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Record II: The Fragmented Statutes of the Commune of Biella of the Fourteenth Century. VII. The Collection of the Fragments of the Statutes of the Commune of Biella of the Fourteenth Century. VIII. Record III: The Book of the Sacred Ordinances of the Consuls and Officials of the Commune. IX. Concerning the Podesta. X. The Statutes concerning Dowries. XI. The Privileges, Immunities, Honors, Liberties and Customary Law of the Commune of Biella. XII. The Collection of the three Records. XIII. Record IV: The Statutes concerning the Sindication of the Podesta. XIV. The Collection of the Statutes concerning the Sindication of the Podesta. XV. Record V: The Statutes of the Wrongdoers of the Commune of Biella. XVI. Record VI: The Statutes of the Notaries of Biella. XVII. The Collection of the Statutes of the Notaries of Biella. XVIII. Record VII: The Book of the Statutes of all of the Magistrates of the Commune of Biella. XIX. The Statutes of the Iron Workers. XX. The Statutes of the Candle-makers. XXI. The Statutes of the Tailors. XXII. The Statutes of the Weavers. XXIII. The Statutes of the Drapers. XXIV. The Statutes of the Mace-Bearers. XXV. The Statutes of the Butchers. XXVI. The Collection of the Statutes of the Iron Workers. XXVII. The Collection of the Statutes of the Candle-makers. XXVIII. The Collection of the Statutes of the Tailors. XXIX. The Collection of the Statutes of the Weavers. XXX. The Collection of the Statutes of the Drapers. XXXI. The Collection of the Statutes of the Mace-Bearers. XXXII. The Collection of the Statutes of the Butchers. PR EFACE In the last twenty years of his life's work and in the little time which he had free from the work of Parliament, Quintinus Sella turned his attention to the history of his hometown, Biella. Conscious of how much exacting and thorough labor would be necessary in an orderly and copious archive, he not only immediately gave himself over to the task of reorganizing the Archive of Biella, which had been long uncared for and reduced because it was, in short, a pile of badly annotated parchment, but, by going through every one of the villages of the surrounding area with caution and diligence, he also succeeded in causing them to give the long important documents to the Commune. At the completion of this first task, he had the good fortune and the job of bringing back to Biella the ancient statutes of the Commune. In the first half of the thirteenth century, these statutes had been given in a communication to the commune of the Abbot Augusto Avogado. The heirs, ignorant of the statutes' provenance, gave them to the Library of the Duke of Genoa in Torino, where they remained in the bottom of a wardrobe from 1250 or 1251 until 1867. They were then discovered by the Caviliere Pietro Vayra when he edited the catalogue. Quintinus Sella in 1874 demanded that they be restored to the Commune of Biella. The Duke of Genoa, informed of the provenance, consented. On that occasion, Sella, in power for a period of eight years, brought back to Biella various documents of the Archive of State of Torino through the medium of the Committee of the Storia Patria. And the Archive of Biella considered itself more or less complete; only the statutes of Masserano and some documents of the fifteenth century which remained in the archive of that commune were lacking, but it was hoped that these documents would quickly come to be deposited in the Archive of Biella. They remained lost property or, as it were, in the archives of some Biellanese families: The Ferrero Fieschi, the Gromis, the Dal Pozzo, the Vialardi, the Mossi, the Bulgaro, and a few others who, however, had (in their possession), because of an oversight which was made in various ways, as it were, documents totally of familial interest. With the documents reunited, he began the difficult labor of reorganizing all of the thousands of documents: this was accomplished by Sella with the precious help of Vayra. The archive, situated in the Professional School of Biella, now consists of some 220 collection boxes in the form of volumes of sheets containing the documents each in a suitable envelope: one accurate card index completed the beautiful work. The documents extend to 1600, that is, to the beginning of the decline of the Commune of Biella. The other many documents that are prior to 1600, with which Sella was not yet occupied, now came to be reorganized by the diligent Professor Roccavella. It was he who quickly at last saw the archive completed as far as the more recent era. It was not he who made the history of the archive of Biella, which was not more interesting, but in complete similarity to that of another archive: the disorderly, the hidden, the lost pages of the document ending at a more remote era (this fact was attested to by numerous documents compressed in four portfolios in the archive) belongs to communes of many other regions. They only observed that "none of the ancient piedmontese cities appeared to be considerable number of the codici and documentary statutes ....the documents of the first period that encompass the years 882-1379 add up to more than 800." But, it was with great pleasure that I, a Biellesean, can quote to this point the opinion of a Frenchman on the archive of Biella. And, Lamiere, in one of his recent writings, states, "The marvelous sources preserved in the communal archives of Biella are relevant to one entity, the Ancient Law," an idea reaffirmed by the long drawn out course of the labor. Alas, I do not know with precision the limits of the work which Quintinus Sella intended to complete for Biella; but, I certainly believe, given his love for the complete project, that he had wished to write a complete history of Biella and the Biellanese from each point of view. Meanwhile, as at the beginning of a greater work, he had begun to concern himself with the Statutes of Biella and, with the assistance of Vayra, he had not yet begun the copy or the publication. However, since the Codex Astensis, as it was known, which had been carried from Vienna to Asti, had come into his hands in 1876, and, as it had occurred a little while earlier, the Statuta Comunis had been carried from Biella to Torino, he suspended the study of the one project to give himself over to that of another fine codex. He was already well advanced with the not insignificant work when the end of his life came. The Codex Astensis saw the light, after the vote of the Accademia dei Lincei, with the assistance of Sella's initials and thanks to the care of Vayra. The statutes of Biella remained for many years in ten published sheets; it was nonetheless in these sheet that they had Sella's legacy. I, both because of the duty of blood and because of a grand veneration, had the obligation of its complete publication. Still, not being able to arrive at the perfection to which the mind of Quintinus Sella might have led me, I believe that it is useful to my labor that I will be able to complete the work myself; in any event "We will examine the long study and the grand love." .... The Statutory documents of the Commune of Biella are: Mon. I: Statuta Comunis Bugelle (1245) et collegii drapariorum Bugelle et Vernati (1438). [The Statutes of the Commune of Biella (1245) and of the College of the Drapers of Biella and Vernati (1348).] Mon. II: Statutorum Comunis Bugelle seculi XIV fragmentum. [The Fragments of the Statutes of the Commune of Biella of the XIV century.] Mon. III. A. Liber sacramentorum consulum et officialum comunis (without a date). A. The Book of the Sacred Ordinances of the Consuls and Officials of the Commune. B. De potestate. (without a date). B. Concerning the Podesta. C. Statuta de dotibus. (1454-1455) C. The Statutes concerning Dowries. D. Privilegia, Immunitates, Honorancie, Libertates et Consuetudines Comunis Bugella. (without a date) [The Privileges, Immunities, Honors, Liberties, and Common Law of the Commune of Biella] Mon. IV: Statuta super sindicatione potestatis Bugelle eiusve familie. (without a date) [The Statutes concerning the Sindication of the Podesta of Biella and his Household.] Mon. V: Statuta maleficorum Comunis Bugelle (without a date). [The Statutes of the Wrongdoers of the Commune of Biella.] Mon. VI: Statuta notariorum Bugelle. (1429) [The Statutes of the Notaries of Biella.] Mon. VII: Liber statutorum et ordinamentorum omnium magistrariarum Comunis Bugelle: [The Book of the Statutes and Ordinances of all of the Magistrates of the Commune of Biella.] A. Statuta ferrariorum (1275) [Statutes of the Iron-workers]. B. Statuta calegariorum (1291) [Statutes of the Candle-makers]. C. Statuta sartorum. (1296) [Statutes of the Tailors] D. Statuta textorum. (1310) [Statutes of the Weavers] E. Statuta drapariorum. (1348) [Statutes of the Drapers] F. Statuta massariorum. (1385) [Statutes of the Mace-bearers] G. Statuta beccariorum. (?) [Statutes of the Butchers] The statutes of the magistrates and the statutes of the mace-bearers was not included; the copy of the document had come to an end. The printing was added to the statutes of the notaries. From this memorial, the documents related somehow to the proceeding statutes did follow in the following order: Mon. I: Documenta adiecta monumentis I, II, III, IV, V. Mon. II: Documenta adiecta monumento VI. Mon. III: Documenta adiecta monumento VII. Mon. IV: Documenta adiecta monumento VIII B. Mon. V: Documenta adiecta monumento VII E. Mon. VI: Documenta adiecta monumento VII G. At the part relative to my commune, I am stopping in the year 1600 which, approximately signals the end of the commune, but also its complete absorption by the party of Casa Savoia; besides, through the skills by which I can discover documents, I have come to the point at which I am on the footsteps of a colleague. A PALEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE STATUTES The codex of the ancient statutes which remains for us, although it may be included with the Statutes of 1245, is not of the same date, but, as it so often happens, one copy of a much later date was included together with the statutes of 1245; other subsequent statutes may be under the form of interlinear or marginal additions. Therefore, it will be necessary to proceed to a paleographic survey to seek to determine the age of the codex and the relative age of the various additions. Our present codex is under the form of a beautiful volume of 89 membranaceous sheets of 23X34 cm, relegated by the diligence of Quintinus Sella between two little boards of wood, as it was formerly in ancient times. One first glance at it some time ago made note of the fact that the characters that form the basis for the codex are of the same hand of the beginning of the fourteenth century, neat, written in a beautiful black ink, with diligence, and with the initial miniature letters in red. These characters form the greater part of almost all of the rubrics of the codex (I saw in the text of the statutes a note relative to the various additions and in the present state of the articles); at its glance, the articles written by the various other hands with more or less diligence are without the miniature initial (letters) and are certainly subsequent to the aforesaid characters. Among the various characters of the subsequent additions, connections can not be discovered with certainty, but I have allowed myself to recognize the age or at least the succession of some of them. First, to look for the age of the principal character (book hand), n. 1., as I call it, I will examine a single rubric, from which springs the solution to the problem. Rubric I occupies sheets 1-6 and sheets 8 and 9 (which are on the back and on the black side of the sheet); sheet 7 occupies part of Rubric II, an error derived from a mistaken sewing, a kind of ab antico, of the sheets. The sheets from 1-30 are all of hand n. 1. and of the year of the aforesaid characters; those from 31-37 are of various subsequent hands; from sheets 37-44, the hand appears to be one only and was probably drawn to the addition intact without subsequent modification. It is apparent to me that it is one of the last additions made in the first code to proceed to the editing of the editing of the other codex that remains here with the title, Statutum Comunis Bugelle seculi XIV fragmentum and of which I will speak a little later. Rubric II occupies sheets 7, 10 and 11 (sheet 11 is on the back and the blank side). All of the articles of this rubric are of the hand n. 1; the last (sheet) is excluded (a. 59), which is subsequent, of another hand, without the miniature initial letter. Rubric III occupies sheets 12 and 13. Articles 60-65 are of hand n. 1.; the others, 66-70, are of a different and later hand, without the miniature initial (letters). Rubric IIII occupies sheets 14, 15, and 16. Articles 71- 80 are of hand n. 1.; also, although there are no initial miniature (letters), it appears that article 74 is an additional statement at the bottom of sheet 14 and that one can, with every probability, consider it contemporaneous with the book hand n. 1. Article 81, added at the bottom of sheet 15, without the miniature initial letters, is certainly a remarkable subsequent addition to another article. Articles 82-88 are of the hand n. 1. 89-93 are later, the work of various hands. Articles 92 and 93 are therefore of the same characters and they are therefore considered contemporaneous. Rubric V occupies sheets 17 and 18 (the back of sheet 18 is blank). Articles 94-100 are in the same hand n. 1.; 102 and 103 are of a different subsequent hand. Rubric VI occupies sheets 19, 20, 21, and 22 (the back of sheet 22 is blank). Articles 104-111 are of hand n. 1.; Article 112 is of different characters, although they do have miniature initials and they are in the middle of the page; it is a difficult decision. It is perhaps the one addition in the edition that the empty space, if I am permitted, was filled in with a compressed hand and is considered contemporaneous. Articles 113-120 are of the new hand n. 1. Article 121 is of another hand. 122, 123, and 124 respectively are of a uniform hand and therefore are respectively contemporaneous; of 121, it is clear that it is the characters of the addition. Rubric VII occupies sheets 23, 24, and 25 (Sheet 31 is on the blank side). Articles 144-165 are in hand n.1.; Article 138 was added to the bottom of the back of sheet 24, and the initial letters are not miniatures, but they are certainly in another hand. Article 143, however, is a subsequent addition of a variant hand. Rubric VIII occupies sheets 27-30 (Sheet 31 is on the blank side). Articles 144-165 are in hand n.1.; it is this article that comes to supply us with a first date, truthfully anchored with much inaccuracy, through the determination of the age of hand n.1. The fact is that Article 144 at the end, as a linear addition, says: "MCCCXXXV pendet"; consequently the article is prior to 1335. The first result perhaps can be surmised on the sole criteria of calligraphy, but it is not entirely useless that the first argument is not likewise precise. We will have a better determination (of the date) later. Articles 166-169 are a later addition of a variant hand. Rubric IX occupies sheets 32 and 33 (The back of Sheet 33 is on the blank side). Article 170-173 is of hand n.1. Article 174 is of another hand, without the miniature initial letter and is a later addition. Rubric X occupies sheets 34 and 35 (The back of Sheet 35 is on the blank side). Articles 175 and 178 are of hand n.1.; the remaining articles, 179-181, are of a variant and subsequent hand. Rubric XI occupies sheets 36, 37, and 38 (The back of Sheet 38 is on the blank side). Articles 182-191 are in hand n.1.; articles 192-195 are a subsequent addition of a variant hand; on the other hand, articles 192 and 193 bear respectively the dates of 1317 and 1318; consequently, the character n. 1. is certainly prior to that date and, perhaps even more given my inclination to say that they are the same, the difference between the writing of n.1. and this hand is not very great. Rubric XII occupies sheets 39-42. Articles 196-210 are in hand n.1.; the other articles, 211-223 are of a variant and later hand; articles 221-222 are of the same hand, appearing a second time. Rubric XIII occupies sheets 43-44. Articles 224-229 are of hand n.1.; the other articles, 230-238, are all later additions of a variant hand. Rubric XIIII occupies sheets 45-51. Articles 239-266 are of hand n.1.; Articles 266-270 are of a variant hand. Article 260 has the written (phrase): MCCCXXII dispensatum est per credenciam usque ad voluntatem ipsius credentie; thus, it is confirmed that hand n.1. is prior to 1322. Surely, it is certain, given the knoiwledge supplied in Rubric XI. Article 261 is later: "MCCCXXVIIII positum est super hoc statuto vacat"; so that it is given that it was old prior to 1329. Article 270 is the last rubric and has the following text: "anno currente MCCCXIII"; therefore, it is with certainty that the addition of this rubric was placed first in 1323. Rubric XV occupies sheets 52-54 (the back of sheet 54 is blank). Articles 271-283 are of hand n.1; articles 184 and 285 are of a variant hand and added later. Rubric XVI occupies sheet 56 (the back if sheet 56 is blank). All of the rubrics are of the same hand n.1. without additional articles, but with various interlinear additions. Rubric XVII occupies sheets 57-59 (the back of sheet 59 is blank). All of the Articles of this rubric, the last exception, are of the same hand n.1. Rubric XVIII occupies sheet 60 (Sheet 61 is blank). Articles 308-311 are of hand n.1.; the others, 312-314, are of a variant hand and a later addition. Rubric XIX occupies sheets 62-64 (the back of sheet 64 is blank), and articles 315-325 are of hand n.1. "MCCCXII iNDIC. X" is written in red above Article 225. Then, this article is of 1312 and, therefore, the character n.1. is of 1312. Therefore, after the approximation of the real age, we can with certainty conclude that the codex which we have is of 1312 and that the additions are later than that year. Cesare Poma (Gli Statuti del Comune di Biella del 1245, Biella, Amosso, 1885) arrived at this same conclusion based purely on the character of the minatures of the initial (letter) and considered the articles which have the initial miniature (letter) to be contemporaneous. A conclusion which seems to me to be embellished, but he fully justified himself, if he would have resorted to the later certain criterion of the identity of the character. Articles 326-328 are later additions of a variant kind; article 328 is of a later hand of 1331, in the year of the construction of the Roggia del Piano. Rubric XX occupies sheet 65 (The following sheet 66 is blank). Articles 329-332 are of hand n.1. Articles 333 and 334 are later additions of a different era. Rubric XXI, which occupies sheet 67 (The following sheet 68 is blank) are all of hand n.1, with the exception of Article 341, which is a later addition. Rubric XXII occupies sheets 69-76. Articles 342-364 are all of hand n.1; Articles 315, 366, 367 are dated in 1314, 1317, and 1318 and are of a variant hand. The other articles, 368-385, are later additions, written with little order and are all later than 1318. Articles 373 and 374 then, which were drawn from the struggle of Biella with Salussola which lasted from 1334 to 1343, are placed in those years. Rubric XXIII are very probably an addition, since they neither remain as written in hand n.1 nor do they have the miniature initial letters. The inventory following in sheets 77-87 with titles, numbers, and initial miniature (letters) in red. On the back of sheet 87 and on the back of sheet 88 is written the Statute of the Drapers of 1348; the characters of that era. The codex concludes at sheet 89 which is blank. But now we sum up the results provided in the detailed examination of the codex. Secondly, the date, the year 1245, in which the statutes were compiled for the first time, is probably in 1245. In 1312, the codex proceeded to a new edition, including the reformations made from 1245 to 1312; this edition is the one which remains, augmented by the later additions made until 1343 or thereabouts. I note then a fact of great importance, namely that the statute of the Commune is followed by the Statutes of the Drapers, a clear demonstration of the predominance that already then the Gild of the woolworkers in Biella had assumed. Thus, it was believed fitting that the statute was united to that of the Commune. We now pass onto the examination of the second Memorial entitled, "Statutorum Comunis Bugelle seculi XIV fragmentum." The memorial appears to be of one paper booklet of 46 sheets of 23X31 cm. Also, in the codex as in some of the ancient statutes themselves, there is one predominate hand that is one of the second half of the XIV century with much added on and marginal and linear additions. However, I believe that the (codex) should be considered later with the addition of the codex of the ancient statutes of which the more later date was of 1334- 1343 (a. 373-374). In as much as with another memorial of statutes, the concern with one minute paleographic search is nearly worthless; therefore, I am limiting myself to giving one simple description. Memorial III entitled, "Liber sacramentorum consulum et officialum comunis Bugelle," and "De Potestate" consists of 37 parchment sheets of 33X23 cm., written in a type of hand of the first half of 1400. Memorial IV, "Statuta super sindicatione Potestatis Bugelle eiusve familie," consists of 4 paper sheets, greatly battered by the dampness, 25X15 cm., written by a hand of the first half of the 1400s. Memorial V, "Statuta Maleficiorum Bugelle," is a single parchment codex of 46 sheets, 31.5X20 cm., of the character of the first half of the XIV century. Memorial VI, "Statuta Notariorum Bugelle," consists of 55 parchment sheets of 25X18 cm.; the entry point of the 1429 date is probable and is the original copy. Memorial VII, "Liber Statutorum et Ordinamentorum omnium magistrariarum Comunis Bugelle," consists of 75 paper sheets, 30X23 cm., with many blank pages. The is one copy from the first half of 1400. The statute of the butchers itself is not included, because it is not detached from it, but that it is nevertheless detached from the characteristics of the codex. In as much as "Documenta adiecta" is contained in Volume II, nothing there is worthy of note; some small observations should come forth on a case by case basis from the text of the notes. Thus, having completed the first passage of the cherished work of Quintinus Sella, I will come to the completion of the work with a full historical-legal study, to which I will continue to pay attention. In this study, I will relate the present statute to the statutory legislation in general and specifically to the piedmontese [statutory legislation], by dealing in a far more complete manner with that which will be given to me, that is, the questions that will spring forth. Then, I will be able to speak of the worth of the completed work that, after so much time has by now passed by, Quintinus Sella has thus clearly conceived of and undertaken. Rome October, 1904. Pietro Sella translations of THE chapters of the statutes of biella of 1245-1348 I. STATUTA COMUNIS BUGELLE [MCCXLV] ET COLLEGII DRAPARIORUM BUGELLE ET VERNATI [MCCCXLVIII] -- Cod. Membr. In nomine Domini nostri Yhesu Christi amen. Anno Dominice Nativitatis Milleximo Ducenteximo quadrageximo quinto. Inditione quarta. Hec sunt statuta et ordinamenta Communis Bugelle facta ad honorem dei et Gloriose virginis Marie. et beatorum Eusebij et Stephani. Jacobi et omnium sanctorum pariter ac sanctarum dei. et venerabilis in Christo patris domini Episcopi Vercelensis. et Comunis ac vniuersitatis Bugelle. et ad ipsius Communis bonum statum