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RPMs beginning with letter P

p2c-1.22-3 A Pascal to C translator. Linux/i386
p2c-devel-1.22-3 Files for p2c Pascal to C translator development. Linux/i386
pam-0.68-8 A security tool which provides authentication for applications. Linux/i386
pam_ldap-36-1 LDAP Pluggable Authentication Module Linux/i386
passwd-0.63-1 The passwd utility for setting/changing passwords using PAM. Linux/i386
patch-2.5-9 The GNU patch command, for modifying/upgrading files. Linux/i386
pciutils-2.0-2 Linux PCI utilities. Linux/i386
pciutils-devel-2.0-2 Linux PCI development library Linux/i386
pdksh-5.2.14-1 A public domain clone of the Korn shell (ksh). Linux/i386
perl-5.00503-7 The Perl programming language. Linux/i386
perl-Convert-BER-1.26-4 Convert-BER module for perl (./Convert) Linux/i386
perl-libnet-1.0606-4 libnet module for perl (Networking_Devices_IPC/Net) Linux/i386
perl-Period-1.20-4 Period module for perl (./Time) Linux/i386
perl-Time-HiRes-01.20-4 Time-HiRes module for perl (./Time) Linux/i386
perl-TimeDate-1.08-4 TimeDate module for perl (./Time) Linux/i386
pgp-2.6.3i-10 Pretty Good Privacy encryption system (international version) Linux/i386
php-3.0.12-7 The PHP HTML-embedded scripting language for use with Apache. Linux/i386
php-imap-3.0.12-7 IMAP module for PHP3. Linux/i386
php-ldap-3.0.12-7 LDAP directory module for PHP3. Linux/i386
php-manual-3.0.12-7 On-line manual for PHP3 Linux/i386
phpfi-2.0.1-10 The PHP/FI PHP language module for the Apache Web server. Linux/i386
pico-4.10-39 Small, easy to use editor. Linux/i386
pidentd-3.0.7-6 An implementation of the RFC1413 identification server. Linux/i386
pine-4.10-4 A commonly used, MIME compliant mail and news reader. Linux/i386
playmidi-2.4-8 A MIDI sound file player. Linux/i386
playmidi-X11-2.4-8 An X Window System based MIDI sound file player. Linux/i386
plugger-3.0-1 A generic netscape plug-in Linux/i386
pmake-2.1.33-5 The BSD 4.4 version of make. Linux/i386
pmake-customs-2.1.33-5 A remote execution facility for pmake. Linux/i386
pnm2ppa-0.8.9pre1-1 Drivers for printing to HP PPA printers Linux/i386New
popt-1.4-1 A C library for parsing command line parameters. Linux/i386
portmap-4.0-17 A program which manages RPC connections. Linux/i386
portsentry-0.98-1 Stops port scanners like sniffit. Linux/i386
portslave-1.2.0pre10-1 A client for RADIUS servers. Linux/i386
ppp-2.3.10-3 The PPP daemon and documentation for Linux 1.3.xx and greater. Linux/i386
pptpd-0.9.10-3 A PPTP server daemon. Linux/i386
printtool-3.44-2 A printer configuration tool with a graphical user interface. Linux/noarchNew
procinfo-17-2 A tool for gathering and displaying system information. Linux/i386
procmail-3.13.1-4 The procmail mail processing program. Linux/i386
procps-2.0.5-1 Utilities for monitoring your system and processes on your system. Linux/i386
procps-X11-2.0.5-1 An X based system message monitoring utility. Linux/i386
psacct-6.3-10 Utilities for monitoring process activities. Linux/i386
psgml-1.0.3-6 A GNU emacs major mode for editing SGML documents. Linux/noarch
psmisc-18-3 Utilities for managing processes on your system. Linux/i386
pump-0.7.2-2 Bootp and dhcp client for automatic IP configuration Linux/i386
pvm-3.4.1-2 Libraries for distributed computing. Linux/i386
pwdb-0.60-1 The password database library. Linux/i386
pygnome-1.0.4-3 Python bindings for the GNOME libraries. Linux/i386
pygtk-0.6.2-3 Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set. Linux/i386
pygtk-libglade-0.6.2-3 A wrapper for the libglade library for use with PyGTK Linux/i386
python-1.5.2-14 An interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming language. Linux/i386
python-devel-1.5.2-14 The libraries and header files needed for Python development. Linux/i386
python-docs-1.5.2-14 Documentation for the Python programming language. Linux/i386
python-tools-1.5.2-14 A collection of development tools included with Python. Linux/i386
pythonlib-1.23-1 A library of Python code used by various Best Linux programs. Linux/noarch

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Best Linux team, Mon May 8 23:26:28 2000