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RPMs beginning with letter T

t1accent-19980521-3 Adds accented letters to Type1 fonts. Linux/i386
t1lib-0.9.1-2 Generates character and string glyphs from Adobe Type 1 fonts. Linux/i386
talk-0.11-3 Talk client for one-on-one Internet chatting. Linux/i386
taper-6.9a-1 A menu-driven file backup system. Linux/i386
tar-1.13.11-1 A GNU file archiving program. Linux/i386
tcl-8.0.5-30 An embeddable scripting language. Linux/i386
tclx-8.0.5-30 Tcl/Tk extensions for POSIX systems. Linux/i386
tcp_wrappers-7.6-9 A security tool which acts as a wrapper for TCP daemons. Linux/i386
tcpdump-3.4-16 A network traffic monitoring tool. Linux/i386
tcsh-6.08.00-6 An enhanced version of csh, the C shell. Linux/i386
telnet-0.10-32 The client and server programs for the telnet remote login protocol. Linux/i386
termcap-9.12.6-15 The terminal feature database used by certain applications. Linux/i386
texinfo-3.12h-2 Tools needed to create Texinfo format documentation files. Linux/i386
textutils-2.0-2 A set of GNU text file modifying utilities. Linux/i386
tftp-0.15-1 The client and server for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). Linux/i386
time-1.7-9 A GNU utility for monitoring a program's use of system resources. Linux/i386
timeconfig-3.0.1-2 Text mode tools for setting system time parameters. Linux/i386
timed-0.10-23 Programs for maintaining networked machines' time synchronization. Linux/i386
timetool-2.7.1-1 A utility for setting the system's date and time. Linux/noarch
tin-1.4_990517-1 A basic Internet news reader. Linux/i386
tix- A set of capable widgets for Tk. Linux/i386
tk-8.0.5-30 Tk GUI toolkit for Tcl, with shared libraries Linux/i386
tkinter-1.5.2-14 A graphical user interface for the Python scripting language. Linux/i386
tksysv-1.0-6 An X editor for editing runlevel services. Linux/noarch
TkZip-1.0.8-1 GUI archive tool Linux/noarch
tmpwatch-2.0-1 A utility for removing files based on when they were last accessed. Linux/i386
traceroute-1.4a5-16 Traces the route taken by packets over a TCP/IP network. Linux/i386
transfig-3.2.1-3 A utility for converting FIG files (made by xfig) to other formats. Linux/i386
tree-1.2-6 A utility which displays a tree view of the contents of directories. Linux/i386
trn-3.6-18 A news reader that displays postings in threaded format. Linux/i386
ttfonts-1.3-4 free True Type Fonts Linux/i386
tunelp-1.3-10 A configuration tool for certain lp device parameters. Linux/i386
type1inst-0.6.1-1 Generates fonts.scale for X servers. Linux/noarch

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Best Linux team, Mon May 8 23:26:28 2000