pacificum et quietum. que statuta homines habitentes in Bugella debent firmiter obseruare. et que statuta posita sunt sub rubricis et signatis. THE STATUTES OF THE COMMUNE OF BIELLA [1245] AND THE COLLEGE OF THE DRAPERS OF BIELLA AND VERNATUM [1348] In the Name of Our Lord Yhesus Christus. Amen. In the Year of the Nativity, Twelve Hundred Forty Five. During the Fourth Indiction. These are the Statutes and the Ordinances of the Commune of Biella made for the honor of God, the Glorious Virgin Mary, Blessed Eusebius, Stephen, James, and all of the Saints of God equally, and [for the honor] of our venerable Father in Christ, the Lord Bishop Vercelns, the Commune and University of Biella, and for the good, peaceful, and quiet state of the Commune. The men living in Biella should firmly observe these statutes. And these statutes are organized under distinct rubrics and designations. _______________ DE CUMSULIBUS -R. I. 1. [I.] In primis statutum et ordinatum est quod anno usque ad festum sanctorum Symonis et Jude eligantur quatuor Consules quorum unus sit clavarius Comunis ad voluntatem Credentiariorum vel maioris partis ipsorum sive specialiter ad hoc electorum. qui Jurent in plena Credentia super statutis. et sicut in infrascripto sacramentali per omnia plenius continentur. Quod sacramentale sic dicit. Vos Jurabitis ad sancta dei evangelia, quod ab isto festo sancti Martini proximo usque ad unum annum completum pro vestro posse saluabitis et custodietis et manutenebitis (ecclesiam sancti Eusebij Vercellensis et ipsius Episcopum et) omnes rationes et jura et honorentias (ipsius conseruabitis) et regetis, et custodietis omnes homines, et Commune Bugelle tam Masculos quam maiores et minores, et omnes res rationes et jura et bonas consuetudines ipsorum quam melius et utilius poteritis. Omnes officiales quos eligetis ponetis quam meliores et utiliores poteritis quemlibet in suo offitio ad bonum et utilitatem predicti Comunis. Omnia banna vobis accusata juste capietis et rationabiliter illa cum conscilio aliquorum sapientorum de Credentia Judicabitis predicto Comuni et cuilibet persone suam iusticiam conseruantes. Omnia banna, fodra, ficta, datia, et collectas ipsius Communis colligetis et excucietis et Clauigerio consignabitis, illo Clauigerio habente omnia scripta et Vos similiter habeatis Omnia illa que recipietis consignabitis, et Jnde bonam rationem de tribus in tribus menssibus ad opus et utilitatem Comunis facietis nisi de uoluntate credentie remanserit. et offitium vestri Consulatus exercebitis et facietis. et secundum voluntatem Credentiatiorum uel maioris partis et ad eorum preceptum uos regetis. Et hec omnia et singula attendetis et obseruabitis bona fine si deus uos adiuuet et sancta dei euangelia. CONCERNING THE CONSULS Among the first things, it is decreed and ordained that, every year on the feast of the Saints Simon and Jude, four consuls be chosen, the first of whom should be the Clavarius (Mace-Bearer} of the Commune at the will of the members of the Credentia, or a major portion thereof, or [a portion thereof] specially selected for this purpose. These men will swear in the full Credentia on the statutes, as it is more fully contained in all respects in the sworn oath written herein. The sworn oath says thus, "We will swear on the Holy Gospel of God that, from the feast of St Martin next until the completion of one year, you, to the extent possible, will protect, guard, and maintain (the Church of St. Eusebius Vercellens and its Bishop) and all of its principles, rights, and honors and you will preserve, rule, and guard all of the men of the Commune of Biella, vigorous adults as well as old men and minors, and all of their property, principles, rights, and good customs as well and usefully as you can. You should appoint as officials all of those men whom you have chosen as the best and most effective that you can find--each of whom you have placed in his office for the good and utility of the aforesaid Commune. You will capture all banned persons accused by you justly and rationally with the counsel of the Credentia. You will pass judgement on the aforesaid Commune and any person preserving the Justice of the Commune. You will collect and compel (the payment of) all fines, fees, dowries, and property collected for the Commune and you will hand them over to the Treasurer (of the Commune); and, you will also hand over all of the written records to the Treasurer, who keeps them, and you will in a similar fashion keep all of those which you receive; and then you will render a good accounting of your three months in the third month for the service and utility of the Commune, unless it should be held over at the wish of the Credentia. And, you will exercise and perform the office of your Consulate. And, you will rule according to the will of the members of the Credentia or a major portion thereof and at their command. And, you will attend to and observe each and every one of these matters to a good end, if God and the Holy Gospels of God may aid you." 2. [II] VT CONSULES FATIANT IUSTITIAM ET CAPIANT IUDICATURIS Item statutum est quod Consules possint et debeant facere iusticiam et rationem de quolibet homine de Bugella et habitanti in Bugella et cuilibet qui eam pecierit sub eis. et non capere Judicaturam de causis confessatis, set de negatis et contestatis capient a qualibet parte ad rationem denariorum duodecim pro libra. Et omnes sententie et condempnationes quas tulerint et dederint de iure attendentur et res quas dabunt uel dari fecerint aut iusserint in pagamento firmiter ex parte comunis manuteneantur ei cui date fuerint de Jure. Et qui in aliquo contrafecerit soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet vice solidorum X pp. 2. [II] THAT THE CONSULS SHOULD ACKNOWLEDGE JUSTICE AND ENFORCE VERDICTS. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls can and should render justice and a fair reckoning in respect to each man of Biella, each person residing in Biella, and any one who seeks justice from them and they are not to administer justice in respect to cases which have been confessed to, but in respect to cases which are contested or denied. They should receive from each party twelve denarii per pound as a reckoning. And, all sentences and condemnations which are carried out or given should be attended to according to the law and the properties which they will grant or cause to be granted or awarded in a judgement as satisfaction should be steadily maintained by the commune for the person to whom they had been granted under the law. And, he, who in any way violates [this bann], should pay a fine of ten solidi pp. for each and every offence. 3. [III] QUOD PRECEPTA CONSULUM ATTENDANTUR. Item statutum est quod omnia precepta et banna inposita per consules comunis uel eorum nuncios iuste et rationabiliter facta firmiter obseruentur. 3. [III] THAT THE COMMANDS OF THE CONSULS SHOULD BE HEEDED. In the same way, it has been decreed that all of the precepts and banns which have been imposed by the Consuls of the Commune or their envoys and which have been justly and rationally made should be strongly observed. 4. [IIII] SALARIUM CONSULUM NOTARIJ ET QUID NOTARIUS FACERE TENEATUR. Item statutum est quod quisque consul habeat pro suo salario libras X pp. et clauarius libras XII pp. et Nottarius libras tres pp. et non plus. et pro illo salario debeat nottarius facere omnes scripturas comunis preter cartas testatas et litteras mandatas. et stare continue cum clauario ad exigendum banna et ad faciendum alia negocia comunis. nisi haberent licenciam a dicto clauario. et hoc teneantur facere per eorum sacramentum. 4. [IIII] THE SALARY OF THE NOTARY OF THE CONSULS AND WHAT A NOTARY CAN BE OBLIGED TO DO. In the same way, it has been decreed that any consul should have ten pounds pp. for his salary, the treasurer twelve pounds pp., the notary three pounds pp. and no more. And, for his salary, the notary should have all of the commune's written work with the exception of sworn charters and mandated letters and he is to remind the treasurer to demand [the payment] of fines and to conduct the other business of the commune, unless he has a dispensation from the aforesaid treasurer. And, the notaries are obliged to do this on their sworn oath. 5. [V] QUIBUS TENEATUR CONSUL FACERE PRANDIUM QUANDO ET PENA NON FATIENTIS. Item statutum est quod quilibet qui eligetur in consulatu de nouo teneatur facere vnum bonum prandium secundum quod consuetum est aliis consulibus ueteribus et nouis et Gastaldis. et seruitoribus et nottariis et electoribus ipsorum consulum usque ad festum sancte Marie candelarie. et si non fecerit amitat totum suum salarium. et 222vltra hoc quod sub pena et banno solidorum LX pp. et solidorum XX pp. pro qualibet edomada qua steterit ultra terminum quod non fecerit dictum prandium. de quo prandio et banno nulla possit fieri gratia. nec poni In credentia permitatur. 5. [V] TO WHOM THE CONSUL IS OBLIGATED TO PROVIDE LUNCH AT SOME TIME AND THE PENALTY FOR HE WHO DOES NOT ACKNOWLEDGE THIS. In the same way, it has been decreed that anyone, who is chosen for the Consulate, is henceforth obliged to provide one good lunch according to that which is customary for the other old and new Consuls, provosts, servants, notaries and electors of the consuls until the Feast of St. Mary of the Candlemakers. And, if he does not do this, he loses all of his salary and, more than this, [it is understood] that he is under a penalty and a fine of sixty solidi pp. and twenty solidi pp. for each week that remains beyond the limit during which he has not provided the aforesaid lunch. Concerning that lunch and that fine, there can be no pardon and he is not allowed to be seated in the Credentia. 6. [VI] INFRA QUOD TEMPUS SINT BANNA EXIGENDA ET FIAT DEFFENSIO. Item statutum est quod consules teneantur ex sacramento excutere siue acordari facere ydonee omnia banna eis accusata infra. XV. dies postquam accusara uel denuntiata fuerint. Et si ea habere non potuerint faciendo eorum posse teneantur dare bannum accusato uel denuntiato infra illum terminum. XV. dierum. Et denuntiant cuilibet accusato uel denuntiato ut faciant deffensionem infra menssem. 6. [VI] WITHIN WHAT TIME A PENALTY MUST BE EXACTED AND A DEFENCE UNDERTAKEN. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls are obliged on their sworn oath to demand [the payment of] all suitable fines that have been directed to them or to see to it that they are negotiated within fifteen days after they have been imposed and reported. And, if they can not take possession of those fines while exercising their power, they are obliged to give the fine to the accused or denounced person within that limit of fifteen days. And they should report to each accused person that they should make a defence within the month. 7. [VII] CONSULES UETERES DARE DEBEANT BANNITOS NOUIS INFRA NATIUITATEM. Item statutum est quod consules noui debeant omnes bannitos per consules veteres tenere in banno. donec acordauerint se cum ipsis consulibus. et facere preconizari quod ipsi sint in banno per ipsos sicut erant per veteres et quod consules veteres teneantur dare bannitos consulibus nouis infra natiuitatem domini post sanctum Martinum. 7. [VII] THE OLD CONSULES SHOULD HAND OVER THE FINES TO THE NEW CONSULS WITHIN CHRISTMASTIDE. In the same way, it has been decreed that the new consuls should keep all of those men banned by the old consuls under the bann until they have consulted with those consuls and to see to it that those person remain under bann by their authority as they had been by the authority of the previous consuls and that the previous consuls are obliged to hand over the persons under bann to the new consuls by the Nativity of the Lord after the Feast of St. Martin. 8. [VIII] STATUTA LEGI DEBENT OMNI ANNO INFRA NATIUITATEM ET INDE TRADI PUBLICUM INSTRUMENTUM. Item statutum est quod consules teneantur facere legi statuta comunis omni anno in plena contione ante natiuitatem domini. Et facta publicatione predicta teneantur ipsi consules ex officio suo precipere et facere tradi et scribi publicum Instrumentum per notarium comunis de publicatione dictorum statutorum comunis facta in plena contione quod Instrumentum dictus notarius facere teneatur suis sumptibus. 8. [VIII] THE STATUTES SHOULD BE READ WITHIN CHRISTMASTIDE EVERY YEAR AND LATER SHOULD BE HANDLED AS A PUBLIC INSTRUMENT. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls are obliged to see to it that the statutes of the Commune are read each year in the full assembly before the Nativity of the Lord. And, after the aforesaid proclamation has been made, the consuls, as their duty, are obliged to give orders and see to it that the public instrument concerning the publication of the aforesaid statutes which has been made in the full assembly be written and handed over by the notary of the commune. [It is understood] that the aforesaid notary is obliged to produce the instrument from his own resources. 9. [VIIII] HABERE PROUENTUS COMUNIS PER EXEMPLUM ET EXCUTERE OMNIA CONSULES SUNT ASTRICTI. Item statutum est quod consules et clauarius teneantur ex sacramento excutere omnia banna. ficta et collectas comunis. et illa dent et consignant ipsi clauario. qui clauarius et consules teneantur et faciant illa poni et redduci in scriptis. et consules habeant omnia illa similiter exemplata nisi remansserit de uoluntate credencie. et debeant ex eis facere et reddere bonam rationem comuni. Et si aliquid defuerit de hoc quod receperint teneantur integre restituere predicto comuni. 9. [VIIII] ALL OF THE CONSULS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE CHARGE OF THE INCOME OF THE COMMUNE AND TO EXECUTE ALL OF ITS BUSINESS. In the same way,it has been decreed that the consuls are obliged on their sworn oath to enforce all of the fines, feudal dues, and collections of the commune. And, they are to give and consign those monies to the treasurer. This treasurer and the consuls are obliged to and should see to it that those monies are placed [in the treasury] and reduced to written form. And, in a similar fashion, the consuls should take possession of all other similar examples, unless they should remain elsewhere at the wish of the commune. And, they should make and render a good accounting of these funds to the commune. And, ,if anyone should lack any [portion] of the [amount] which they have received, they are obliged to restore [the loss] to the aforesaid commune in its entirety. 10. [X] LABORATORIBUS FORENSIBUS DEBET FIERI SOLUTIO PRIMA DIE. TERRIGENIS INFRA OCTO CUM EXPENSIS PER IPSOS DECLARATIS. Item statutum est quod consules faciant solui laboratoribus an eis iusticiam petentibus de omnibus laboribus quos fecereint alicui homini de bugella. si laborator fuerit de bugella infra. VIII. dies. et si fuerit extraneus qui uelit recedere. infra secundum diem. Et qui non soluerit ad terminum sibi statutum per consules uel per eorum nuntium soluat bannum solidorum. II. pp. et postea soluat sibi. Et restituentur dampnum et expensse laboratori forenssi per eum qui non soluerit ei postquam fuerit ei preceptum et postquam fuerit citatus. Expenssas declarendas per dictos laboratores. 10. [X] FOREIGN WORKERS SHOULD BE PAID ON THE FIRST DAY. NATIVE-BORN WORKERS SHOULD BE PAID BY THE EIGHTH DAY TOGETHER WITH THE EXPENSES WHICH THEY HAVE DECLARED. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls should see to it that justice [the court costs?] is paid for by those workmen seeking payment or redress for all of the labors which they have performed for any man of Biella, if the workman has been in Biella within eight days and, if he is a foreigner who wishes to withdraw within the second day. And, he, who does not pay at the limit decreed by the consuls for him or by their designees, should pay a fine of two solidi pp. afterwards pay him. And, the loss and expenses are repaid to the foreign workman by the person who did not pay him before he had been ordered to and after he had been summoned. The expenses must be declared by the aforesaid workmen. 11. [XI] OMNES MENSURE SIGNARI ET INQUIRI DEBENT INFRA NATIUITATEM. Item statutum est quod consules requirant ante festum natiuitatis domini omnes sestarios, minas. quartaronos. quartinos. medios quartinos. et quartum quartini salis. ceberos menssuratores. Rasos. stateras. cupos molendinariorum et omnes alias menssuras aliarum rerum que consuete sunt signari. Et illas faciant tationari et coequari rationabiliter signo comunis. Perticam ad manssurandum terras et quod menssurator terre teneatur omni anno in sequela Jurare quod unicuique cui menssurabit dabit suam rationem. 11. [XI] ALL MEASURES SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED AND SEALED WITHIN CHRISTMASTIDE. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls, before the Feast of the Nativity of the Lord, require that all sestarii, minae, quartarona, quartini, medii quartini, quartum quartini salis, ceberi (eagle) measures, razed measures of grain, staterae, cupi molendinariorum, and all other measures of other things which are customarily sealed. And, they should see to it that those measures are reconciled and equalized with the seal of the commune. They should also see to it that the pertica (is used to) measure the lands and [it is understood] that the land surveyor is obliged each year in sequence to swear that he will give his attention to whatever he will measure. 12. [XII] PENA USURARIORUM QUI DENEGANT COMMUNI PECUNIAS MUTUARE. Item statutum est quod consules teneantur compellere omnes prestatores qui prestant in bugella et eius poderio ut debeant mutuare consulibus nomine comunis quocienscumque fuerint requisiti. quod si facere recusarent. teeantur excutere omnia banna eis inposita predicta de causa. quibus solutis nichilominus prestare teneantur. nisi haberent iusta deffensionem. Et consules teneantur dare dictis prestatoribus denarios. IIII. pp. pro libra. 12. [XII] THE PENALTY FOR MONEY CHANGERS WHO REFUSE TO CHANGE THE MONIES OF THE COMMUNE. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls are obliged to assemble all of the lenders who lend (money) in Biella and its district so that they may lend to the consuls in the name of the commune however often they might require [money]. [It is understood] that if they should refuse to comply, the consuls are obliged to execute all banns inposed on them for the aforesaid reason. From those payments, they are obliged to borrow nothing whatsoever, unless they have a just defence. And, the consuls are obliged to give the aforesaid lenders four denarii pp. per pound. 13. [XIII] QUAE COMUNITAS NEMORA INFRA KALENDAS MARCIJ DEBEAT DISBENDARE. Item statutum est quod consules teneantur et debeant disbandire illud comune quod placuerit credencie a kalendis februarij usque ad kalendas marcij. 13. [XIII] WHICH COMMUNITIES SHOULD HARVEST THEIR WOODS WITHIN THE KALENDS OF MARCH. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls are obliged to and should remove from the bann that commune which has pleased the commune from the Kalends of February to the Kalends of March. 14. [XIIII] FORMA ELIGENDI DETERMINATORES ET TEMPUS AC QUID FACERE TENEANTUR. Item statutum est quod consules debeant eligere XII homines de melioribus et sapientioribus de credencia bugelle qui Jurent omni anno in credencia ad sancta dei euangelia meliorare. ampliare et desterminare vias et suprapresias. Et consules habeant unum quarterium de terra uel duos si opportuerit ad splanandum et disclaudendum et actandum secundum quod determinabitur. Et hoc teneantur consules facere et fiere facere usque ad kalendas maii. Et si aliquid ex predictis. XII. ubi aperiretur vel largaretur haberet ad faciendum debeat recedere illinc donec determinatum fuerit ibidem. et unus ex consulibus debeat ire cum eis ad predicta facienda. 14. [XIIII] THE TIME AND FORM OF CHOOSING `DETERMINATORES' AND WHAT THEY ARE OBLIGED TO DO. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls should choose twelve men from the better and wiser men of the Credencia of the Commune who will swear each year in the Commune on the Holy Gospels of God that they will improve, increase, and complete the roads and overpasses. And, the consuls may have one quarterium or two of land, if it is suitable to level, clear, or raise them according to that [standard] which will be determined. And, the consuls are obliged to do this and to see that it is completed by the Kalends of May, and, if any one of the aforesaid twelve should withdraw from a place which he feels [the road] should be opened or widened until a determination [on how the work should be done] has been made, one of the consuls should go with them to accomplish the aforesaid matters. 15. [XV] PENA CONSULUM PLUS COMPUTANTIUM QUAM EXPENDANT. Item statutum est quod ille clauarius seu consul qui computaret debita seu messiones comunis plura quam esse debuerint a solidis. XX. pp. usque ad solidos. C. pp. soluat bannum solidorum. XX. pp. et restituat misfallum. et a solidis. C. superius soluat bannum librarum. X. pp. et amittat omnia officia comunis tempore uite sue. et restituat dampnum comuni. 15. [XV] THE PENALTY FOR THE CONSULS WHO ACCOUNT FOR MORE THAN THEY EXPEND. In the same way, it has been decreed that the treasurer or consul, who computes the debts and income [messiones = harvests] to be more than twenty to one hundred solidi pp. than they should be, should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. and they should reimburse the error. If [the error is] more than one hundred solidi, he should pay a fine of ten pounds pp. and he should lose all of his offices in the Commune for life and he should restore the loss to the comune. 16. [XVI] QUID TENEANTUR NOUIS CONSULIBUS INFRA NATIUITATEM UETERES CONSIGNARE. Item statutum est quod omnes consules teneantur et debeant infra pasca resurectionis domini consignare consulibus nouis substitutis omnes libros accusationum. bannorum. receptionum et et sequelarum. et banderias. et stateras. et marchum. et priuilegium uetus. et cartam pronunciatus. et eas poni facere in camera comunis. et eciam Vernam. et omnes alias menssuras et balistas. et campionum florenorum. 16. [XVI] WHAT THE OLD CONSULS ARE OBLIGED TO CONSIGN TO THE NEW CONSULS WITHIN CHRISTMASTIDE. In the same way, it has been decreed that all consuls are obliged to and should consign to the new substituted consuls within the Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord all of the books of accusers, banns, receipts and claims, banners, balances, boundary markers, ancient privileges, and the document of the pronouncement, and they should see to it that these materials are placed in the vault of the Commune and also at Verna. And, all of the other measures, crossbows, and the exchange of florins [should be turned over to the new consuls]. 17. [XVII] PROCURANT CONSULES UT PRONUNTIATUM ATTENDATUR INTER DOMINUM EPISCOPUM ET COMUNE. Item statutum est quod consules teneantur precise per eorum sacramentum procurare bona fide et eorum posse quod omnes nuncij domini episcopi qui preerunt ad iusticiam reddendum debeant Jurare in presencia consulum et conscilij comunis bugelle unicuique persone bene persone et legaliter facere iusticie complementum. 17. [XVII] THE CONSULS SHOULD SEE TO IT THAT THE READING [OF THEIR SOLEMN OATH] IS ATTENDED TO BY THE LORD BISHOP AND THE COMMUNE. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls be obliged on their sworn oath to see to it precisely with good faith and with their power that the envoys of the Lord Bishop, who present themselves to obtain justice, should swear in the presence of the consuls and council of the commune of Biella that they are granting a good and legal complement of justice to each and every person. 