Upgrade from v5.16 to v5.17 Remount the disk read/write (remount w). Make sure to rename or backup files that you have made changes to. Copy the patch to /tmp and in the /tmp directory do: tar Uzxpf /tmp/patch.516-517.tar.gz Adjust config files, restart daemons and remount the disk read-only (remount r). -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 327 7 jun 10.33 ./etc/hosts -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6 22 sep 12.31 ./etc/.version -r--r--r-- 1 root root 170589 20 maj 13.47 ./lib/libpcap.so.0.8.3 -r-x------ 1 root root 18249 7 jun 10.37 ./sbin/configure* ---x------ 1 root root 567392 5 apr 13.21 ./sbin/dhcpd* ---x------ 1 root root 150740 5 apr 13.21 ./sbin/dhcrelay* ---x------ 1 root root 81316 5 apr 13.09 ./sbin/ethtool* ---x------ 1 root root 512912 12 apr 11.55 ./sbin/ip6tables* ---x------ 1 root root 556188 12 apr 11.55 ./sbin/iptables* ---x--x--x 1 root root 132 14 sep 13.52 ./usr/bin/ipsort* ---x------ 1 root root 140072 14 sep 13.59 ./usr/sbin/arpwatch* ---x------ 1 root root 491464 20 maj 13.46 ./usr/sbin/tcpdump* Stuff that has been removed or must be changed by hand: Edit /etc/motd to change the version number.