.TH ports.conf 5 "October 30, 2002" "rltools #VERSION#" "" .SH NAME ports.conf \- configuration for ports program .SH SYNOPSIS The \fBports.cnf\fP file contains configuration for the ports program, used to update and list the ports collection for the system. .SH FILE FORMAT The file consists of variables that is parsed to the ports program on startup. The file contains parameters of the form \fBVARIABLE\fP = \fBVALUE\fP Recognized variables are currently: \fBPSERVER\fP - The ports server. The official one is ftp.sunet.se. The server can also be in the form of an IP address. Do not include 'rsync://' in this variable. \fBPPATH\fP - The correct path to the ports collection for ROOT. The correct one for the official server ftp.sunet.se is 'pub/Linux/distributions/rootlinux/rootlinux-VERSION/ports'. \fBPUSER\fP - If the ports server requires a username for login, specify it here. If there is no need for a username, it should be set to 'anonymous'. .SH VERSION .PP This manual page describes ports.conf (rltools) version #VERSION#. .SH SEE ALSO ports(8), rsync(1) .SH AUTHOR John Eriksson