18. [XVIII] QUALITER ET QUOT SINT CREDENTIARIJ ELIGENDI ET PENA CONSULUM QUI ADUNT. Item statutum est quod consules debeant de conscilio. XII. sapientum eligere usque ad LX. credenciarios. et non plures in ea quantitate minori que eis uidebitur. Et facta electione credentiariorum et consciliariorum per dictos consules et sapientes non possint ipsi consules simul uel separatim per eorum sacramentum addere aliquem seu aliquos in credentia uel consilio et qui contra fecerint soluant bannum pro quolibet et qualibet vice librarum decem pp. et ille additus siue additi nichilominus sint cassi hoc tamen statutum non estandatur ad consules maystraliarum. 18. [XVIII] BY WHAT RIGHT AND HOW MANY MEMBERS OF THE CREDENTIA SHOULD BE CHOSEN AND THE PENALTY FOR THE CONSULS WHO ADD [TO THEIR NUMBER]. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls should choose from twelve to sixty councilmen from the Council and no more in that lesser amount than seems [adequate] to them. And, after the choice of the members of the Credencia and the councilors by the aforesaid consuls and wise men has been made, the consuls can not, as a group or separately on their own sworn oaths, add anyone or several in the Credencia or the Council [to the aforesaid number]; and, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of ten pounds pp. for each and every offence and the person or persons who were added are nullified. Nevertheless, this statute does not erode the consuls majesty. 19. [XVIIII] ARMORUM INQUISITIO ET PENA NON HABENTIBUS ORDINATA. Item statutum est quod consules teneantur si eis fuerit preceptum per credenciam semel in anno inquirere guarnimenta et arma inposita hominibus bugelle. et ab illis qui non presentabunt. exigere bannum pro diployde et panzeria solidorum. XX. pp. et pro aliis armaturis solidorum. V. pp. Et consules non pacientur poni in credentia per eorum sacramentum. tempore eorum consulatus. 19. [XVIIII] THE INVESTIGATION OF WEAPONS AND THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE THEM. In the same way, it has been decreed that, if they have been ordered once a year by the Credencia to inquire after the military stores and weapons requisitioned by the men of Biella, the consuls are obliged to exact a penalty of twenty solidi pp. for doublets and clothing and five solidi pp. for other armaments. And, the consuls are not allowed to be seated in the Credencia on their sworn oath during the time of their consulate. 20. [XX] PER QUEM ET INFRA QUOD TEMPUS STATUTA NOUA PONI DEBEANT IN UOLUMINE STATUTORUM. Item statutum est quod quilibet clauarius teneatur facere poni in libro statutorum omnia statuta ed additiones statutorum facta tempore sui consulatus infra natiuitatem domini post sanctum Martinum. 20. [XX] BY WHOM AND WITHIN WHAT PERIOD OF TIME NEW STATUTES SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE VOLUME OF THE STATUTES. In the same way, it has been decreed that each treasurer is obliged to see to it that all of the statutes and additions to the statutes made during the time of their consulate are set down in the Book of the Statutes within the Nativity of the Lord after the Feast of St. Martin. 21. [XXI] QUOCIENS QUALITER ET INFRA QUOD TEMPUS BANNA DEBEANT IUDICARI. Item statutum est quod consules teneantur facere Judicari banna per sapientes comuni quatuor uicibus in anno. Videlicet de tribus in tribus menssibus. Et aliquod bannum semel Judicatum non possit amplius Judicari. nec poni coram Judicatoribus. Et consules non pacientur ipsum ponere in credencia per eorum sacramentum. 21. [XXI] HOW OFTEN, IN WHAT MANNER, AND WITHIN WHAT PERIOD OF TIME BANNS SHOULD BE ADJUDICATED. 22. [XXII] FORMA PONENDI CUSTODES PRIUATOS. Item statutum est quod duo ex consulibus quorum vnus sit clauarius debeant scire qui erunt custodes privati. et debeant esse presentes ad recipiendum eorum sacramenta. Et ipsi consules non possint ponere dictos custodes nisi fuerunt clauarius presens ad recipiendum eorum sacramenta. 22. [XXII] THE FORM FOR APPOINTING PRIVATE GUARDS. 23. [XXIII]. QUALITER COSTE PLACIJ SINT SOLANDE ET PENA CONSULIBUS CCONTRAFATIENTIBUS ORDINATA. Item statutem est quod consules teneantur per eorum Juramentum actare et tenere actatas omnes costas placij bugelle et ultra hoc teneantur facere solari de lapidibus colis quolibet anno perticas tres silicet de costa glarie vel andurni vel versus vernatum Ubi fuerit major necessitas usque ad exitum magi. et quod primo teneantur consules omni anno facere solari de costa andurni perticas IIII donec fuerit tota solata. ita quod non possit per credentiam dispensari. Et si consules contrafecerint vel facere recusauerint persoluant pro banno solidos LX pro quolibet. 23. [XXIII]. IN WHAT MANNER THE WALLS OF THE OPEN SPACES SHOULD BE MAINTAINED AND THE PENALTY ORDAINED AND THE PENALTY ORDAINED FOR THOSE ACTIONS AGAINST THE CONSULS. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls are obliged by their sworn oath to lengthen and to maintain all of the walls of the public square of Biella and furthermore they are obliged to se to it that each year heaps of stones are removed at least three perticas from the wall of gravel or of the ditch or toward the T-shaped strip of land where it has been a major necessity all the way until the end of May. And [it is understood] from the first that the Consuls are obliged every year to level (the land) from the walls of the ditch for four perticas until it is all leveled. It is also understood that (the provision of this statute) can not be dispensed with by the Credentia. And, if any consuls should act contrary [to this chapter] or refuse to do [as commanded by it], they should pay fifty solidi as a fine for each offense. 24. [XXIIII] VT PROHIBENTES ACCIPI PIGNORA PUNIANTUR. Item statutum quod aliqua persona de bugella uel habitans in bugella non debeat uetare aliquod bannum uel pignus ocaxione alicuius banni uel collectarum. seu cuiuscumque precepti uel processus facti per consules de quo sit accusatus, alicui seruitori uel nuncio consulum siue sit dominus domus siue non. nec claudere aliquam Januam uel ostium contra ipsos seruitores uel nuntios. Et qui contrafecerit. soluat bannum solidorum. V. pp. Et si faceret tantum quod campana Jnde pulssaretur. soluat bannum librarum. X. pp. et seruitor siue nuncius teneatur incontinenti accusare et facere poni in libro comunis accusationem suam. 24. [XXIIII] THAT THOSE WHO ARE PROHIBITED FROM ACCEPTING SURETIES MAY BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person from Biella or living ing Biella should oppose any fine or pledge on the occasion of any pledge or collection, or of any order or process made by the consuls concerning which an accusation was made to any servant or agent of the consuls or, whether he be the Lord of the household or not, he should not close his door or gate aganinst those servants or agents. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi pp. And, if he does so much (mischief) that the bell is sounded as a result, he should pay a fine of ten pounds and the servant or agent is obliged to make an accusation without hesitation and to cause his accusation to be set down in the Book of the Commune. 25. [XXV] QUALITER CITATUS NON OBEDIENS PUNIATUR. Item statutum est quod si quis requisitus fuerit per servitorem comunis uel per alium de precepto consulum personaliter ad petitionem alicuius. et non venerit. Soluat bannum solidorum II pp. in voluntate illius qui fecerit eum requiri. et consules teneantur excutere ipsum bannum et ponere in libro comunis. 25. [XXV] HOW QUICKLY HE WHO IS NOT OBEDIENT MAY BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that anyone, who has been summoned personally by a servant of the Commune or by any other person at the order of the consuls at the pertition of any person and he does not come, should pay a fine of two solidi pp. at the wish of the person who caused him to be summoned. And, the consuls are obliged to execute the penalty and to set it down in the Book of the Commune. 26. [XXVI] QUANTO TEMPORE SIT ACCUSATIS DEFFENSIO CONCEDENDA Item statutum est quod quelibet persona de bugella possit et sibi liceat facere deffenssionem contra quamlibet accusam siue sit privata. siue non. dum modo possit probare contrarium per duos bonos. ydoneos. et legitimos testes. Et 2non possint probare per socios. uel participes. bannitos. vel clericos quando facta est per officiales comunis. 26. [XXVI] IN HOW MUCH TIME A DEFENCE MAY BE CONCEDED TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN ACCUSED. In the same way, it has been decreed that any person of Biella can and is permitted to make a defense against any accusation, whether it is private or not, until it can be proven to the contrary by two good, suitable, and legitimate witnesses. And, they can not prove the contrary by associates, participants, banned persons, or clerics when the accusation has been made by the officials of the Commune. 27. [XXVII] QUE DEFFENSIO DANDA SIT ACCUSATIS. Item statutum est quod quelibet persona que acordauerit aliquod bannum consulibus comunis. et voluerit de ipso facere aliquam deffenssionem. debeat ipsam fecisse postquam acordauerit infra vnum menssem. et si ipsam non fecerit infra predictum terminum. non possit aliquam facere a termino predicto in antea et consules non possint eam recipere. et dictus terminus non extendatur ultra festum sancti Martini nisi per octo dies. 27. [XXVII] WHAT DEFENCE MUST BE GRANTED TO THE ACCUSED. In the same way, it has been decreed that any person, who has negotiated any penalty with the consuls of the Commune and who wishes to make any defense concerning that penalty, should have made it one month before he had negotiated. And, if he did not make it one month before he had negotiated, and, if he did not make his defense within the aforesaid limit, he can not make any defence from the aforesaid limit beforehand and the consuls can not accept it. And, the aforesaid limit may not be extended beyond the Feast of St. Martin, unless by eight days. 28. [XXVIII] QUANDO CONDEMPNATI DEBEAT EORUM PIGNORA REDEMISSE. Item statutum est quod qui dederit aliquod pignus clauario. debeat ipsum reddemisse infra octauam sancti Martini quolibet anno. et qui non reddimerit ipsa pignora. non teneatur clauarius ulterius reddere ipsa. nec respondere alicui de Jure. 28. [XXVIII] HOW THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN SENTENCED SHOULD REDEEM THEIR BOND. In the same way, it has been decreed that he, who gives any surety to the Treasurer, should have redeemed that pledge within the octave of Saint Martin of the same year and, if he does not redeem that pledge, the treasurer is not obliged to return the surety later and [he does not need] to respond to him at law. 29. [XXVIIII] PRECEPTUM UNIUS CONSULIS CASSARE ALIUS NON PRESUMAT. Item statutum est quod precepta facta per aliquem ex consulibus non possint prorogari nec cassari per alios consules uel ipsorum aliquem. 29. [XXVIIII] THE COMMAND OF ONE CONSUL SHOULD NOT PRESUME TO INVALIDATE THAT OF ANOTHER. In the same way, it has been decreed that the orders made by anyone of the consuls can not be adjourned or voided by the other consuls or by anyone of them. 30. [XXX] ANTE SATISDATIONEM NULLA DEFENSIO DETUR. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non possit facere aliquam deffensionem super aliquo banno nisi prius acordauerit ipsum bannum consulibus. 30. [XXX] BEFORE SATISFACTION [HAS BEEN RENDERED, NO DEFENCE SHOULD BE GRANTED. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person can make any defence concerning any fine unless he had negotiated the fine earlier with the consuls. 31. [XXXI] QUANDO ET QUOMODO STATUTA SINT MELIORANDA. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod consules tenentur et debeant facere prouidere et meliorari omnia statuta comunis omni anno per vnum menssem ante festum sancti Martini per VIII sapientes electos per ipsos vel circa. 31. [XXXI] HOW AND WHEN STATUTES MAY BE IMPROVED. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that the consuls are obliged to and shall see to it that all of the statutes of the commune are reviewed and improved each year throughout the one month prior to the Feast of Saint Martin by eight or by about eight wise men chosen by them. 32. [XXXII] PENA NON EUNTIS AD CONSILIUM ET NON PARENTIS PRECEPTIS CONSULUM ORDINATUR. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod qui non Iuerit ad conscilium quando pulsabitur uel quando precipietur de mandato consulum et qui non obediuerit consulibus quando precipitur eis quod sint super palatio comunis uel alibi ad Judicandum banna uel prouissiones faciendas pro comuni. quod ille qui non fuerit hora statuta soluat bannum pro qualibet uice solidorum. II. pp. nisi inde fecerit legitimam defessionem. 32. [XXXII] THE PENALTY IS ORDAINED FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT GO TO THE COUNCIL AND FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT OBEY THE PRECEPTS OF THE CONSULS. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that [a man] should not go to the Council when he will strike a blow or deviate from the mandate of the consuls and he does not obey the consuls when given an order by them because they are at the Palace of the Commune or anywhere else to adjudicate banns or make provisions for the Commune. [It is understood] that the person who does not respect the statutes should pay a fine of two solidi unless he has a legitimate defense therefrom. 33. [XXXIII] QUALITER SINT BANNA DE FORIS EXIGENDA. Item statutum est quod consules per eorum sacramentum teneantur excutere banna de foris sicut banna comunis et quod non possint facere aliquam gratiam de dictis bannis. 33. [XXXIII] HOW FINES SHOULD BE EXACTED FROM FOREIGNERS. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls, on their sworn oath, are obliged to execute fines from the market places as if they were fines of the commune and [it is understood] that they can not grant any dispensation concerning the aforesaid fines. 34. [XXXIIII] DICENTIS CORAM CONSULIBUS UERBA INIURIOSA SEU PERCUTIENTIS PENA STATUTA. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod si aliqua persona dixerit verba iniuriossa alicui alteri corum consulibus quando redunt rationem et petentibus coram eis rationem uel iustitiam soluat pro qualibet uice solidos X pp. et si percuxerit aliquem coram dictis consulibus soluat bannum solidorum LX pp. 34. [XXXIIII] THE PENALTY DECREED FOR THOSE WHO UTTER INJURIOUS WORDS OR STRIKE BLOWS IN THE PRESENCE OF THE CONSULS. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that, if any person utters harmful words to any other person in the presence of the consuls while they are deliberating and in the presence of those seeking a decision or justice, he should pay a fine of sixty solidi pp. 35. [XXXV] OMNI DIE IURIDICA CLAUARIUS SEDERE DEBET PRO TRIBUNALI NISI COMITTAT EX IUSTA CAUSA. Item statutum est quod clauarius comunis bugelle omni die iuridica teneatur et debeat venire ad platheam placij bugelle ad locum ubi ius redditur et ibi sedere pro tribunali pro Iustitia facienda. vniquique cumquerenti. Qui clauarius ex iusta causa et necessaria possit vnum ex aliis consulibus substinuere loco sui qui sedere debeat pro tribunali et iustitiam reddere postulantibus. 35. [XXXV] ON EVERY LAWFUL BUSINESS DAY, THE TREASURER SHOULD SIT IN FRONT OF THE TRIBUNAL UNLESS HE IS EXCUSED FOR A JUST CAUSE. In the same way, it has been decreed that the Treasurer of the Commune of Biella is obliged to and should come to the public square of the open area on every legal day of business to the place where justice is rendered and to sit there in front of the Tribunal for the rendering of justice for each and every case. The treasurer, for just cause and necessity, can substitute for one of the consuls and he should sit in his place on the tribunal and render justice to those demanding it. 36. [XXXVI] QUID HABEAT CLAUARIUS PRO EO QUOD OMNI DIE IURIDICA SEDERE DEBET PRO TRIBUNALI. Item statutum est quod quilibet qui fuerit clauarius pro temporibus habeat omni anno vltra salarium ordinatum per alia statuta. ex eo quod omni die tenetur venire ad banchum pro justicia facienda solidos XL. pp. 36. [XXXVI] THE TREASURER MAY KEEP [THE SALARY THAT HE IS PAID] BECAUSE HE IS OBLIGED TO SIT BEFORE THE TRIBUNAL ON EVERY BUSINESS DAY. In the same way, it has been decreed that anyone who was a Treasurer in office for a whole year should have forty solidi pp. more than the salary ordained by the other statutes from the point which he is obliged to come to the bench for a full day to render justice. 37. [XXXVII] QUALITER SINT BANNA DE FORIS IUDICANDA ET EORUM PROCESSUS IN OMNIBUS FATIENDI. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod consules comunis bugelle faciant omni anno Judicari banna et accusas eis facta et acusata hominum forensium. per quatuor sapientes de credentia bugelle ad hoc electos per dictos consules. qui iurent Judicare bene et legaliter. conseruando cuilibet ius suum secundum formam statutorum comunis bugelle et ponere in scriptis in libro accusationum hominum forensium nomina sapientum qui iudicauerint dictas acusas. et clauarius teneatur ex sacramento omni anno ponere librum disctarum acusationum forensium in archiuo comunis. infra festum resurectionis domini. postquam exiuerit de consolatu. cum alijs libris accusationum hominum de bugella. et notarius teneatur in dicto libro accusationum forensium ponere defensiones acusatorum et dicta testium pe sacramentum. et in pena solidorum. XX. pro qualibet uice qua contra fecerit. 37. [XXXVII] HOW FINES CONCERNING BUSINESSMEN SHOULD BE AJUDICATED AND HOW THEIR PROCEEDINGS SHOULD BE RECORDED IN ALL CASES. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that the consuls of the commune should see to it for the entire year that the fines are adjudicated and that accusations are made to them and that the accusations of the merchants are made by the four wise men of the Credentia of Biella who have been chosen for this purpose by the aforesaid consuls. The consuls should swear that they will render judgements well and legally, by preserving for each his right according to the form of the statutes of the commune of Biella and to set down in writing in the book of the Accusations of Businessmen the names of the wise men who will adjudicate the aforesaid accusations. And, the treasurer is obliged on his sworn oath for the entire year to place the book of the aforesaid Accusations of the Businessmen in the Archive of the Commune within the Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord, after he leaves the consulate together with the other books of the accusations of the men of Biella. And, the notary is obliged to record the defences of the accused and the statement of the witnesses on their sworn oaths in the aforesaid book of the Accusations of the Businessmen under the penalty of twenty solidi for each offence in which the offence is given. 38. [XXXVIII] QUOMODE SOLUENDE SINT PER CONSULES EXPENSE FACTE PER EOS UEL AB IPSIS SE DEBEANT LIBERARE. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod consules et credenciarij comunis bugelle. et consules magistraliarum qui pro temporibus fuerint teneantur curare et facere cum effectu et per eorum sacramentum quod omnes et singule expensse que fient de cetero nomine comunis bugelle. et de mandato ipsius comunis seu credencie soluantur consules comunis bugelle. in quorum consulatu expensse facte fuerint exeant de eorum regimine et consulatu et credenciarij ac consules magistraliarum infra duos mensses postquam expensse facte fuerint. et antequam consules in quorum consulatu facte fuerint expense de eorum consulatu. et officio exeant teneantur et debeant assignare et ordinare modum et formam per quas dicte expensse soluantur. et sint exacte. cum effectu. Ita quod ipsa comunitas ab ipsis debitis et absolutione usurarum infra dictum tempus sit exhonerata. Et si predicta non fecerint cum effectu. Credenciarij et consules magistrariarum possint conueniri et eorum bona a creditoribus qui pecuniam dedissent mutuo consulibus uel comuni bugelle pro inde ac si essent pro eorum proprijs et specialibus debitibus obligando. Et ipsam comunitatem bugelle exhonerare a dampnis expensis et interesse que incurreret occaxione predictorum debitorum transsacto consulatu et tempore suprascriptis. 38. [XXXVIII] HOW THE EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE CONSULS SHOULD BE PAID BY THEM OR BY THOSE WHO SHOULD FREE THEMSELVES SHOULD FREE THEMSELVES. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that the Consuls and the menbers of the Credentia of the Commune of Biella and the Consuls of the Magistrates, who are in office at the time, are obliged to take care and see to it efficiently on their sworn oath that each and every expense that they henceforth make in the name of the Commune of Biella and from the mandate of the Commune or the Credentia should be paid before the Consuls of the Commune of Biella, in whose consulate the expenses had been made, should leave their office and consulate and the consuls of the magistrates within two months after the expenses had been made and before the consuls in whose consulate the expenses concerning their consulate had been made, leave office, are obliged to and should assign and order the manner and form through which the aforesaid expenses are said. And, they should be exacted with efficiency. Thus, [it is understood] that the community is exhonorated from those debts and with absolution from usury within the aforesaid time. And, if the aforesaid matters are done effectively, the members of the Credentia and the consuls of the Magistrates and their goods can be assembled by creditors who gave the money as a loan to the consuls or commune of Biella. And, if they have been therefore obligated in terms of their own property and special debts and to absolve the commune of Biella from the expenses of the losses and to be between those expenses which it incurred on the occasion of the aforesaid debts which were carried on during the consulate and the time of the aforesaid events. 39. [XXXVIIII] INFRA QUOD TEMPUS QUIS POSSIT RESUMERE CONSULATUM. Item statutum est quod qui fuerit consul vno anno non possit esse consul a die finiti sui officij usque ad quatuor annos completos. 39. [XXXVIIII] WITHIN WHAT PERIOD OF TIME SOMEONE CAN RESUME THE CONSULATE. In the same way, it has been decreed that he, who was the consul for a year, can not be a consul from the day of the termination of his office to the completion of four years. 40. [XXXVIIII] IN EXPENSIS RATIONANDIS PERSONA CUM QUA, AC DIES ET MENSIS SUNT APPONENDI. Item statutum est quod clauarius et consules qui aliquas expenssas fecerint pro comuni teneantur scribere menssem et diem in quibus expensse facte et sigillatim specifficare nomina omnium quibus data fuerit pecunia et quantitates et causas, alias. nichil possit ponere in ratione comunis. Eo saluo quod dictum statutum non extendatur ad spias. nec ad tractatum secretum que fierent ad bonum statum et vtilitatem comunis. 40. [XXXVIIII] IN THE ACCOUNTING OF EXPENSES, THE PERSON WITH WHOM, THE DAY, AND THE MONTH MUST BE REPORTED. In the same way, it has been decreed that the treasurer and the consuls, who have caused the expenses on behalf of the commune, are obliged to write down the day and the month in which they incurred the expenses and to specify under seal the names of all of those to whom money has been given as well as the quantity and reasons; otherwise, nothing can be placed in the accounts of the Commune. Saving that [it is understood] that the aforesaid statute is not extended to spies nor to handling secret activities which are done for the good state and advantage of the Commune. 41. [XXXX] QUI POTEST ALIQUEM ALTERUM PRO CUSTODIA EXCUSARE. Item statutum est quod nullus consul possit nec debeat excusare aliquem per se nec per aliquem de domo sua nec accipere solutionem seu accipi facere pro excussatione custodie. et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro quolibet quem excussauerit et qualibet uice sol. XX. pp. Et ille qui faceret excussare soluerent tantumdem excepto quod liceat. Notario. excussare duos omni nocte. et servitori duos. et illi qui stabunt campanille duos. et qui stabit super turrim duos. et forestaris duos de licencia consulum. 