Upgrade from v2.0e to v2.0f Remount the disk read/write (remount w). Make sure to rename or backup files that you have made changes to (rc.local, snmpd.conf or similar) and kill the running daemons: cron, klogd, syslogd and dhcpd. Copy the patch to /tmp and in the / directory do: tar zxpf /tmp/patch.20e-20f.tar.gz Remount the disk read-only (remount r). Restart the daemons (or simply reboot the system). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Added or changed files (included in the tar file): default etc/.version etc/crontabs etc/rc.d/rc.local etc/snmpd.conf bin/ping usr/bin/bc usr/bin/crontab usr/bin/wc usr/sbin/cron usr/sbin/cronmail usr/sbin/daemoncheck usr/sbin/klogd usr/sbin/syslogd sbin/arping sbin/configure sbin/dhcpd sbin/rdisc sbin/tracepath Stuff that has been removed or must be changed by hand: /etc/motd must be edited to say 2.0f instead of 2.0e