.TH srestart 8 "January 20, 2006" "rltools #VERSION#" "" .SH NAME srestart \- restart specified service .SH SYNOPSIS .BI "srestart [" SERVICE... "] .SH DESCRIPTION .B srestart restarts the service specified as the first argument to the program. The service must have an installed service-script in the /etc/rc.d/services directory. This script handles the actual starting and stopping of the service - .B srestart will only call the script with the argument .B stop and then with the argument .B start. .B srestart stands for "service restart". .SH "OPTIONS" .TP .B "\-h, \-\-help" display help and exit .TP .B "\-v, \-\-version" output version information and exit .SH SEE ALSO sstart(8), sstop(8), init(8) .SH AUTHOR John Eriksson