41. [XXXX] WHO CAN EXCUSE ANY OTHER PERSON FOR GUARD DUTY. In the same way, it has been decreed that no consul can nor should anyone else by his own authority or through any member of his household receive any payment (i.e., bribe) nor cause any payment to be accepted as an excuse from guard duty. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. for each occasion on which he excused [some one from guard duty] and for each offence. And, the person, who caused him to be released [from guard duty], should pay the same amount with the exception that the notary is permitted to excuse two men during one entire evening, the slave [of the commune] two, those who remain [on duty] near the bell-tower may excuse two, he, who remains [on guard] in the gate-tower may release two, and the foresters may also release two with the permission of the consuls. 42 & 43. [XXXXI] QUID HABEANT CONSULES DE INQUISITIONIBUS ET QUID FACERE TENEANTUR. 42. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod de omnibus et singulis delictis et quasi maleficijs et quasi rebus negocijs factis comissis uel pertractatis contra honorem domini Episcopi et Ecclesie Vercellensis uel contra statutum et honorem comunis et hominum de bugella seu contra Jus uel statuta seu reformationes Cridas et ordinationes dicti comunis. Consules comunis bugelle et quilibet ipsorum simul et separatim prout voluerint possint et valeant ex eorum officio sine strepitu et figura Judicij ordine Juris seruato et non seruato Inquirere et Inquisitiones facere et finire et omnes et singulos qui reperientur culpabiles per eorum inquisitiones punire et condempnare secundum jura et statuta comunis bugelle et perinde ac si in omnibus fuisset ordo Judiciarius solempniter obseruatus et perinde ac si fuisset de predictis acussatio legitime facta. 43. Item statutum est quod omnibus et singulis bannis excussis ratione Inquisitionum clauarius habeat duodeamam partem et alij Consules aliam duodeamam qui consules teneantur stare cum clauario ad faciendas dictas Inquisitiones et etiam ipsas sine ipso quociescumque ad Aures ipsorum peruenerint uel viderint expedire. 42 & 43. [XXXXI] WHAT THE CONSULS MAY HAVE FROM AN INVESTIGATION AND WHAT THEY ARE OBLIGED TO DO. 42. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that, for each and every dereliction, evildoing, and business transaction undertaken, committed, or carried out against the honor of the Lord bishop and the Church of Vercello or against the statute and the honor of the Commune or the proclaimed reforms and ordinances of the aforesaid commune, the consuls of the commune of Biella and anyone of them, together or as individuals, as they wish, can and are able, from their duty without fanfare and judicial formulae, and with the letter of the law preserved or not preserved, investigate, conduct investigations, and fine each and every person who they have found to be guilty through their investigations, to punish and condemn according to the laws and statutes of the Commune of Biella and, just as if the judicial order has been solemnly observed in all matters and just as if a legitimate accusation concerning the aforesaid matters has been properly made. 43. In the same way, it has been decreed that, after each and every one of the banns has been executed by reason of an investigation, the treasurer may have a twelfth portion and the other consuls a half portion. These consuls are obliged to remain with the treasurer to carry out the aforesaid investigations and also any other matters that may come to their ears or which they may wish to prepare for. 44. LEGITTIME ACCUSATUS HABETUR PRO CONDEMPNATO, NISI PROBAT CONTRARIUM. Item quia observanda sunt in futurum que longissimis temporibus inconmutabiliter tenuerunt Statutum et ordinatum fuit quod quelibet persona que de cetero legittime fuerit accusata, per consules officialem seu decnunciatorem. uel custodem priuatum comunis Bugelle. habeatur pro condempnata. per inde Ac si contra accusatum. probatum fuisset legittime de accusa per duos ydoneos testes. nisi accusatus probauerit contrarium eius quod continebitur in accusa per duos testes legittimos et quilibet qui preerit seu deputatus fuerit ad offitium comunis possit accusare pubblice et privatim. 44. AN ACCUSED PERSON MAY BE LEGITIMATELY HELD FOR PUNISHMENT, UNLESS HE CAN PROVE THE CONTRARY. In the same way, since those matters which were con sidered to be unchangeable from the most distant times must be observed in the future, it has be decreed and ordained that each person, who is henceforth legitimately accused by the consuls, and official, or a private guard of the Commune of Biella, is considered for condemnation thereby and, if the case concerning an accusation has been legitimately proven against the accused person by two suitable witnesses, unless the accused person has proven the contrary of that which has been contained in the accusation by two legitimate witnesses; and, anyone who will be present or who has been deputized for duty with the commune can accuss both publicly and privately. II. RUBRICA DE CREDENTIA. II. THE RUBRIC CONCERNING THE CREDENCIA. 45. [I] NON UENIENS AD CREDENTIAM UEL SEDENDO LOQUENS QUALITER PUNIATUR. Statutum est et ordinatum quod omnes credentiarij veniant ad credenciam quando pulsabitur uel precipietur. et qui ibi non fuerit antequam consul incipiat concionem soluat bannum sol. VIIII. pp. et qui dixerit aliquid. In credencia dum aliquis concionauerit soluat simile bannum. 45. [I] HOW A PERSON WHO DOES NOT COME TO THE CREDENTIA OR WHO SPEAKS WHILE IT IS IN SESSION MAY BE PUNISHED. It has been decreed and ordained that all of the members of the Credentia should come when the bells is sounded or when ordered; and, he, who is not there before the consul begins the assembly, should pay a fine of nine solidi pp. and he, who says anything in the Credentia while someone else is deliberating (i.e, speaking publicly), should pay a similar fine. 46. [II] CONTRA PRECEPTA CONSULUM LOQUENS IN CREDENTIA PUNIATUR. Item statutum est quod qui dixerit aliquid in credencia postquam consul preceperit ei quod taceat soluat bannum sol. V. pp. et tantum plus. quantum consules preciperent. et consules teneantur excutere bannum et facere acordari incontinenti et poni in libro comunis sicut alia banna. 46. [II] A PERSON WHO SPEAKS AGAINST THE COMMANDS OF THE CONSULS IN THE CREDENTIA MAY BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that anyone who has said anything in the Credentia after the consul has ordered him to remain silent should pay a fine of five solidi pp. and as much more as the consul should order. And, the consuls are obliged to enforce the fine and see to it that an agreement is made immediately and that it is set down in the Book of the Commune as the other fines are. 47. [III] ANTE QUAM IURET UENIENS AD CREDENTIAM PUNIATUR. Item statutum est quod qui venerit ad credenciam et non Jurauerit ipsam. soluat bannum sol. V. pp. pro qualibet uice. nisi habuisset licenciam a consulibus. et hoc Intelligatur tantum de illis qui steterint cum credenciariis. 47. [III] ANYONE WHO DOES NOT TAKE AN OATH BEFORE COMING TO THE CREDENTIA MAY BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that he, who comes to the Credentia and does not swear the oath, should pay a fine of five solidi pp. for each offence unless he has a dispensation from the consuls; and, this is understood only in regard to those men who may remain with the members of the Credentia. 48. [IIII] ACTENDI DEBENT QUE FUERINT PER MAIOREM CREDENTIE ORDINATA. Item statutum est quod totum hoc quod ordinabitur per credenciarios uel maiorem partem. seu per illos qui fuerint ad hoc constituti obseruetur. dum modo hoc iuste et racionabiliter factum sit. 48. [IIII] THOSE MATTERS WHICH ARE TO BE ACTED UPON SHOULD BE ORDERED BY A GREATER PORTION OF THE CREDENTIA. In the same way, it has been decreed that all of this which will be ordained by the members of the Credentia or a major portion thereof or by those who were convened for this purpose be observed as long as this has been justly and rationally done. 49. [V] NON HABEAT HONOREM UEL OFFITIUM IN COMMUNI QUI NON EST HABITATOR ET QUI RECUSAT HONERA SUBSTINERE. Item statutum est quod aliquis qui non soluat fodra et banna comuni bugelle. et qui non sit habitor bugelle. non possit esse de credencia nec de consilio. nec habere aliquod officium dicti comunis. 49. [V] NO ONE SHOULD HOLD AN HONOR OR AN OFFICE IN THE COMMUNE WHO IS NOT AN INHABITANT [OF THE COMMUNE] AND WHO REFUSED TO SUSTAIN THE HONORS [OF THE COMMUNE]. In the same way, it has been decreed that anyone, who does not pay the dues and the fines of the Commune of Biella and who is not an inhabitant of Biella, can not be a member of the Credentia or of the Council and he can not hold any office of the aforesaid commune. 50. [VI] DE QUIBUS BANNIS NON LICEAT GRATIAM IMPETERTIRI. Item statutum est quod aliqua gracia non possit fieri de aliquo banno ludi. furti. ferute. uel qui trassisset arma. nec a;icui qui steterit bannitus comunis bugelle ultra menssem vnum. nec de aliquo banno rupto uel Judicato. 50. [VI] CONCERNING THOSE FINES FOR WHICH PERMISSION IS NOT GIVEN TO GRANT A PARDON. In the same way, it has been decreed that no dispensation can be granted from any fine for gambling, theft, ordeals, or fo he who has carried weapons or for anyone who remains a banned person of the Commune of Biella for more than a month nor from any bann which has been broken or adjudicated. 51. [VII] IN PRESENTIA PETENTIS GRATIAM NUNQUAM RESPONDEATUR. Item statutum est quod si quis pecierit uel requisierit aliquid a comuni consules et credenciarij habeant conscilium simul sine illo qui pecierit antequam respondeant ei. Et ille qui responderet sine volumtate credencie soluat bannum sol. X. pp. Set sic respondeatur per consules. domine nos audiuimus libenter uerba vestra tamquam domini et amici nostri et super hiis diligenter habebimus conscilium. et vobis respondebitur secundum voluntatem et perceptum credencie. et tunc habeant conscilium respondendi per volumtatem credencie. 51. [VII] A RESPONSE SHOULD NEVER BE GIVEN IN THE PRESENCE OF THOSE SEEKING A DISPENSATION. In the same way, it has been decreed that, if anyone is seeking or requesting anything from the Commune, the consuls and the members of the Credentia are required to hold a conference together without the person who is petitioning before they respond to him. And, he, who responds without the wish of the Credentia, should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp., but, the consuls should respond in this manner: "Lords, we have freely listened to your words as if they were our lords and friends. And, concerning these matters, we have held a conference. And, there will be a response to you in accordance with the wishes and order of the Credentia. And, they will then hold a Council to respond at the wish of the Credentia." 52. [VIII] DONUM FIERI NON POTEST NISI MAGISTRALIJS PRIMITUS CONUOCATUS. Item statutum est quod si aliquis homo vel femina cuiuscumque conditionis si pecierit aliquid a Credentia seu a Comuni Bugelle Consules et Credentiarij non possint nec debeant facere aliquam responsionem nec aliquod donum. donec conuocauerint Consules cuiuslibet Mestralie. qui similter conuocare debeant omnes illos de eorum paraticis et habito conscilio cum ipsis liceat ipsis Consulibus paraticorum ducere ad Credentiam. VI. uel. VIII. aut usque ad. XII. de melioribus cuiuslibet paratici et tunc fiat responxio de Conscilio et uoluntate Credentiariorum et mestralium qui fuerint ad credentiam uel maioris partis ipsorum. Aliter uero responxio sit cassa irrita et nullius ualoris atque momenti. Et hoc Capitulum siue statutum sit et esse intelligatur Ita et taliter precisum quod non possit nec debeat cassari nec irritare per totum tempus consulum qui iurauerint et quod quelibet maystraria faciat responsionem sui consilij et singulariter. aliter facta responsio pro nulla habeatur nec teneatur. et eodem modo teneantur consulere super quamcumque causam de qua conscilium daretur in credentia. 52. [VIII] A GIFT CAN NOT BE GIVEN EXCEPT WHEN THE MAGISTRATES ARE FIRST ASSEMBLED. In the same way, it has been decreed that, if any man or woman of any condition whatsoever, should seek anything from the Credentia or the Commune of Biella, the consuls and the members of the Credentia can not and should not make any response nor any gift until they have called the consuls of any mistery (= craft or craft gild) whatsoever which, in a similar fashion, shall have convened all of those persons who belong to their assemblies and, after they have held a meeting with them, the consuls of these assemblies are permitted to bring to the Credentia six, eight, or up to twelve of the better members of their assembly and then the response from their council may be made at the wish of the members of the Credentia and of the mistery who are present at the Council or the greater portion thereof. Otherwise, their response is void, illegal, and of no value or moment. And, this chapter or statute may be and should be understood to be such and so exact that it can not be nor should be voided nor rendered illegal throughout the entire term of office of the consuls who took the oath [to enforce this law] and [it is understood] that any mistery may make a response to the consuls as a group or individually. The response which has been made in another way should be considered and held to be of no account. And, in the same way, they are obliged to consult concerning any reason for which counsel has been given in the Credentia. 53. [VIIII] QUALITER ELECTORES CONSULUM ET CONSULES ELIGANTUR. Item statutum est quod in Credentia pulsata et congregata ad sonum canpane more solito eligantur. XII. homines ad breue datum inter omnes Credentiarios, qui iurent eligere bonos et ydoneos Consules duos de Placio et duos de Plano. et. VIII. illorum. XII. habeant potestatem eligendi predictos si fuerint in concordia. Ita tamen quod aliquis ipsorum electorum non possit esse Consul. 53. [VIIII] HOW THE ELECTORS OF THE CONSULS AND THE CONSULS ARE CHOSEN. In the same way, it has been decreed that in a Credentia called together and assembled at the sound of the bell in the customary manner, twelve men should be chosen at the writ given among all of the members of the Credentia, who swear that they will choose four good and suitable consuls, two from the public square and two from the open area, and eight others. They have the power to choose the aforesaid men if they are in agreement. It is thus neverthe less understood that none of those electors can be a consul. 54. [X] QUALITER ELECTORES OFFITIALIUM ET OFFITIALES SINT ELIGENDI. Item statutum est quod alij. XII homines electi ad breue datum in credentia iurare debeant eligere omnes officiales Comunis illius anni et octo illorum si fuerint in concordia possint ipsos officiales eligere. Ita tamen quod aliquis de predictis electoribus non possit esse officialis preter Clauarium et hoc statutum fit et esse debeat perpetuo precisum ita quod non posit poni in credentia quod aliter electio fiat. nec per ipsam credentiam dispensari. et si contra factum fuerit. cassum sit et irritum ipso iure. 54. [X] HOW THE ELECTORS OF THE OFFICIALS AND THE OFFICIALS SHOULD BE CHOSEN. In the same way, it has been decreed that the other twelve men chosen at the writ given in the Credentia should swear that they would choose all of the officials of the Commune for that year and eight of them, if they are in agreement, can choose those officials. Thus, [it is understood] nevertheless that anyone of the aforesaid electors can not be an official besides the treasurer and this is the statute and it should be forever so precise that a person can not be seated in the Credentia because his election took place in any other circumstance nor can [this bann] be waived. And, if this statute is contravened, [the election] is void and unlawful by the law itself. 55. [XI] QUALITER ELECTORES CONSULUM ET OFFITIALIUM ELIGENDI POTESTATE PRIUENTUR. Item statutum est quod si predicti electores consulum et officialium non se concordarent de faciendis predictis electionibus sicut superius determinatur et starent tantum ad concordendum se de predictis quod vna candela de vno pede esset combusta et finita quod electio ipsorum reuertatur ad credentiam, et eligatur vnum Camparium in Pauignano. 55. [XI] HOW THE CHOSEN ELECTORS OF THE CONSULS AND THE OFFICIALS ARE DEPRIVED OF THEIR OFFICE BY THE PODESTA. In the same way, it has been decreed that, if the aforesaid electors of the Consuls and officials do not agree among themselves concerning conducting the aforesaid electors as it has been determined above they are to remain together only to make an agreement among themselves concerning the aforesaid matters so long as it is for [the length of time that it takes] a one foot candle to burn and, after the candle has burned out, [it is understood] that the election of those [officials and consuls] is returned to the Credentia and one camparius is chosen in Pauignanum. 56. [XII] QUOD ORDINATUM EST POTEST MAIOR PARS CREDENTIE IMMUTARE. Item statutum est quod Credentia possit crescere diminuere et mutare ea de quibus maior pars fuerit in concordia ad honorem et utilitatem domini Episcopi et ecclesie Vercellensis et Comunis Bugelle saluo quod pro illo anno quo consules iurauerint super statutis quod nichil fieri possit in illo anno contra statuta. 56. [XII] A MAJORITY PORTION OF THE CREDENTIA CAN CHANGE WHAT HAS BEEN ORDAINED. In the same way, it has been decreed that the Credentia can increase, lessen, and change those matters concerning which a major portion was in agreement for the honor and advantage of the Lord Bishop, the Church of Vercellens, and the Commune of Biella, saving that for the year in which the consuls have taken an oath concerning the statutes that nothing can be done in that year against the statutes. 57. [XIII] PENA PROPONENTIS ALIQUID ANTE QUAM PROPOSITA PER CONSULES FUERINT REFORMATA. Item statutum est quod quousque fuerit facta reponsio et datum conscilium super proposita facta per Consules nullus Credentiarius debeat aliquid aliud proponere uel allegare sine licentia Consulum. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum. sol. V. pp. Et Consules teneantur excutere illa banna sicut alia et ante quam exeant de credencia facere ipsa acordari. 57. [XIII] THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO PROPOSE ANYTHING BEFORE THE MATTERS PROPOSED BY THE CONSULS WILL HAVE BEEN ACTED UPON. In the same way, it has been decreed that, whatever response has been made or whatever counsel has been given concerning proposals made by the Consuls, no member of the Credentia should propose or allege anything else without the permission of the consuls. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi pp. And the consuls are obliged to execute those banns as the others and to see to it that those matters are negotiated before they leave the Credentia. 58. [XIIII] QUANDO UALEAT INSTRUMENTUM GRATIE QUE FIT PER COMUNE ET PENA NOTARIJ QUI FACIT INSTRUMENTUM CONTRA FORMAM STATUTORUM. Item statutum est quod si carta aliqui facta fuerit habitarie siue alicuius alterius facti que pertineat comuni bugelle. quod ipsa carta legatur et examinetur in publica credencia. seu in conscilio. et si aprobata fuerit. reddatur per notarium qui eam fecerit ei cuius fuerit. Alioquim si contrafactum fuerit. sit cassa et irrita. Insuper notarius qui cartam fecerit tenetur dare similem clauario comunis sumptibus illius qui eam pecierit a comuni. et clauarius tenetur eam ponere in scrineo comunis cum sociis suis. Et notarius qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. XX. pp. Et consules teneantur inquirere. 58. [XIIII] WHEN AN INSTRUMENT FOR PARDON WHICH HAS BEEN MADE BY THE COMMUNE IS IN FORCE AND THE PENALTY FOR THE NOTARY WHO MARKS AN INSTRUMENT AGAINST THE FORM OF THE STATUTES. In the same way, it has been decreed that, if there is any document of ownership which has been made or anything else which has been made that pertains to the Commune of Biella, [it is understood] that this document should be read and examined in the public Credentia or in the Council. And, if it has been approved, it should be returned by the notary who fashioned it to the person to whom it belongs. If the document should be contrary to this [directive] in any way, it is void and illegal. In addition, the notary, who fashioned the document is obliged to give a copy to the treasurer of the Commune at the expense of the person who sought the document from the commune. And, the treasurer is obliged to place the document in the archive of the Commune together with its fellows. And, the notary, who violates [this directive], should pay a fine of twentu solidi pp. for each and every offence. And, the Consuls are obliged to investigate. 59. [XV] PENA FORENSIS EUNTIS AD CONUOCATIONEM FACTAM RATIONE COMUNIS. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona que non sit de bugella seu recepta in habitatorem comunis bugelle non audeat vel presumat Ire ad aliquam coadunationem seu conuocationem que fiat per maystralias ad petitionem comunis bugelle seu de mandato consulum uel comunis predicti loci uel ratione dicte comunitatis. Et qui contra fecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol. V. et consules illius paratici qui eos admiserint soluant pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol. X. 59. [XV] THE PENALTY FOR THE FOREIGNER WHO GOES TO AN ASSEMBLY CALLED FOR BY A DECISION OF THE COMMUNE. In the same way, it has been decreed that any person, who is not a resident of Biella or who has been received into ahousehold of the Commune of Biella, should not dare to nor presume to go to any assembly or convocation which was called for by the craft gilds at the request of the commune or at the mandate of the Consuls or of the Commune of the aforesaid place or at the reckoning of the aforesaid community. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi pp. for each and every offence and the consul of that paraticus, which called them together should pay ten solidi pp. for each and every offence. III. RUBRICA DE COMUNI. III. THE RUBRIC CONCERNING THE COMMUNE. 60. [I] PENA NON SOLUENTIS AD TERMINUM ORDINATUM. Item statutum est quod qui non soluerit comuni quod debuerit ad terminum sibi assignatum. siue in Instrumentis ordinatum. quod omnia dampna et expensse que fient occaxione illius debiti. vadant super illo qui non soluerit. Et qui dederit aliquod pignus clauario nomine comunis. teneatur predictum pignus facere bonum usque ad quantitatem pro qua id dederit. 