

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Best Linux team, Mon May 8 23:26:28 2000