60. [I] THE PENALTY FOR NOT RENDERING PAYMENT WITHIN THE TIME ORDAINED. In the same way, it has been decreed that he, who does not pay the commune what he owes by the deadline assigned to him or ordained in the instruments, [should understand] that all loses and expenses which were incurred on the occasion of the debt become the responsibility of he who has not paid his debts. And, he, who has given any pledge to the treasury in the name of the commune is obliged to make the aforesaid surety good to the quantity for that which he had given it. 61. [II] SALARIUM AMBAXATORIBUS EQUESTRIBUS ORDINATUM. Item statutum est quod qui Iuerit extra bugellam pro ambaxata comunis. habeat sol. XVI. pp. pro quolibet cum equo. et non plus. Et si venerit ea die qua iuerit habeat sol. VIIII. pp. Et non possit nec debeat sibi fieri aliqua ultra predictos sol. XII. pp. 61. [II] THE SALARY ESTABLISHED FOR EQUESTRIAN AMBASSADORS. In the same way, it has been decreed that he who travels outside of Biella for any ambassadorship for the commune, should have sixteen solidi pp. for each [attendant] with a horse and no more. And, if he returns on the day on which he had departed, he should have nine solidi pp. And, he can not and should not take anything additional for himself beyond the aforesaid twelve solidi pp. 62. [III] SALARIUM PEDESTRIUM ET FATIENDUM FACTA COMUNIS. Item statutum est quod qui Iuerit extra bugellam videlicet longe a loco bugelle per unum miliare sine equo in seruicio comunis habeat sol. III. pp. pro quolibet die. Et qui steterit super aliquo facto comunis in bugella habeat sol. II. pp. qualibet die. 62. [III] THE SALARY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ON FOOT AND CARRYING OUT THE BUSINESS OF THE COMMUNE. In the same way, it has been decreed that he who goes outside of Biella certainly further than one mile (miliare) from the territory of Biella without a horse in the service of the commune should have three solidi pp. for each day. And, he, who has remained in Biella on any business of the commune should have two solidi pp. for each day. 63. [IIII] PENA NON ATTENDTIUM PRECEPTA COMUNIS ET PROCESSUS CONTRA EOS PER CONSULES FATIENDI. Item statutum est quod omnes homines habitantes et stantes in begella debeant attendere et obseruare omnis precepta rationabiliter eis facta per consules bugelle uel aliquem ipsorum de precepto et voluntate credencie uel maioris partis ipsius credencie. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro qualibet die qua steterit usque ad octo dies sol. X. pp. nisi iustam habuerit excusationem. Et de predictis bannis non possit fieri aliqua gratia. Et si non acordauerit predicta banna. non emendentur sibi aliqua dampna si fierent ei. de ere comunis post terminum. VIII0. dierum ipso existente in predicta rebellitione. et quod teneatur pro uicino. et quod nullus debeat ei dare conscilium nec adiutorium. nec mercandare cum eo. Et quod nemo coquat sibi panum nec coqui facere nec molat sibi bladum nec moli facere nec laborare cum eo vel dare laborem sub banno sol. V. pp. pro quolibet et qualibet vice. Et conssules teneantur facere ipsum sic rabellum omni mense nominatim cridari in banno per loca consueta per totum eorum consulatum per sacramentum et super predictis omnibus et singulis teneantur inquirere si sciuerint et eis denunciatum fuerit et tenere denunciatores privatos. 63. [IIII] THE PENALTY FOR NOT ATTENDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE COMMUNE AND THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST THEM INDICATED BY THE CONSULS. In the same way, it has been decreed that all me living and residing in Biella should attend to and observe all laws reasonably made for them by the consuls of Biella or by any one of them "de precepto et voluntate credencie vel maiores partis ipsius credencie." And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of ten solidi pp. for each day on which he remains up to eight days unless he has a just excuse. And, concerning the aforesaid banns, there can be no indulgence granted. And, if anyone does not agree with the aforesaid banns, no loss, if it should happen to him, should re reimbursed from the treasury of the commune after the limit of eight days while he is in the aforesaid rebellion. And, [it is understood] that he may not be considered a neighbor. And, [it is understood] that no one should give aid or counsel to him or to engage in business with him. And, [it is understood] that no one should break bread with him or cause anyone to eat with him or mill his grain or cause it to be milled or work with him or give him work under a penalty of five solidi pp. for each and every offence. And, the consuls are to see to it that he is thus publicly denounced by name as a rebel every month in a bann throughout the customary places throughout the time of their consulate on their sworn oath and, concerning each and every one of the aforesaid matters, the consuls are obliged to investigate if they know about them and if it has been reported to them; and, [they are obliged] to keep [the names of] the informers confidential. 64. [V] PENA SAPANTIUM ARBORES SUPER COMUNI, ULTRA FORMAM STATUTORUM. Item statutum est quod arbores existentes super comuni non debeant nec possint sappari ultra pedes IIIor. longe ab arbore. et qui contrafecerit. soluat pro quolibet vice sol. XX. pp.(propria pecunia). Et omnes officiales teneantur accusare et pro qualibet arbore sol. V. 64. [V] THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO TRIM TREES IN THE COMMUNE BEYOND THE FORM OF THE STATUTES In the same way it is decreed that the trees which are in the Commune can not and should not be trimmed more than three feet from the tree. And, he, who acts against (this chapter), should pay twenty solidi p.p. (in suitable money) for each and every offence. And all officials are obliged to make accusations. And, for each tree, there is a fine of five solidi. 65. [VI] PER ILLOS DE CREDENTIA DE MANDATO CONSULUM BANNA SUNT IUDICANDA. Item statutum est quod banna dicti comunis non possint Judicari nisi per illos de credencia ad hoc electos per consules dicti comunis secundum quod consuetum est. 65. [VI] PUNISHMENTS ARE ADJUDICATED BY THOSE MEN OF THE CREDENTIA ACCORDING TO THE MANDATE OF THE CONSULS. In the same way, it has been decreed that the banns of the aforesaid commune can not be adjudicated unless by those me of the Credentia chosen for that purpose by the consuls of the aforesaid commune according to the customary form. 66. [VII] DIEBUS MERCURIJ IOUIS ET VENERIS BONA VENIENTIUM AD FORUM NON VALEANT IMPEDIRI. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod non possit nec debeat fieri aliquod saximentum de bonis uel in bonis alicuius uenientis a forum bugelle in die Mercuri post nonam. nec per totam diem Jovis. nec die veneris usque ad vesperas. nec ipsius bona modo aliquo impedire. et qui pecierit vel impetrauerit fieri dictum saximentum seu impediuerit aliquem venientem ad forum. uel bona eius detinebit uel occupabit directe uel indirecte. soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice. sol. XX. pp. et ultra hoc dictum saximentum sit cassum et irritum. et ille qui eum fieri fecerit. teneatur ipsum facere cassari si fuerit requisitus. et si cassare noluerit. soluat bonnum sol, LX. et nichilominus dictum saximentum sit cassum irritum et nullius ualoris. penitus et momenti. et quod statutum non extendatur ad fures. latrones. seu raptores. nec. intelligatur de bonis furatis et ablatis. uiolenter vel derubatis. 66. [VII] ON WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, THE GOODS OF THOSE COMING TO THE MARKETPLACE SHOULD NOT BE HINDERED. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that no saximentum [a tax of one sixth of the value] can or should be taken from the goods or [imposed] on the goods of any person coming from the Forum of Biella on Wednesday, Thursday after noon, nor on Friday until.after Vespers. Nor should the goods of anyone be impeded in any way. And, he who places a values (on goods) or orders that the aforesaid saximentum be imposed or impedes anyone coming to the marketplace or holds onto them either directly or indirectly should pay twenty solidi pp. for each and every offence and furthermore the saximentum is null and void. And he who has caused this to happen is obliged to see to it that his actions are nullified if he shall have required them. And if he should refuse to nullify them, he should pay a fine of 60 solidi and the aforesaid saximentum is nonetheless null, void, and of no value or actual impact. And [it is understood] that this statute is not extended to thieves, brigands, or rapists, and it is not understood to have been extended to goods stolen, taken violently, or destroyed. 67. [VIII] DOMINUS DOMUS SOLUAT PRO CONDUCTORE QUI RECUSAT COMUNIS HONERA SUBSTINERE. Item statutum est quod si aliqua persona de bugella. seu habitans in bugella locauerit aliquam domum uel aliam possessionem alicui persone que recuset soluere banna fodra datia et alias impositiones ei uel eis imposita uel impositas per comune bugelle. quod dominus domus uel alterius possessionis dicta banna et alias impositiones soluere teneatur. Et si conductor alij soluere teneatur. Et si conductor non esset soluendo uel se defenderet nichilominus dominus domus in qua delinquid soluere teneatur. 67. [VIII] THE LORD OF THE HOUSEHOLD SHOULD PAY FOR THE TENANT WHO REFUSES TO SUSTAIN THE THE HONORS OF THE COMMUNE. In the same way, it has been decreed that, if any person from Biella or living in Biella should lease (rent) any home or any possession for any person who refuses to pay fines, feudal dues, endowments, or any dues imposed on him, or imposed on them or imposed by the commune of Biella, [it is understood] that the owner of the house or other possessions may be held responsible for paying the aforesaid fines or other investitures. And, if the conductor of another should be obliged to pay or should not have to pay or should make a defense for himself, the owner of the house in which there is any delinquency [unpaid debts] should in no way be obliged to render payment. 68. [VIIII] DISPENSATA PER OFFITIALES CONFRARIE ULTRA PROUENTUS SINE LICENTIA COMUNIS NULLATENUS REPPETANTUR. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod prior et sorestani confrarie non possint nec debeant expendere nec distribuere ultra illud quod exegerint uel exigere debuerint de prouentibus confrarie illius anni in quo essent dicti prior et sorestani constituti. Et si contrafecerint non restituatur eis de Ere comunis nec confrarie nisi hoc decissent de licentia credentie optenta antequam inciperent distribuere dictam confrariam. 68. [VIIII] EXPENDITURES BY THE OFFICIALS OF ASSOCIATIONS BEYOND THEIR FINANCIAL RESOURCES WITHOUT THE LICENCE OF THE COMMUNE SHOULD BY NO MEANS BE REPEATED. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that the prior or prioress of a brotherhood can not nor should not expend or distribute any more than they are required to or should they demand from the proceeds of the brotherhood during the year in which the aforesaid prior or prioress had been installed in office. And, if this bann is violated, [the loss] should not be restored to them from the treasury of the commune nor of the brotherhood, unless it took place with the permission of the Credentia chosen before they began to distribute [the proceeds of] the aforesaid brotherhood. 69. [X] DANS DAMPNUM IN DOMIBUS ALIENIS SOLIDOS V SOLUERE TENEATUR. Item statutum est quod qui proiecerit lapides vel dampnum dederit in domibus Ecclesiarum confrarie communis et cuiuslibet persone soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. V pp. 69. [X] ANY PERSON CAUSING DAMAGE IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HOME IS BOUND TO PAY FIVE SOLIDI. In the same way, it has been decreed that he, who throws stones at or who causes damage to the homes of the churches of the brotherhood of the commune and of each and every person, should pay a fine of five solidi pp. for each and every offence 70. ACCUSATUS NON FACIENS DEFENSIONEM INFRA MENSEM HABEATUR PRO CONDEMNATO. Item quod quelibet persona que accusata fuerit consulibus bugelle ab alio quam per ofitialem comunis si post acussam infra menssem defensionem non fecerit atque dederit eam in scriptis consulibus habeatur pro condennata. et ab ipsa persona bannum exigatur et perueniat in comune bugelle perinde ac si accusa probata esset per duos legitimos testes. 70. AN ACCUSED PERSON WHO DOES NOT MAKE A DEFENSE WITHIN A MONTH MAY BE CONSIDERED AS CONVICTED. In the same way, [it is understood] that, if any person who has been accused to the consuls of Biella by any person other than by an official of the commune does not make a defense within a month and give that defense in writing to the consuls, he should be held for condemnation. And, from this person, a fine is exacted and it falls to the commune of Biella therefrom and if the accusation has been proven by two legitimate witnesses. IIII. RUBRICA DE SANCTIS FESTIS. ECCLEXIIS. SALMIS. CUMFRARIA. ET HOSPITALI. IIII. THE RUBRIC CONCERNING HOLY DAYS, CHURCHES, CONVENTS, BROTHERHOODS, AND HOSPITALS. 71. [XI] IURANTES ET BLASFEMANTES YHESUM ET ALIOS SANCTOS DEI QUALITER PUNIATUR. Statutum est quod illa persona que blasphemauerit uel maledixerit deum. uel sanctam Mariam. aut aliquem sanctum uel sanctam. Aut qui dixerit in despectu aut male grate alicuius ipsorum. Aut qui Jurauerit corpus. sanquinem. uel os dei. uel sancte Marie soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. quinque. pp. 71. [XI] THE MANNER IN WHICH THOSE WHO SWEAR AND BLASPHEME JESUS AND THE OTHER SAINTS OF GOD SHOULD BE PUNISHED. It has been decreed that any person who blasphemes or speaks badly of God, of Holy Mary, or of any holy man or woman, or, who speaks on contempt of or with disfavor of anyone of them, or, who swears on the body, blood, or bones of God or Holy Mary, should pay a fine of five solidi pp. for each and every offence. 72. [XII] QUIBUS FESTIUITATIBUS SIT PROHIBITUM LABORARE. Item statutum est quod omnia festa Beate Marie virginis. et appostolorum, et festum omnium Sanctorum. et festa beatorum Eusebij ed Stephani de mensse augusti. et omnes dies dominici sint in banno. et qui laborauerit uel laborari fecerit in aliquo predictorum festorum et in aliis maioribus festivitatibus si fuerit dominus laboris soluat bannum sol. V. pp. si fuerit laborator qui laboret pro precio denar. XII. pp. Et in eodem banna sint festiuitates sanctorum et sanctarum Nicolay. Martini. Victoris. Theodori. Bernardi. Mauricij. Caxiani. Marie Magdalene. Michaelis et Georgii et Sancti Augustini confessoris et sancte Katherine virginis. Et beati Marchi euangeliste et sancti Luce et corporis Christi. 72. [XII] ON WHICH FEAST DAYS IT IS FORBIDDEN TO WORK. In the same way, it has been decreed that all of the feast days of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Apostles, and the feast of All Saints, and the feast days of blessed Eusebius and of Stephen during the month of August and all Sundays are under bann. And, he, who works or causes anyone to work on anyone of the aforesaid feast days or on other greater festivities, should pay a fine of five solidi pp., if he is the master of the work, and, twelve denarii, if he is a laborer who worked for a wage. And, under the same bann are the feast days of the saints Nicolas, Martin, Victor, Theodore, Bernard, Maurice, Caxianus, Mary Magdalene, Michael, George, St. Augustine the Confessor, Katherine the Virgin, Blessed Mark the Evangelist, St. Lucy, and the Body of Christ. 73. [XIII] ASCENDENTES ECLESIAS QUALITER PUNIANTUR. Item statutum est quod qui ascenderit super aliquibus ecclesiis bugelle aliqua de causa soluat bannum sol. XX. pp. nisi ascenderet causa meliorandi ipsas. 73. [XIII] HOW THOSE WHO CLIMB ON CHURCHES SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that anyone who climbs atop any of the churches of Biella for any reason should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp., unless he had climbed atop them to make repairs. 74. [XIIII] AD QUE FESTA ET UIGILIAS PROHIBITUS SIT ACCESSUS. Item statutum est quod aliquis homo masculus de bugella seu habitans in bugella a. XII. annis superius non audeat uel presumat ire ad festa uel uigilias sanctorum laurentii de andurno. Germani de tolegno. Quirici de clauazia. Sancte Marie de moxo. et Bedulij. Sancti Jacobi de pitengo. Sancti laurentii de ponderano. . Sancte Marie de Auiliano. Sancti laurentii et petri de candelo. Sancti Petri de Gallianico. Sancte Marie de sendiliano. Sancti supplicij de borriana. Sancti Eusebij de muzano. Sancti stephani de occlepo superiori. Sancti theodoli de polono. et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. XX. pp. Et consules non possint dare licenciam. 74. [XIIII] AT WHICH FEASTS AND VIGILS ACCESS SHOULD BE PROHIBITED. In the same way, it has been decreed that any man from Biella or male living in Biella, who is more than twelve years of age, should neither dare nor presume to go to the Feast Days and Vigils of St. Lawrence of Andurno, Germanus of Tolegnum, Quiricus of Clauazia, St. Mary of Moxum and Bedulium, St. James of Pitenengo, St. Lawrence of Ponderanum, St. Mary of Auilianum, Sts. Lawrence and Peter of Candelum, St. Peter of Gallianicum, St. Mary of Sendilianum, St. supplicius of Borriana, St. Eusibius of Muzanum, St. Stephen of Occlepum Superior, St. Theodolus of polonum; and, he, who breaks [this bann], should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. for each and every offence. And, the consuls can not grant a dispensation. 75. [XV] PER QUOS ET QUI ELIGANTUR OFFITIALES CONFRARIE ET INFRA QUOD TEMPUS ET QUALITER RATIONEM SUB PENA REDDERE TENEANTUR. Item statutum est quod Prior et mestrales confrarie debeant eligere priorem et mestrales omni anno qui fuerintnecessarij pro sequenti anno, et ipsi debeant esse secundum quod electi fuerint. et qui noluerit esse soluat bannum sol. XX. pp. postea sit. nisi haberet iustam excusationem. Et consules eos cogere ut predicta faciant. et prior et sorestani teneantur omni anno in virtute Spiritus Sancti facere rationem consulibus et confratribus qui noluerint interesse. infra menssem post pasca pentecostes usque ad sanctam Mariam de medio Auguste. Et prior qui non reddiderit rationem consulibus comunis onfra dictum terminum quatuor sapientibus electis per consules ad dictam rationem audiendam. doluat bannum sol. LX. pp. et pro qualibet septimana sol. XX. pp. que banna consules teneantur excutere sicut alia banna comunis per eorum sacramentum. et consules non possint dare licenciam nec permittere poni in credentia. et quilibet possit accusare et teneatur priuatus. 75. [XV] BY WHOM THE OFFICIALS OF THE BROTHERHOODS ARE CHOSEN AND WHO THEY ARE AND WITHIN WHAT TIME AND IN WHAT MANNER THEY ARE OBLIGED TO RENDER AN ACCOUNTING UNDER PENALTY. In the same way, it has been decreed that the Prior and the priests of a brotherhood should choose a prior and priests for a whole year as necessary for the following year, and they should be chosen according to the form under which they are chosen and he, who does not wish to be chosen, should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. and afterwards be chosen, unless he has a just excuse. And, the consuls should compel them to do the aforesaid matters. And, the Prior and his companions are obliged each year in the virtue of the Holy Spirit to render an accounting for the consuls and their associates, who do not wish to be involved between the month of the Feast of Pentecost to the Feast of St. Mary during the middle of August. And, the Prior, who does not render an accounting within the aforesaid time limit to the four men chosen by the consuls to hear the aforesaid accounting should pay a fine of sixty solidi pp. and twenty solidi pp. for each week thereafter. The consuls are obliged to execute those fines as they do the other fines of the commune on their sworn oath. And, the consuls can not grant a dispensation and can not permit him to be seated in the Credentia. And, anyone can accuse and [his name] be kept confidential. 76. [XVI] QUID CONFRATRES ET QUANDO SOLUERE TENEANTUR ET PENA NON ATTENDENTIUM PRO UT DEBENT. Item statutum est quod quilibet de confraria bugelle. et qui intrauerit in ipsam teneatur et debeat soluere sicalem ad sanctum eusebium et denar. XX. et oblationes ad pascha pentecostes. et prior. et sorestani ipsius confrarie teneantur et debeant excutere illam blauam et denarios ab illis qui non soluerint in dictis terminis. Et teneantur per eorum sacramentum dare auxilium et facere eorum posse quod ipsi soluat. et restituant expenssas facta illa de causa. Et qui fecerit contra predicta soluat bannum sol. V. pp. pro qualibet uice et pro quolibet precepto et postea soluat. 76. [XVI] WHAT AND HOW MUCH BROTHERS ARE OBLIGED TO PAY AND THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT ATTEND TO THIS AS THEY SHOULD. In the same way, it has been decreed that any member of the brotherhood of Biella and anyone, who joins it, is obliged to and should pay a sicale [of rye] to St. Eusebius and twenty denarii as offerings at the Feast of Pentecost. And, the prior and the brothers of that brotherhood are obliged to and should take the grain and the denarii from those who have not paid within the aforesaid time limits. And, they are obliged on their sworn oath to render aid and to do what they can so that they can pay and they are to reimburse the expenses incurred for that reason. And, he, who violates the aforesaid matters, should pay a fine of five solidi pp. for each offence and for each precept; and, he should afterwards pay [his dues]. 77. [XVII] PENA RECUSANTIUM OFFITIUM CONFRARIE. Item statutum est quod quisque qui eligetur minister confrarie. debeat ipsum officum exercere. tam illi qui sunt de confrarie quam illi qui non sunt. et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. XX. pp. postea sit minister. 77. [XVII] THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO REFUSE THE DUTY OF THE BROTHERHOOD. In the same way, it has been decreed that each person, who is chosen a minister of a brotherhood, should carry out his duty to those who are of the brotherhood as well as those who are not. And, he, who violates [the aforesaid matters], should pay twenty solidi pp. and afterwards he should be a minister. 78. [XVIII] QUI ALIENAM CONFRARIAM INTRAUERIT IN BUGELLA TAM QUAM ALIJ CONFRATRES SOLUERE TENEATUR. Item statutum est quod si quis intrauerit in confrarie alicuius terre quam de bugella. et non fuerit de confraria bugelle. Soluat sorestano confrarie bugelle omni anno sicut illi qui sunt de confraria. 78. [XVIII] HE WHO WOULD INTRODUCE A FOREIGN BROTHERHOOD INTO BIELLA IS OBLIGED TO PAY AS IF THERE WERE OTHER BROTHERS. In the same way, it has been decreed that, if anyone should enter into a brotherhood of any nation other than that of Biella and he should not belong to a brotherhood of Biella, he should pay an amount each year equivalent to that which he would pay as a member of a brotherhood of Biella as those who are of the brotherhood. 79. [XVIIII] PENA OFFITIALIUM UETERUM CONFRARIE NON CONSIGNANTIUM NOUIS PROUT TENENTUR. Item statutum est quod prior et sorestani ueteres teneantur et debeant dare infra vnum menssem omnes confratres in scriptis tam desementitos quam intratos priori et sorestanis nouis. et dare et consignare ipsis omnia bona que haberent de confraria infra sanctum eusebium proximum. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. V. pp. pro quoliet priore et sorestano. pro qualibet ebdomada qua steterit post dictum terminum. Et consules teneantur per eorum sacramentum excutere dicta banna. 79. [XVIIII] THE PENALTY FOR THE OLD OFFICIALS OF A BROTHERHOOD WHO DO NOT CONSIGN [THE GOODS AND THE PAPERS] TO THE NEW OFFICIALS AS THEY ARE OBLIGED TO. In the same way, it has been decreed that the prior and the old brothers are obliged to and should give within one month [the names of] all of the brothers, both those who have left and those who remain, in writing to the new prior and brothers and to give and consign to them all of the goods which they have belonging to the brotherhood by the next Feast day of St. Eusebius. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi pp. to each prior and brother and for each week during which he remains [out of compliance] after the aforesaid deadline. And, the consuls are obliged on their sworn oath to carry out the aforesaid banns. 80. [XX] QUI COMEDIT AD CONFRARIAM PUNIATUR, CUM IN EA NON SIT RECEPTUS. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non uadat ad comedendum ad confrariam. nisi sit de confrarie. et qui soluat confrariam. nisi iret pro aliquo confratre habendo inde licenciam a priore uel a sorestano suo. Et qui contrafecerit. soluat bannum pro qualibet vice sol. V. pp. et prior. et ministralis teneantur per eorum sacramentum accusare. et consules teneantur excutere banna et ea dare confrarie predicte. Et quod nullus debeat cenare ad predictam confrariam. 80. [XX] HE WHO IS WASTEFUL IN A BROTHERHOOD SHOULD BE PUNISHED WHEN HE IS RECEIVED INTO THAT BROTHERHOOD. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person should come to eat at a brotherhood unless he belongs to the brotherhood. And, he should pay the brotherhood unless he goes as any other brother having the permission from the prior or his associate. And, he who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi pp. for each offence and the prior and his associates are obliged on their sworn oath to accuse. And, the consuls are obliged to execute the fines and to give them to the aforesaid brotherhood. And, [it is understood] that no one should dine at the aforesaid brotherhood. 81. [XXI] PENA PRIORIS NON REDENTIS RATIONEM ET NON RESTITUENTIS CLAUARIO INFRA TEMPUS QUOD HABUNDAT DE PROUENTIBUS ULTRA SUMPTUS. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod prior confrarie teneatur et debeat reddita ratione infra festum omnium sanctorum dare soluere et restituere clauario comunis totum illud quod superauerit de ratione confrarie sub pena et banno sol. XX. pp. et quo qualibet ebdomada sol. X. pp. qua steterit ad faciendum rationem predictam. que banna consules teneantur excutere per eorum sacramentum. et clauarius teneatur reddere rationem de receptis quando reddet rationem comunis. 81. [XXI] THE PENALTY FOR THE PRIOR WHO DOES NOT RENDER AN ACCOUNTING AND WHO DOES NOT REIMBURSE THE TREASURY WITHIN THE TIME WHICH HE CUSTOMARILY HAS FROM THE REVENUE BEYOND THAT WHICH IS EXPENDED. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that the prior of a brotherhood is obliged to and should, based on the accounting rendered on the Feast of All Saints, give over, pay, and restore to the Treasurer of the Commune the entire amount that remains from the accounting of the brotherhood under a penalty and fine of twenty solidi pp and ten solidi pp. for each week during which he waits to render the aforesaid accounting. The consuls are obliged to execute the fines on their sworn oath and the treasurer is obliged to render an acounting of the receipts when he renders the accounting of the commune. 82. [XXII] INFRA QUOD TEMPUS TENEATUR QUIS RESUMERE OFFITIUM CONFRARIE. Item statutum est quod quelibet persona que fuerit leuata officialis confraire per vnum annum non possit cogi esse officialis dicte confrarie illinc ad quinque annos. 82. [XXII] WITHIN WHAT PERIOD OF TIME SOME ONE IS OBLIGED TO RESUME AN OFFICE IN A BROTHERHOOD. In the same way, it has been decreed that each person who has been raised to be an official of a brotherhood through a period of one can not be forced to be an official of the aforesaid brotherhood thenceforth for five years. 83. [XXIII] PENA EUNTIUM PRO PANE BENEDICTO A PARTE SUPERIORI. Item statutum est quod nulla persona debeat uel presumat ire ad accipiendum panem benedictum quando benedicitur uel ordinatur per presbiteros uel canonicos ex parte superiori descendo per graticulas. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet uice denar. XII. pp. 83. [XXIII] THE PENALTY FOR THOSE GOING FOR BLESSED BREAD ON BEHALF OF A SUPERIOR. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person should go to accept Blessed Bread when it is blessed or ordained by priests or canons descended from a higher order by small favors. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of twelve denarii for each and every offence. 84. [XXIIII] PENA FATIENTIUM RUMOREM UEL SCANDALUM CUM DIUINA OFFITIA CELEBRANTUR. Item statutum est quod nulla persona debeat facere rumorem, neque percutere. neque trahere aliquem pro solacio donec officium celebratur. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. II. pp. 84. [XXIIII] THE PENALTY FOR THOSE REPEATING GOSSIP OR SCANDAL WHEN THE DIVINE OFFICES ARE BEING CELEBRATED. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person should cause a rumor, strike anyone, or take anyone away for recreation until mass has been celebrated. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of two solidi pp. 85. [XXV] PENA EORUM QUI NON UADUNT AD QUATUOR PSALMOS SOLEMPNITER ORDINATOS. Item statutum est quod quilibet dominus domus teneatur et debeat ire ad psalmos uigilie ascensionis. sancti Marcij sancti Mauricij. et Quirici dum fuerit uel mitere sufficientem nuncium proprie de domo sua habendo a. XX. annis superius. et habendo primo licenciam a consulibus de dicti. nunciis mitendis. Et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. II. pp. Et officiarij teneantur contra predicta accusare. 85. [XXV] THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT GO TO THE FOUR PSALMS WHICH HAVE BEEN SOLEMNLY ORDAINED. In the same way, it had been decreed that any owner of a household should be obliged to and should go to the Psalms of the Vigil of the Ascension, St. Mark, St. Maurice, and Quiricus, while he is [the master of the household] or to send an adequate envoy properly from his household which he has owned for more than twenty years and who first holds a licence from the consuls concerning the aforesaid sending of envoys. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay two solidi pp. for each and every offence. And, the officials are obliged to make accusations against the aforesaid matters. 86. [XXVI] QUO TEMPORE RECIPIENTES RATIONEM HOSPITALIS SINT ELIGENDI. Item statutum est quod consules teneantur eligere omni anno de mensse maii quatuor homines ad recipiendum rationem hospitalis. 86. [XXVI] AT WHAT TIME THOSE WHO RECEIVE AN ACCOUNTING OF THE HOSPITAL SHOULD BE CHOSEN. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls are obliged to choose four men each year during the month of May to receive an accounting from the hospital. 87. [XXVII] DE QUIBUS FESTIUITATIBUS NON LICET CONSULIBUS DARE LICENTIAM LABORANDI. Item statutum est quod consules non possint dare licentiam laborandi In festis Beate marie. et in diebus dominicis. et In festis appostolorum. et beati Johannis babtiste. nec in aliquo festo principali. 87. [XXVII] CONCERNING WHICH FEAST DAYS THE CONSULS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GIVE PERMISSION TO WORK. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls can not grant a dispensation to work on the Feast Days of Blessed Mary, on Sundays, the feast days of the Apostles, St. John the Baptist, and any other principal feast. 88. [XXVIII] CONTRACTUS QUI PER MINISTRUM ET FRATRES HOSPITALIS SINE LICENTIA CONSULUM FIERI PROHIBENTUR. Item statutum est quod fratres hospitalis bugelle non possint facere aliquos contractus a sol. XX. pp. superius. videlicet emptiones. vendictiones. locationes. conductiones. permutationes. et in ephiteoticos contractus. nec alios contractus nominatos sine requisitione consulum qui pro tempore fuerint. et omnes quatuor consules sint vna cum ipsis in contractu. Qui consules debeat consentire de licencia credencie vel consiliij. Ac si quid in aliquo contrafactum fuerit sit cassum. irritum et nullius valoris. 88. [XXVIII] CONTRACTS WHICH ARE ENTERED INTO BY THE OFFICIALS AND BROTHERS OF THE HOSPITAL WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE CONSULS ARE PROHIBITED. In the same way, it has been decreed that the brothers of the Hospital can not make any contracts for more than twenty solidi pp., certainly not for purchases, sales, leases, hirings, exchanges, contracts in olives, nor any other contracts named without the involvement of the consuls, who are then in office, and all four consuls should be in agreement with those in the contract. Those consuls should agree concerning the licence of the Credentia or the Council. And, if there is anything in any contract that violates [this bann], the contract should be void, invalid, and of no weight. 89. CONSULES VETERI SIBI FIERI FACIANT RATIONEM CONFRARIE PER FACIUM BERTOLDANUM ET ALIOS. Ordinatum est quod consules veteri requirant et sibi fieri faciant rationem administrationis confrarie perfecte per facium Bertoldanum Nicolinum de montegrando. et dominum Martinum de Vetulis olim priores confrarie predicte. Et quod ea que habent penes se de bonis dicte confrarie ponant in utilitatem confraternitatis predicte. 89. THE OLD CONSULS SHOULD CAUSE AN ACCOUNTING OF THE BROTHERHOOD TO BE MADE FOR THEM IN THE PRESENCE OF BERTHOLD AND THE OTHERS. It has been ordained that the old consuls should be required to and should see to it for themselves that an accounting of the administration of the entire brotherhood has been made in the presence of Bertolh Nicolenus de Montegrando and the Lord Martin de Vetulis, former priors of the aforesaid brotherhood. And, [it is understood] that they should place the [assets] which they hold in their possession of the goods of the aforesaid brotherhood for the advantage of the aforesaid brotherhood. 90. [XXIX] PENA NON DANTIUM CONFRARIAM HORA TERTIE ET SE NON PRESENTANTIUM DICTA HORA. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod confrarie et sorestani facient pulsari canpanam pro congregandis pauperibus ante terciam et post modum hora tercie fascient iterum pulsari dictam canpanem Qua canpana pulsata teneantur incontinenti incipere dare et ministrare dictam elemasinam seu confrariam in canpo et contrafecerint soluat prior. XX. pp. pro qualibet vice et quilibet sorestaniorum sol. X. et quilibet cui fuit aliquod offitium deputatum se debeat hora debita pressentare in pena solidorum II. pp. et officiales comunis teneantur per eorum Juramentum accussare contrafacientes que banna peruenient in vtilitatem confrarie. 90. [XXIX] THE PENALTY FOR NUNS WHO DO NOT MARK THE THIRD HOUR [WITH THE RINGING OF A BELL] AND FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT PRESENT THEMSELVES AT THE APPOINTED HOUR. It has been decreed and ordained that the Prior of a brotherhood and his associates should see to it that a bell should be rung to assemble the poor before terce and that soon after the hour of Terce they should cause the aforesaid bell to be again rung. After this bell has been rung, they are obliged immediately to give and minister the aforesaid alms or brotherhood in the courtyard. And, the prior, who violates [this bann], should pay twenty solidi pp. for each offence and any of the brothers should pay ten solidi pp. And, anyone, to whom any duty has been delegated, should present himself at the appointed hour under a penalty of two solidi pp. and the officials of the commune are obliged on their sworn oath to accuse those violating the banns which pertain to the advantage of the brotherhood. 91. [XXX] PENA SORESTANORUM NON SOLUENTIUM PRIORI ET PRIORIS NON SOLUENTIS CREDITORIBUS INFRA TEMPUS. Item statutum est quod quilibet sorestanus confrarie comunis bugelle teneatur et debeat precisse soluere prioiri suo recipienti nomine confrarie totam collectam sui quarterij et confrariorum infra festum sancti Eusebij proxime uenientis. post factam dictam confrariam siue exculserit a confratribus siue non. dummodo sint ydonei et soluendo et qui contra fecerit soluat pro qualibet die qua non solueret. solidos V. pp. de quibus non possit fieri gratia. et consules teneantur per sacramentum excutere dicta banna et consignare ad utilitatem confrarie. et prior qui pro temporibus fuerit teneatur et debeat soluisse omnibus creditoribus quos fecerit tempore sui prioratus. Infra exitum mensis Augusti. in penna et banno supredictis. 91. [XXX] THE PENALTY FOR THE NUNS WHO DO NOT PAY THE PRIOR AND FOR THE PRIOR WHO DOES NOT PAY CREDITORS WITHIN THE APPOINTED TIME. In the same way, it has been decreed that any associate of a brotherhood of the commune of Biella is obliged to and should pay to his own prior who is receiving [these funds] in the name of the brotherhood exactly the entire amount collected from his quarter and from his brothers within the next coming feast day of St. Eusebius, as long as they remain current [members] by paying [their dues] and, after the aforesaid brotherhood has been formed, [dues must be paid] whether a person is excluded by his brothers or not. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay five solidi pp. for each day on which he does not pay and a dispensation from these matters can not be granted. And, the consuls are obliged on their sworn oath to execute the aforesaid banns and to turn them over for the advantage of the brotherhood. And, the prior, who is currently in office, is obliged to and should pay [what is owed] to all of the creditors whom he has made during his time in the office of prior by the end of the month of August under the penalty and fines for the aforesaid matter. 92. [XXXI] QUALITER CONSULES ET PRIOR TENEANTUR TERRAS ET IURA CONFRARIE CONSIGNARE ET FACERE CONSIGNARI. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod consules et prior confrarie qui fuerint pro tempore teneantur et debeant sibi facere consignari omnes terras et possessiones et ficta et iura confrarie infra kalendas Marcij proximi et ea poni in vno libro de cartis. et prior et consules qui postea pro temporibus fuerint teneantur et debeant facere examinari dictum consignamentum quando statuta comunis examinantur omni anno. et facto consignamento consules et prior teneantur ponere in Credentia omnia consignata in pena et banno sol. XX. pp. 92. [XXXI] HOW THE CONSULS AND THE PRIOR ARE OBLIGED TO CONSIGN OR CAUSE THE BONDS AND RIGHTS OF THE BROTHERHOOD ARE TO BE CONSIGNED. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that the consuls and prior of a brotherhood, who are in office at the time, are obliged to and should see to it themselves that all of the lands, possessions, dues, and rights of the brotherhood are handed over to them within the next Kalends of March and that they are placed in one book of documents. And, the prior and the consuls, who will be in office afterwards, are obliged to and should see to it that the aforesaid consignment is examined when the statutes of the commune are examined each year. And, after the consignment has been made, the consuls and the prior are obliged to place in the Credentia all consigned [documents] under a penalty and bann of twenty solidi pp. 93. [XXXII] PENA NON CONSIGNANTIUM IURA ET INSTRUMENTA CONFRARIE INFRA TERMINUM ORDINATUM. Item statutum est quod quilibet prior confrarie teneatur exigere tempore sui prioratus omnes cartas que fierent ratione confrarie et ea consignare consulibus. et consules teneantur ponere et gubernare dicta instrumenta in scrineo comunis sicut alia instrumenta dicti Comunis. Et qui non consignauerit ea que tenuerit Infra tempus eis statutum ex forma cride uel denuntie. cadat ab omni iure quod haberet in dictis terris et perueniat in confrariam pleno iure. et ultra hoc soluat pro banno sol. LX. pp. qui perueniant in contrariam predictam. 93. [XXXII] THE PENALTY FOR NOT CONSIGNING THE RIGHTS AND THE INSTRUMENTS OF THE BROTHERHOOD WITHIN THE ORDAINED TIME LIMIT. In the same way, it has been decreed that any prior of brotherhood is obliged to demand during the time of his term of office as prior all of the documents which are made at the accounting of the brotherhood and to consign them to the consuls. And, the consuls are obliged to place and direct the aforesaid instruments to the Archive of the Commune as the other instruments of the commune are. And, he, who does not consign those documents which he retains during the time period decreed for them under the form of the public announcement and reports, falls under every law which pprevails in the aforesaid lands and pertains to the brotherhood in the fullness of the law. And, beyond this, he should pay as a fine sixty solidi pp. who remains in the aforesaid brotherhood. 124. [XXXIII] QUOCIENS ET QUOMODO TENEANTUR CONSULES HOSPITALE FACERE VISITARI. Item statutum est quod consules teneantur et debeant quater in anno eligere quatuor sapientes silicet de mensse Januarij. Marcij. Madij et Augusti qui sapientes teneantur uisitare hospitale. et videre infirmos si qui ibi fuerint et habere ministrum et fratres hospitalis habitantes bugelle. Et Vernati presentes et ab ipsis inquirere et a quolibet eorum sigillatim inquirere si in ipso hospitali procurantur pauperes et si ibi tenetur hospitalitas et exercentur opera caritatis. et si ibi sunt aliqua que indigeant correctione reformatione et post modum. statum hospitalis in scriptis. redigant et tradent. consulibus comunis ut per comune possit ipsi hospitali et ipsius vtilitatibus prouidere. 124. [XXXIII] HOW OFTEN AND IN WHAT MANNER THE CONSULS ARE OBLIGED TO SEE TO IT THAT THE HOSPITAL ISVISITED. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls are obliged to and should four times each year choose four wise men, certainly during the months of January, March, May, and August; these wise men are obliged to visit the hospital and to see the sick, if there are any who are there, and to see to it that the minister and brothers of the hospital are living in Biella and are present in Vernatum and to inquire of them and from each one of them individually if the poor are taken care of in that hospital, if hospitality is maintained there, and if works of charity are performed there. And, [they are to investigate] whether there is anything which they lack for correction and restoration. After the situation [of the hospital] has been reduced to writing, they are recorded and handed over to the consuls of the commune so that provision can be made for the hospital and its utility by the commune. XI. RUBRICA DE PLATIO ET ORNAMENTIS EIUS. XI. THE RUBRIC CONCERNING THE PUBLIC SQUARE AND ITS ADORNMENTS. 182. [I] EMENTES DIE IOUIS EXTRA PORTAS PLATIJ ALIUD QUAM LIGAMEN. Statutum et ordinatum est quod nulla persona debeat emere aliquid in die iouis preter lignamen extra portas placij. occaxione reuendendi in eadem specie. in qua emerint. Et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol. V. pp. Et consules teneantur inquirere. 182. [I] BUYING ANYTHING OTHER THAN WOOD OUTSIDE THE GATES OF THE PUBLIC SQUARE ON THURSDAY. It has been decreed and ordained that no person should buy anything on Thursday, except for wood, outside of the gates of the public square on the occasion of the resale of the same kind of wood that they are buying. And he, who violates (this bann), should pay five solidi pp. for each and every offence. And the consuls are obliged to investigate. 183. [II] EMENTES ET VENDENTES SALEM VEL BLADUM ALIBI QUAM AD DOMUM COMMUNIS. Item statutum et quod mercatum bladi. leguminorum, et salis fiat iusta domum comunis. et in portucubus et platheis domus ipsius communis. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum emptor et venditor pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. V. pp. Excepto quod quilibet possit emere ubi voluerit secundum quod consuetum est rpo suo proprio usu. 183. [II] [NO ONE SHOULD BE] BUYING OR SELLING SALT OR GRAIN ANYWHERE OTHER THAN THE PALACE OF THE COMMUNE. In the same way, [it has been decreed] that the market place for grain, legumes, and salt should be next to the palace of the Commune and in the porticos and squares of the palace of the Commune. And, the buyer and seller, who go against (this chapter), should pay a fine of five solidi pp. for each and every offence, with the exception that anyone can buy where he wishes according to that which is customary for his own personal use. 184. [III] PENA TENETIUM INTRA PLATIUM DOMOS COPERTAS DE ALIO QUAM DE CUPIS, ET QUANDO SIT INQUIRENDUM. Item statutem est quod aliquis homo non debeat. nec sibi leceat facere uel tenere aliquam coperturam nisi de cupis intra fossata placij bugelle. uel nisi de axidibus. sub quibus axidibus non fiat ignis. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. XX. pp. Et consules teneantur bis in anno querere totum burgum. et si inueniretur aliqua edificia coperta alia re quam de cupis uel de axidibus faciant illi comburi. 184. [III] THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO WOULD MAINTAIN A COOPERAGE IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE OF ANYTHING OTHER THAN COPPER, AND HOW THIS MATTER SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED. In the same way, it has been decreed that no man should nor permit himself to construct or maintain any covered structure iunless it is away from the fish traps within the ditches of the palace of the Commune or unless it is away from the building; there can be no fire [kept] within this building. And he, who breaks (this statute), should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. And, the consuls are obliged twice a year to investigate the entire town and, if they should find any covered edifice in any other manner than away from the fish traps or the buildings, they should see to it that it is burned down. 185. [IV] TENENTES PALEAS VEL FRASCHAS SUPER LOBIAS PUNIATUR SI NON FUERINT BUTUMATE. Item statutum est quod nullus debeat ponere fenum. paleas. frascas. neque facere ramatam frascarum. super strayam nec super solarium quod sit super uiam placij nec plani nisi solarium esset butumatum. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. XX. pp. et postea aufferat predicta. 185. [IV] KEEPING STRAW AND BRANCHES ABOVE THE UPPER FLOORS SHOULD BE PUNISHED, IF THE (ROOFS) HAVE NOT BEEN TARRED. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one should place hay, straw, fresh(ly cut) grass, and no one should make a stack of freshly cut grass above a covered walkway or in an upper story which is above the street of the Palace and not above the street of the public square, unless the upper story has been covered with pitch. And he, who breaks [this bann], should pay a fine of twenty solidi and carry away the aforesaid materials later. 186. [V] PUNIATUR PROTIENS LAPIDES SUPER TECTA. Item statutum est quod aliquis non trahat lapides nec aliud super mercandium. beccariam. nec calegariam. nec super aliquam domum bugelle. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. V. pp. de die. et postea emendet dampnum. 186. [V] HE WHO THROWS STONES OVER THE ROOFS SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one may carry stones or anything else above the market place, the butchers' mart, the bakery, and not above any house of Biella. And he, who breaks this [bann], should pay five solidi pp. during the day and twenty solidi during the night and he should reimburse the loss afterward. 187. [VI] FATIENS MONTONOS LEAMI INFRA PLATIUM OUNIATUR. Item statutum est quod qui fecerit aliquod montonum leami in placio a domo Jacobi sartoris infra tantum quantum durat beccaria debeat ipsum asportasse infra VIIIo dies postquam fecerit ipsum montonum ibi. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. V. pp. Qui autem fecerit monotonum leami in aliquo alio loco placij. debeat ipsum asportasse infra. XV. dies et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. II. pp. et consules omnes simul possint dare licenciam pro necessitate. Ita tamen quod non fiat aliquod monyonum leami a macello usque ad domum Jacobi sub banno sol. V. pp. nec inde possit haberi licencia nisi standi per octo dies videlicet a domo Johannini Vcelle et furno alberti boserij. usque ad domum Jacobi Judei ab utraque parte. Et consules tenantur inquirere si eis fuerit denuntiatum. 187. [VI] HE WHO PERMITS `MONTONOS LEAMI' WITHIN THE PUBLIC SQUARE SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that he, who has caused any montonum leami (industrial or personal waste?) in the public square from the home of James the Tailor as far as the Butchers' Mart extends, should remove that material within eight days after he had caused it to be there. And he, who breaks [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi. However, he, who causes montonum leami in any other place in the public square, should remove it within fifteen days. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of two solidi and all of the Consuls should give permission at the same time out of necessity. Nevertheless, [it is understood] that no montonum leami should be caused from the food market to the home of Jacob under a penalty of five solidi pp. and no permission should be granted, unless it remains [in force] throughout a period of eight days from the home of Johanninus ucelle and the baker's oven of Albertus Borserius to the home of Jacob the Jew on each side [of the street]. And, the Consuls are obliged to investigate, if a denunciation has been made to them. 188. [VII] FATIENS SOZIURAS INTRA PLATIUM PUNIATUR. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non debeat facere aliquam sociurum in portucubus. uel platheis. vel in uiis publici a domo Jacobi iudei usque ad domum heredum quondam petri passalaque. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. quinque. pp. 188. [VII] HE, WHO PERMITS WINDLASSES WITHIN THE PUBLIC SQUARE, SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person should construct any windlasses in the porticos, squares, or public roads from the home of Jacob the Jew to the home of the heirs of a certain Peter Passalaque. And he, who breaks [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi pp. for each and every offence. 189. NON LICET SBOGIARE MENUTA TEMPORE ET LOCIS INTERDICTIS. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non debeat nec ei liceat sbogiare aliqua menuta a domo Jacobi sartoris. usque ad palacium comunis iuxta putheum. extra domos nec in vijs pubblicis a ramis palmarum. usque ad sanctam Martinum. Et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. quinque pp. 189. NO ONE IS PERMITTED TO ERECT VENDORS' STALLS AT A FORBIDDEN TIME AND PLACE. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one should permit any merchant's stall to be built from the home of James the Tailor to the Palace of the Commune next to the cess pool, outside of the houses, nor on the public roadways from the banches of the palms to Saint Martin's. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay five solidi for each and every offence. 190. [VIII] BATANTES BLADUM SUPER PALATIUM PUNIANTUR. Item statutum est quod nullus possit nec presumat batere bladere aliquod. nec aliquam rem aliam super Palacium comunis. sub banno sol. V. pp. Et consules super hoc non possint dare licenciam. 190. [VIII] THOSE WHO THREASH GRAIN IN AND ABOUT THE PUBLIC SQUARE SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one should presume to thresh any grain or anything else in front of the Palace of the Commune under a penalty of five solidi pp. And the consuls can not give permission concerning this. 191. [VIIII] AD PLATHEAM COMUNIS ALIUD QUAM BLADUS QUIS PONERE VEL VENDERE NON PRESUMAT. Item statutum est quod nulla persona ponat in plathea noua Palacij nec super muros aliquid nisi bladum et sal in sacis. Et qui contrafecerit soluat pro qualibet uice sol. quinque. pp. 191. [VIIII] NO ONE SHOULD DARE TO PLACE OR SELL ANYTHING OTHER THAN GRAIN IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE OF THE COMMUNE. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person should place anything other than grain or salt in sacks in the public square of the new palace or atop the walls. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay five solidi pp. for each offence. 192. [X] PUNIATUR NON HABENS SUFITIENTES CANALES IN PLATIO SUPER PORTICUS INTRA DOMOS. Item statutum est quod omnes homines de placio habentes domos a porta toratie usque ad portam uersus uernatum ab vtraque parte. Et a porta uersus uernatum usque ad portem glarie. et a porta glarie usque ad portem toracie vbi sunt uie publice et habitentes In eis teneantur tenere bonas canales Inter unam domum et aliam. tales et ita bonas quod pluuie non possint In porticubus pluere. et explanare rianas seu solare eas. et tenere copertas et planas ad modum porthycorum In pena et banno sol. XX. pp. quas canales et explanationes seu solaturas et coperturas fecisse teneantur. Infra exitum proximi menssis magij sub pena predicta. Et consules non possint dare licenciam. Et quod nullus possit tenere pertichas supra pontes Rugie placij buggelle sub pena predicta. 192. [X] THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE SUFFICIENT GUTTERS ABOVE THE PORTICOS BETWEEN THE HOMES IN THE SQUARE SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that all men who have homes from the public square from the gate of Toraria to the gate opposite Vernatum to the Gate of Glaria, and from the Gate of Glaria to the Gate of Toracia where the public roads are and those who live in them, are obliged to maintain good gutters between one home and the other. They must be of such [construction] and so good that the rains can not flow into the porticos; [the residents of this area are also obliged] to widen the gutters or to empty them [of refuse] and to keep thme clear in the manner of a porthycum under the penalty or fine of twenty solidi pp. [It is understood] that they are obliged to see to it that these ditches, widenings, emptings, or cleansings have been completed by the end of the next month of May under the aforesaid penalty. And, the consuls can not give a dispensation. And, it is understood that no one can keep tavern poles over the bridges over Rugia of the Palace of Biella under the aforesaid penalty. 193. [XI] PENA DANTIUM DAMPNUM IN FOSSATIS DUCENDO AQUAM. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non ducat vel ducij faciat aquam ad aliquam suam possessionem que cadat de ducibus uel dampnum faciat in fossatis et qui contra fecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol. X. pp. et teneatur emadare dampnum et vacuare fossatum et possit quilibet acusare. 193. [XI] THE PENALTY FOR CAUSING DAMAGE IN THE DITCHES THAT DRAW WATER. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person may convey or cause any water to be conveyed to any of his possessions which falls from the watercourse or which causes damage in the ditches; and he, who violates [this bann] should pay ten solidi pp. for each and every offence. And, he is obliged to make good any loss and to empty the ditch. And, anyone can accuse. 194. [XII] PENA EMENTIUM DIEBUS FORI ALIQUID EXTRA PORTAS. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod aliqua persona non possit nec ualeat emere nec emi facere aliquam merchandiam. .......................extra portas plani nec extra portam uernati contiguam cum placio preter lignamen. in die Jouis nec in die dominica. et qui contra fecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. X. pp. 194. [XII] THE PENALTY FOR BUYING ANTHING OUTSIDE OF THE GATES ON MARKET DAYS. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that no person can nor may bee able to sell or cause any merchandise to be bought....(a bank space here)....outside of the gates of the public square nor outside of the nearby gate of Vernatum and the marketplace with the exception of wood on Thursday and Sunday. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay ten solidi pp. for each and every offence. 195. [XIII] NON FIAT ENORME VEL TURPE AD PLATHEAM UBI CONSULES COMORANTUR. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod aliqua persona non debeat facere aliquam sulzuram nec bestias excoriare nec scanare nec etiam applicare nec applicatas tenere nec coria super bancis tenere in plathea merchandie a riana becarrie usque ad stadias ubi redditur ius per dominum episcopum. et qui contra fecerit soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet uice. sol. V. 195. [XIII] NOTHING WHICH DEFILES OR IS FILTHY SHOULD APPEAR IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE WHERE THE CONSULS ARE CONDUCTING (DAY TO DAY BUSINESS. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that no person can make any sausage, nor skin animals or scald them, nor butcher them, or keep butchered animals, or keep entrails on tables in the market square from the ditch of the Butchers' Mart to the areas where justice is meted out by the Lord Bishop. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi for each and every offence. [XIIII] DUCENS BESTIAS DE BASTO VEL PLAUSTRA PER PORTICHOS PLATIJ PUNIATUR. (Hoc cap. suo loco in textu deest.) [XIIII] LEADING ANIMALS WITH A STAFF OR WAGONS THROUGH THE PORTICOS OF THE PUBLIC SQUARE SHOULD BE PUNISHED. (This chapter is not found in its own place in the text.) XII. RUBRICA DE PLATIO, PLANO ET FORTELICIJS EORUNDEM. XII. THE RUBRIC CONCERNING THE PUBLIC SQUARE, THE OPEN LAND, AND THEIR DEFENCES. 196. [I] QUOMODO QUIS TENEATUR FORTILITIAS COMUNIS FACTAS IN SUO MANUTENERE. Statutum et ordinatum est quelibet teneatur et debeat manutenere et custodire sepem et palencatum factum super terram suam per comune circa placium et planum suis expenssis secundum quod fuerint ei consignata per consules. nisi bene sciret ostendere qui ipsas deuorasset. uel asportasset. uel nisi faceret notum consulibus quando essent sice uel marcide. 196. [I] HOW A PERSON IS OBLIGED TO MAINTAIN THE COMMUNAL DEFENCES WHICH HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED ON HIS LAND. It is decreed and ordained that each person is obliged to and should maintain and guard any wall and palisade constructed on his land by the commune around the public square and the open area at his own expense with regard to those walls assigned to him by the consuls, unless he knows well enough to point out those who have destroyed or carried them away or unless he makes known to the consuls when they were weakened or in a particular condition. 197. [II] NON EUELLAT QUIS TERMINOS FOSSATORUM POSITOS PER COMUNE. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non debeat arrancere uel strepare terminos positos per comune bugelle circa fossata placij et plani uel alio quocumque loco ubi positi fuerint per nuntios comunis. Et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uive sol. XX. pp. 197. [II] NO ONE SHOULD REMOVE THE BOUNDARY MARKERS OF THE DITCHES WHICH HAVE BEEN PLACED BY THE COMMUNE. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person should remove or cut down the boundary markers placed by the Commune of Biella around the ditches of the public square and the open place or any other place where they have been placed by the agents of the Commune. And he, who breaks [this bann] should pay ywenty solidi pp. for each and every offence. 198. [III] PUNIATUR QUI NON DENUNTIAT QUANDO IUXTA SUUM COMUNIS TERMINUS EST EUULSUS. Item statutum est quod omnes et singuli homines debeant denunciare consulibus bugelle infra VIIIo dies si fuerit arrancatus aliquis terminus comunis sicilet ille super quem territorium fuerit arrancatus. siue habitans ibidem. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. V. pp. 198. [III] HE SHOULD BE PUNISHED WHO DOES NOT REPORT WHEN SOMEONE HAS REMOVED THE BOUNDARY MARKERS OF THE DITCHES NEAR HIS PROPERTY. In the same way, it has been decreed that each and every man should report to the consuls of Biella within eight days, if any boundary marker of the commune -- certainly one which is on his property or where he is living -- has been cut down. And he, who violates [this statute], should pay a fine of five solidi pp. 199. [IIII] CAUANS ET INCIDENS A TERMINIS USQUE IN FUNDUM FOSSATI. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non debeat cauare. nec sappare. nec cexias talliare a predictis terminis. usque in fundum fossati. Et qui contra fecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol. V. pp. nisi ille qui voluerit Incidere cexiam super suum prius plantauerit spinatas duas. et eas alleuauerit infra quinque annos scilicet unam predictarum spinatarum circa medium. et aliam in capite extra terminos. Et consules teneantur bis in anno facere inquiri predicta per IIIIor officiarios. et si inuenirent aliquid factum contra predicta. teneantur excutere predicta banna. 199. [IIII] HE WHO DIGS UP OR CUTS AWAY THE BOUNDARY MARKERS TO THE BOTTOM OF A DITCH [SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person should excavate, take away, or cut away any turf from the aforesaid boundary markers to the bottom of the ditch. And he, who violates [this statute], should pay five solidi pp. for each and every offence, unless he, who wishes to cut away the turf on his own land, has first planted two thorn bushes and he shall tend them for five years -- certainly one of the thorn bushes [should be planted] at the mid point and the other at the top of the ditch outside of the markers. And the consuls are obliged to inquire about the aforesaid matters twice a year through four of his officials, and, if they should find that anthing has been done in violation of the aforesaid (statutes), they are obliged to execute the aforesaid fines. 200. [V] BANNUM BATENTIUM PELLITIAS ET PELLES IN PORTICUBUS UEL PLATHEIS. Item statutum est est quod aliqua persona non debeat batere aliquam pelliciam uel pellicias vel aliquod pilum in aliquibus portucubus uel uiis publicis placij uel plani. Et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. V. pp. Et consules non possint dare licenciam. 200. [V] THE BAN AGAINST THOSE WHO BEAT PELISSES AND PELTS IN THE PORTICOS AND PUBLIC SQUARES. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person should "dress" any hide or hides or any skin in any porticos or public roadways, the public square, or open spaces. And he, who violates [this statute], should pay five solidi pp. for each and every offence. And the consuls can not grant an exemption. 201. [VI] PENA TENENTIUM TRABES IN UIJS PUBLICIS ULTRA ANNUM. Item statutum est quod nullus de bugella debeat tenere trabes aliquas per platheas placij vel plani bugelle ultra annum unum. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. XX. pp. Et si aliquis conqueretur quod aliqua trabs ei noceret. quod consules teneantur dictas trabes facere aufferri infra octo dies. 201. [VI] THE PENALTY FOR KEEPING WOODEN BEAMS ON THE PUBLIC ROADS FOR MORE THAN A YEAR. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one from Biella should keep any timber along the streets of the public squares or in the ope places of Biella for more than one year. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. And, if anyone complains that some lumber has caused him damage, [it is understood] that the consuls are obliged to cause the lumber to be removed within eight days. 202. [VII] IN DIE IOUIS ALIBI QUAM SUB TECTO COMUNISQUIS VENDERE NON PRESUMAT. Item statutum est quod non possit uendere salem in die iouis in portucubus. nec super communi. nec in platheis nisi ubi est saleria comunis sub tecto mercandie. Et qui contrafecerit soluat pro qualibet uice sol. XX. pp. nisi esset mercator de foris qui uenderet ipsam salem in saco ad quartaro. et a quartarono supra. et consules non possint dare licentiam set tenentur inquirere. 202. [VII] ON THURSDAY, NO ONE SHOULD DARE TO SELL ANYTHING IN ANY PLACE OTHER THAN UNDER THE ROOF OF THE COMMUNE. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person can sell salt on Thursday in the porticos, in the commune, or in the market places unless it is where the salt shops are under the roof of the market (warehouse). And he, who violates [this bann], should pay twenty solidi for each and every offence, unless it is a foreign merchant who sells the salt in the amount of a quarter bushel or from a quarter pound as above. And, the consuls can not grant a dispensation, but they are required to investigate. 203. [VIII] QUI CAUAT PER PERTICAM UNAM PROPE APALENCATO. Item statutum est quod nullus homo debeat uel presumat cauare uel sapare justa palencatum plani prope ipsum una pertica a parte uerssus planum. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum X pp. et illud quod ibi esset plantatum destruatur. 203. [VIII] THAT NO ONE SHOULD EXCAVATE CLOSER THAN ONE `PERTICO' TO THE DEFENCES OF THE OPEN SPACES. In the same way, it has been decreed that no man should or should presume to excavate or dig near the walls (fortifications) of the open area nearer than one pertica from the side facing the open place. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of ten solidi pp. and that which has been planted there should be destroyed. 204. [VIIII] QUI TRANSIT CLAUSURAS UEL PALENCHATA PUBLICA PUNIATUR. Item statutum est quod si qua persona transsiuerit ultra palencata siue claussuras soluat bannum sol. XX. pp. de die. et de nocte sol. XL. pro qualibet uice. Et quilibet posit accussare. 204. [VIIII] HE WHO CROSSES THE ENCLOSED FORTIFICATIONS OR THE PUBLIC DEFENCES SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that, if any person goes beyond the walls or enclosures, he should pay a fine of twenty solidi during the day and forty at night for each offence. And, anyone can accuse. 205. [X] IN UIJS PUBLICIS LEAMUM QUIS FACERE NON PRESUMAT. Item statutum est quod nullus debeat ponere stamum in viis publicis caussa facienda leamum. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. X. et quod consules teneantur inquirere quoties fuerit eis denuntiatum. uel ad eorum peruenerit noticiam. 205. [X] NO ONE SHOULD DARE TO CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE PUBLIC ROADS. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one can put straw in the public streets for the sake of making leamum (lime?). And he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of ten solidi and [it is understood] that the consuls are obliged to investigate as many times as this is reported to them or that it was brought to their attention. 206. [XI] TENENTES FENUM UEL PALEAS IUXTA DOMOS UEL UIAS PUBLICAS PUNIANTUR. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona habitens in bugella non debeat ponere fenum uel peleas in alqua domo per XV. pedes nec paliare prope domum ubi fiat ignis nec prope uiam publicam per X pedes. Et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol. XX. Et nichilhominus teneatur dictas paleas et fenum asportare. Et consules teneantur inquirere et recercare et Inquiri et recercari facere quocienscumque eis denuntiatum fuerit. 206. [XI] THOSE WHO CARRY HAY OR STRAW NEXT TO THEIR HOMES OR THE PUBLIC ROADS SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that any person living in Biella should not store hay or straw (for horses) within fifteen pertica or to enclose it with a fence near a home where fire is kept or nearer than ten pertica to a public road. And, it should not be stored in the middle of a wall unless it is for the sake of making a base [for further construction]. And he is nonetheless obliged to remove the aforesaid hay and wood litter. And, the consuls are obliged to investigate and search for [this straw] and to see to it that each and every report made to them is investigated and looked into. 207. [XII] PENA ASCENDENTIUM PLAUSTRA PER TERRAM UEL BESTIAS SINE FRENO. Item statutum est quod nullus qui ducat boues cum plaustro nec cum aliqua alia re quousque exiuerit burgum debeat ascendere plaustrum nec etiam aliqua alia persona debeat ascendere equam mulam ne aliquam aliam bestiam nisi habeat frenum uel bretolam In ore et hoc intelligatur tantum de die. Et qui contrafecerit soluat prop quolibet et qualibet vice sol. II. pp. videlicet a kalendis maij. usque ad festum sancte marie de septembre. 207. [XII] THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO CLIMB OVER ENCLOSURES THROUGHOUT THE LAND OR [ALLOW THEIR] ANIMALS [TO DO SO] WITHOUT A BRIDLE. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one, who leads oxen with a wagon nor with any such vehicle with which he might leave the city, should not mount his horse or mule or any other animal unless he should have a bit or harness in its mouth. And it is understood that this is done only during the day. And he, who violates [this bann],should pay two solidipp. for each and every offence, certainly from the month of May to the Feast of St. Mary in September (Sept. 8). 208. [XIII] NON DEBET CANEUA INTRA FOSSATA TERRE PUBLICA ADAQUARI. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non debeat adaquare caneuam In fossatis bugelle nec intra locum bugelle habitatum et qui contrafecerit soluat sol. V. pp. et consules non possint dare licentiam. 208. [XIII] NO ONE SHOULD DARE TO PLACE A DRAIN IN THE DITCHES OF A PUBLIC ROAD. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one should fill in the excavations in the ditches of Biella or within the inhabited areas of Biella and he, who violates [this bann], should pay five solidi pp. and the consuls can not grant a dispensation. 209. [XIIII] TENENTES AQUAROLIA SEU DE LOBIJS AQUAM PROICIENTES. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non debeat tenere aliquod aquarolium cadens in vias pubblicas. et quod aliqua persona non debeat proicere aquas in lobijs siue solarijs in uias publicas nec in portucubus. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannumsol. quinque. et quisque possit accussre et consules non possint dare licentiam. 209. [XIIII] THOSE WHO KEEP DRAINS (OR SINKS) OR WHO HURL WATER FROM THEIR UPPER STORIES [SHOULD BE PUNISHED]. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person should permit any wastewater to continue to fall onto the public roadways. And, [it is understood] that no one should throw water from balconies or upper stories onto the public roads or onto the porticos. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi pp.; anyone can accuse and the consuls can not give a dispensation. 210. [XV] DECOQUENTES FECIAS INTRA TERMINOS ORDINATOS. Item statutum est quod nullus debeat facere dequoqui fecias intra locum bugelle habitatum nec citra canales garelle nec citra sanctum blaxium. nec per tantum spacium prope bugellam. Et qui contrafecerit soluat sol. XX. pp. et consules non possint dare licentiam silicet pro qualibet die qua decoquerit fecias uel decoqui fecerit soluat predictum bannum. 210. [XV] THOSE WHO SCATTER FECAL MATTER BEYOND THE ORDAINED LIMITS [SHOULD BE PUNISHED]. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one should cause excrement to be scattered within any inhabited area of Biella and certainly not into the canals of the Garelle nor in front of St. Blaxium or throughout the entire area near Biella. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay twenty solidi pp. and the consuls can not grant a dispensation; and, he should certainly pay the aforesaid fine for the day on which he scattered the excrement or caused it to be scattered. 211. [XVI] TENENTES AGNELLOS TEMPORE INTERDICTO. Item statutum est quod nullus debeat tenere nec alleuare agnellum nec agnellos in plano nec in placio a pasca resurrectionis usque ad festum Sancti Michaelis. ultra octo dies et qui contra fecerit soluat bannum sol. V. pp. et consules non possint dare licenciam. 211. [XVI] THOSE WHO KEEP LAMBS DURING THE FORBIDDEN TIME [SHOULD BE PUNISHED]. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one should keep or raise any female or male lambs for more than eight days in the open area or in the public square from the Eve of the Resurrection until the Feast of St. Michael (Sept. 29). And he, who breaks [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi pp. and the consuls can not grant a dispensation. 212. [XVII] INTRA CLAUSURAS TENTENTES SALICES CONTRA FORMAM. Item statutum est et ordinatum quod aliqua persona non possit nec debeat tenere nec alleuare aliquas salices intra clausuram plani uel placij nisi scaluata et strumpata fuerint omni anno. et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. X. pp. 212. [XVII] THOSE WHO KEEP WILLOWS WITHIN THEIR ENCLOSURES AGAINST THE FORM [SHOULD BE PUNISHED]. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that no one should keep or raise any willows between the walls of the open area or the public square unless they will have been trimmed or burned throughout the year. And he, who violates [this bann], should twenty solidi pp. as a fine for each and every offence. 213-218. [XVIII] DANTES DAMPNUM IN FOSSATIS ET TERRAGIJS QUALITER PUNIANTUR. Item statutum est quod nullus debeat a terminis positis pro diffiniendis terris et possessionibus singularium hominum de bugella a fossatis et terragnijs fossatorum plani bugelle. usque ad maxeriam et a maxeria usque in fundo fosati a parte exteriori. cauare sapare plantare claudere nec aliquas arbores uel plantas tenere. nec alleuare. nec maxeriam uel spinatam destruere uel guastare. nec ipsas transire. nec lapides fossatorum asportare. nec in ipsis fossatis tenere duces nec aquarolios nec canales ponere nec poni facere nec tenere nec aliquid de nouo quod peioret uel deuastet ipsa fossata uel fortilitias facere. Et qui contrafecerit in aliquo predictorum soluat bannum pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol. LX. pp. et quilibet possit accusare et denuntiare priuatim et palem. et tenere denuntiatores et accusatores priuatos. et habeat terciam partem banni acusator et denuntiator. et de quo banno nulla possit fieri gracia. et consules teneantur inquirere si eis fuerit denuntiatum. et quod non possit poni in credentia quod dictum statutum dispensetur. et camparij camporum et vinearum teneanur omni mense semel perquirere totum fossatum. et maxeria spinatas et fortilicias si factum fuerit aliquid noui contra predictum statutum. et illud quod invenissent factum accusare et denuntiare consulibus Et consules non possint dare licenciam. 213-218. [XVIII-XXII] THOSE WHO CAUSE DAMAGE IN THE DITCHES AND TERRACES SHOULD BE EQUALLY PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that, from the boundary markers placed for the purpose of marking off the land and possessions of each and every man of Biella from the ditches and the "reclaimed" lands of the ditches of the open area of Biella to the maxeria (hospital or tenements) and from the maxeria all the way to the bottom of the ditch from the outside edge, no one should hollow out, excavate, cover, keep or raise trees or plants, lay waste to or destroy thickets or thorn bushes, or transport or remove the stones from the ditches; and, no one should keep any devices (for drawing water) in the ditches, nor place or cause water pipe or drains pipes to be placed or maintained in the ditches, nor rebuild anything which might block or damage those ditches or fortifications. And he, who violates [this bann], in any one of the aforesaid instances, should pay a fine of 60 solidi pp. for each and every offence. And, anyone can accuse and denounce privately and publically and the communal officials are obliged to keep the denouncers and accusers confidential. And, the accuser or denouncer should have a third of the fine. And, concerning that fine, no remission can be granted and the consuls are obliged to investigate if someone is reported to them. And, [it is understood] that a [legal motion] that the aforesaid statute be set aside can not be brought forth in the Credencia. And, the camparii of the fields and vineyards are obliged to investigate the entire moat thoroughly on a monthly basis. And, they are to inspect thickets, thorn bushes, and fortifications to determine whether anything against the aforesaid statute has been constructed. And, [it is understood] that they should accuse and report to the consuls that which they have found to have been constructed there. And, the consuls can not grant a dispensation. 214. Item statum est quod aliqua persona de bugella uel aliunde undecunque sit non audeat uel presumat exportare uel exportari facere aliquos lapides de fossatis plani bugelle. nec de terragnio dictorum fossatorum. et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. XX. pp. et quilibet possit accusare et consules teneantur inquirere quocienscunque ad eorum peruenerit notitiam uel fuerit denuntiatum. 214. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person from Biella or for wherever else he might be should dare nor presume to export or cause to be exported or cause any of the stones from the level area of Biella to be carried off, nor from the earthen embankments of the aforesaid ditches. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of 20 solidi pp. for each and every offence. And, anyone can accuse and the consuls are obliged to investigate whomesoever comes to their attention or who has been denounced. 215. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod aliqua persona non audeat uel presumat pascare nec pasculari facere a capite palencati uel macerie fosati usque in profundum ab utroque lattere. nec herbam seare nec spinatam incidere arranchare seu deteriorare nec ipsum fossatum transire. et qui contra fecerit soluat prop quolibet et qualibet uice sol. XX. die. et sol. XL. de nocte. et quilibet possit accusare et consules teneantur inquirere. et habeat terciam partem banni. 215. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that no person should dare or presume to graze animals or cause them to be grazed on the open tops or scrub-covered areas at the top of the ditch to the bottom on either side. Nor is (anyone permitted) to harvest hay or to cut down, hack away at, or damage the thorn bushes, or to cross over the ditch itself. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay twentu solidi pp. during the day and forty at night for each and every offence. And, anyone can accuse and the consuls are obliged to investigate; and he(, who accuses,) may have a third of the fine. 216. Item statutum est quod qui sapauerit. arronchauerit uel splanauerit seu clauderit ultra terminos possitos ad terralium fossatorum bugelle soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. LX. pp. 216. In the same way, it has been decreed that he, who digs, hacks away at, fills in (or levels), or closes up the ditches beyond the limits placed at the earthworks of the ditches of Biella should pay forty solidi pp. for each and every offence. 217. Item statutum est quod qui transiuerit fossata seu spinatam uel fortilitias plani et placij aliunde quam per portas pubblicas soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice. sol. LX. et consules teneantur inquirere quociens fuerit eis denuntiatum. et quilibet possit accusare et denuntiare. et teneantur priuati et habeant tertiam partem banni. 217. In the same way, it has been decreed that he, who goes forth from the ditches, thorn barrier, or fortifications of the level areas and the public square in any other way than through the public gates, should pay a fine of sixty solidi for each and every offence. And, the consuls are obliged to investigate as often as anyone is denounced to them. And, any one can accuse and denounce and they are obliged to be kept confidential and they may have a third of the fine. 218. Item statutum est quod nulla persona debeat uel presumat transire nec aliquod dampnum facere in muris fortiliciarum. placij et plani. comunis bugelle in pena et banno librarum X. pp. pro quolibet et qualibet vice et ultra ad arbitrium consulum et communis. qualitate persone et enormitate delicti. diligenter inspecta. Item quod quociescunque ortum fuerit. 218. In the same way, It has been decreed that no person should or should presume to cross over or cause any damage to the walls of the fortifications, the public square, and the level places of the Commune of Biella under a penalty and fine of ten pounds pp. for each and every offence and more at the decision of the consuls and the Commune, once the station of the person and the enormity of the offence has been diligently considered. In the same way, [it is understood] that [the law will be enforced] as often as this happens. 219. [XIX] NON SINT IN PLANO BANCHA UEL TRABES ULTRA COLUMPNAS. Item quod aliqua persona non faciat aliquod monotinum leami nec tenere bancha uel trabes extra collumpnas a putheo neacani usque ad domum galuagni bertoldani et a campanili sancti stephani usque ad domum Johannis borgesij. et qui contra fecerit soluat pro qualibet uice sol. X. pp. et consules non possint dare licentiam. 219. [XIX] BRANCHES AND BEAMS SHOULD NOT BE EXTENDED INTO THE OPEN PLACES BEYOND THE COLUMNS. In the same way, [it is understood] that no one can make any waste matter or keep any benches or boards outside of the columns of the cesspool of Necanum all of the way to the home of Galuagnus Bertoldanus and from the bell tower of St. Stephen to the house of John Borgesius. And he, who goes against [this bann], should pay twenty solidi pp. for each offence and the consuls can not grant a dispensation. 220. [XX] SICANTES BLADUM IN DOMIBUS PALEATIS. Item quod aliqua personal de bugella non audeat sicare nec sicari facere aliquod bladum in domibus uel caxinis que non sint cohoperte de cupis. et qui contra fecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. XX. pp. 220. [XX] CUTTING GRAIN IN THE HOUSEHOLDS FOR HAY. In the same way, [it is understood] that no one from Biella should store or cause any grain which has not been spread out from its bundles to be stored in the households or casements. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay twenty solidi pp. for each and every offence. 221. PENA FACIENTIUM SOCURAM PROPE PORTAS. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non audeat uel presumat facere aliquam socuram uel fetorem nec afaytamentum seu calnarium nec aselare uel urinam facere prope portas publicas plani et placij. a parte exteriori nec interiori per sex perticas et qui contra fecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet vice. sol. V. et quilibet possit accusare pubblice et privatim. 221. THE PENALTY FOR URINATING NEAR THE GATES. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one should dare to or presume to cause garbage, dung, (organic) waste matter, lime waste, or metal waste, or to urinate near the gates of the open area and the public square from the inside or the outside (of those gates) for a distance of six perticas. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay five solidi for each and every offence and anyone can accuse publically or in private. 222-223. PENA HABENTIUM DOMUM COPERTAM DE PALEIS IN LOCIS INTERDICTIS. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non possit nec debeat facere aliquam domum uel casinam copertam de paleas a porta ripe usque ad portam ronciliasci prope viam pubblicam per XV. pedes. et illi qui modo habent copertas de paleis teneantur paleas exportasse infra festum sanctio Eusebij proxmimi. et qui contrafecerit soluat pro qualibet vice qua accusatus fuerit dol. XX. et pro qualibet edomada qua teneret postea sol. X. et consules tenenantur inquirere quociens fuerit eis denuntiatum vel ad eorum aurem pervenerit. Item eodem modo prout in precedenti proximo statuto continetur statutum est ut debeat de cetero in omnibus obseruari a plathea de roere usque ad putheum bonini de barbo et a dicta plathea de roere usque ad domum albertini Marte super viam qua itur in planum. et eodem modo seruari debeat iusta quamlibet viam publicam et vicinalis tocius plani. 222-223. THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE A SHED ROOFED WITH STRAW IN FORBIDDEN PLACES. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person can nor should construct any home or shed roofed with straw from the gate of the river bank to the gate of Roncelascum near the public road for a distance of fifteen feet. And those who only have buildings roofed with straw are obliged to remove the straw by the next feast day of St. Eusebius and he, who violates [this bann], should pay twenty solidi for each offence that he has been accused of and ten solidi for each week therafter during which it remains. And, the consuls are obliged to investigate as often as it has been reported to them or that it reaches their ears. (This chapter was added after 1245.) In the same way and in the same manner in accordance with that which is contained in the nearest proceeding chapter, it is decreed that [this chapter] should be observed henceforth in all circumstances from the public square of Roera to the cess pool of Boninus de Barbo and from the aforesaid public square of Roera to the home of Albertinus Marta alongside the road which is the route to Planum. And, in the same manner, [this chapter] should be enforced along any public road and in the vicinity of the entire open country. XIII. RUBRICA DE MENSURIS ET SALUTATE. XIII. THE RUBRIC CONCERNING MEASURES AND SURETY. 224. [I] QUID CAPERE DEBENT ASSOMATORES ET QUID IPSI ET CONSULES PRO MOLENDINIS HABERE DEBENT. Statutum est quod assomatores menssurarum habeant pro assomatura de cebra sestario. statera marcho. denar. II. pro qualibet et de qualibet alia menssura. denar. I. et quod consules assomatores et officiales pro signatura sol. V. a quolibet molendino et de denariis dictorum molendinorum habeant consules sol. XX. asomatores sol. VIIII. et notarius et seruitores. sol. VI. 224. [I] WHAT THE INSPECTORS SHOULD TAKE AND WHAT THEY AND THE CONSULS SHOULD HAVE FROM THE MILLERS. It has been decreed that the Inspectors of the Measures should have for their inspections two denarii pp. for each sester de cebro and standard balance and one denarius for all other measures and [it is understood] that consuls, inspectors, and officials should receive five solidi from each miller for a signature and from the denarii of the aforesaid millers, the consuls should receive twenty solidi, inspectors nine, and the notaries and servants six solidi. 225. [II] QUI TENEANTUR FACERE SALUITATEM. Item statutum est quod omnis molinarius ferrarius et testor et quilibet alyer cui perceptum fuerit faciat saluetatem. Et qui noluerit eam facere soluat bannum sol. XX. et postea eam faciat et molinarij teneantur omnes eorum masenengos infra. octo dies post qua,m ipsos couentauerint pressentare consulibus ad faciendum saluitatem et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum predictum pro quolibet si non jurasset saluitatem consulibus. 225. [II] WHO ARE OBLIGATED TO MAKE SURETY. In the same way, it has been decreed that each miller, farrier (blacksmith), witness, and anyone else who has been ordered to should make surety. And he, who does not wish to make surety, should pay a fine of twenty solidi and millers are obliged to present to the Consuls all of their masnengos within eight days after they shall have assembled them and those, who violate [this statute], shouldpay the aforessaid fine for each [violation], if they have not sworn surety to the Consuls. 226. [III] TENENTES MENSURAS REPROBAS PUNIANTUR. Item statutem est quod qui tenuerit aliquam falssam menssuram causa emendi vel vendendi soluat bannum sol. LX et perdat illam menssuram et consules teneantur facere ipsam comburi in plathea placij. 226. [III] THOSE WHO KEEP DISHONEST MEASURES SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that he who keeps any false measure for the sake of buying or selling should pay a fine of sixty solidi and he should lose that measure; and the Consuls are obliged to see to it that the false measure is melted down in the open area of the public square. 227. [IIII] PUNIANTUR MENSURANS MENSURA NON APPROBATA. Item statutum est quod qui menssurauerit ad aliquam causa emendi uel uendendi que non sit signata signo comunis soluat bannum sol. quinque pro qualibet vice etiam si fuerit rationabilis. et si fuerit falsa soluat bannum sol. XX. 227. [IIII] THOSE WHO MEASURE WITH UNAPPROVED MEASURES SHOULD BE PUNISHED. In the same way, it has been decreed that anyone who will have measured at any measure for the sake of buying and selling that which has not been sealed with the seal of the commune should pay a fine of five solidi for each offence if the measure is correct and twenty solidi if the measure was false. 228-229. [V] PENA NON MENSURANTIS AD MENSURAM BUGELLE ET FORMA IN FORNAXARIJS ORDINATA. Item statutum est quod nulla persona de bugella debeat messurare uel menssurari facere aliquod bladum uel uinum uel aliquid alium ad aliquam menssuram nisi ad menssuram bugelle. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum pro qualibet uice sol. X. pp. Et consules non possint dare licentiam. tam emptor quam uenditor. 229. Item statutum est quod quisque fornaxarius qui fecerit uel fieri facerit lapides uel cupos in bugella vel in vernato uel in eorum territorio ipsos facere fieri facere debeat ad modum signatum signo comunis bugelle. Et qui contrafecerit. soluat bannum. sol. XX. pp. pro qualibet uice. et quilibet possit esse accussator et habeat suam partem banni. Et consules teneantur ter in estate 228-229. [V] THE PENALTY FOR NOT MEASURING ACCORDING TO THE MEASURES OF BIELLA AND THE FORM ORDAINED [FOR MEASURES FIRED] IN THE OVENS. In the same way, it has been decreed that no person from Biella should measure or cause any grain, wine, or anything else to be measured at a measure, unless it is at a measure of Biella. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of ten solidi pp. for each offence. And, the consuls can not give a dispensation; and neither buyer nor seller [can grant a dispensation either]. In the same way, it has been decreed that each kiln operator, who makes or causes stone [measures] or cups to be made in Biella and Vernatum or in their territory, should make them or cause them to be made to the standard sealed with the seal of the commune of Biella. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. for each offence. And, anyone can be an accuser and have a portion of the fine. And the consuls are obliged three times a summer to require the kiln operators to measure the stones (measures) and cups which are at the kilns with the standard [measure] of the commune; they are obliged to carry that measure with them and they are obliged to keep [that measure] in their presence. And no kiln operator may be permitted to fabricate a measure at any standard for anyone unless the standard has been forged and sealed as above. And, [it is understood] that any worker who works at the kiln should be obliged to swear to do his duty in a legal manner, certainly with respect to the fashioning of stone measures and cups to the srandard of the standard. And, the owner of the kiln is obliged to present those [stone measures and cups] to the consuls within eight days of the date which they have agreed upon under the penalty of the aforesaid fine. And, [it is understood] that no one can construct or keep any kiln within the enclosures of the public square and the level area and he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of sixty solidi pp. for each and every offence and the kiln should be removed afterward. 230. [VI] ASSOMATORES NUMERUM MENSURARUM QUAS SIGNANT ET QUIBUS SCRIBI FACERE TENEANTUR. Item statutum et ordinatum est quod assumatores menssurarum teneantur et debeant tempore quo signant menssuras facere scribi nomina illorum qui faciunt signari et numerum menssurarum. Quod si non fecerint soluant pro quolibet assumatore pro banno. sol. X. pp. et debeant signasse infra nativitatem domini. Et postea consules teneantur eligere quatuor sapientes qui sint cum eis ad examinandum et prouidandum si integre menssure fuerint signate. Et si reperiretur aliquis non fecisse signari qui vtatur menssuris ad vendendum et emendum soluat pro qualibet menssura sol. V. pp. et illud idem intelligitur de stateris et marchis. et consules teneantur ire requisitum bis in anno ex improuiso omnes mensuras tabernariorum. 230. [VI] THOSE WHO TAKE THE NUMBER OF MEASURES, WHICH THEY ARE APPROVED FOR, ARE OBLIGED TO SEE TO IT THAT [THE WEIGHTS WHICH THEY HAVE SIGNED FOR AND FOR WHOM THEY ARE DESTINED] SHOULD BE WRITTEN IN THE BOOK. In the same way, it has been decreed that the Inspectors of the Measures are obliged to and should cause the names and numbers of those measures which they have caused to be sealed to be recorded at the time at which they are sealed. If they do not do this, they should pay a fine of ten solidi pp. for each inspection and they should seal them within the Christmas [octave]. And afterward, the Consuls are obliged to choose four wise men, who are to accompany them to examine and oversee [the process of determining] whether the measures are properly sealed. And, if someone, who uses the measures for buying and selling should not see to it that the measures have been sealed, he should pay a fine of five solidi pp. for each measure and the same thing is understood in reagrd to statera and marks. And, the consuls are obliged twice a year to go without warning to requisition all of the measures of the taverns. 231. [VII] MODUM CAUALLETORUM SUPER QUIBUS SUNT LAPIDES LABORANDI. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona non possit nec debeat laborare nec laborari facere lapides fornacis super aliquibus lignis vel caualetis qui caualeti non sint plani in loco ubi ponitur modus ad faciendum lapides et qui caualleti sint signati signo communis. et approbati per consules. Et si contra in aliquo factum fuerit. dominus fornacis soluat bannum sol. XX. et laborator sol. V. pro quolibet et qualibet uice. et quilibet possit accusare et denuntiare. et tenebitur priuatus. et habeat terciam partem banni. et si laborator non esset soluendo. dominus fornacis teneatur pro eo. 231. [VII] THE MANNER IN WHICH ONE MIGHT WORK ON HOLLOWED OUT [BOARDS] ON WHICH THE STONE MEASURES ARE [PLACED]. In the same way, it has been decreed that noone can or may work on or cause any stone (measures) of the kiln to be worked on any boards or hollowed out [boards] which have not been shaped to be level in the place where the measure to make the stone measures is placed and which have been sealed with the mark of the commune and approved by the consuls. And, if anthing is done in violation of this [bann] in any way, the owner of the kiln should pay a fine of twenty solidi and the worker should pay five solidi for each and every offence. And, anyone can accuse and denounce and his name should be kept confidential. And, if the worker should not pay the fine, the owner of the kiln is obliged (to pay it) for him. 232. [VIII] ASOMATORES CONSIGNENT CONSULIBUS NUMERUM MENSURARUM. Item statutum est quod assumatores comunis teneantur et debeant dare in scriptis numerum consulibus comunis quot mensuras signauerunt cuilibet tabernario et quales. Infra festum natiuitatis domini. et si contrafecerint soluant bannum pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol. XX. pp. 232. [VIII] THOSE WHO MAKE A NUMBER OF MEASURES MUST CONSIGN THEM TO THE CONSULS. In the same way, it has been decreed that the commune's inspectors are obliged to and should give to the consuls of the commune in writing the number of measures which they have sealed for each tavern and similar case by the first day of Christmas. And, if they violate [this bann], they should pay a fine of twenty solidi pp. for each and every offence. 233. [VIIII] QUOT VICIBUS CONSULES CONTRA TABERNARIOS ET FORNAXARIOS INQUIRERE TENEANTUR. Item satutum est quod consules comunis bugelle pro eorum sacramento teneantur omni anno tribus uicibus et ex improuiso inquirere mensuras tabernariorum et fornaxariorum et punire omnes et singulos quos inuenerint fecisse contra statuta secundum formam aliorum statutorum. 233. [VIIII] IN HOW MANY VILLAGES THE CONSULS ARE OBLIGED TO CONDUCT INVESTIGATIONS AGAINST INNKEEPERS AND BAKERS. In the same way, it has been decreed that the consuls of the Commune of Biella are obliged on their sworn oath to investigate the measures of the taverns and kilns three times a year without warning and to punish each and every person who they find who has acted contrary to the statutes according to the form of the other statutes. 234. [X] PENA EORUM QUI AD PLATHEAM VENDUNT MENSURIS UNDIQUE NON FERATIS. Item statutum est quod reuenditores nec aliqui alij uendentes bladum uel salem ad platheam non possint uendere uel mensurare. ad starium. minam. uel quartaronum nisi dicte mensure sint ferrate circumquaque et per transbersum. et qui contrafecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet vice sol. V. et quilibet possit accusare et denuntiare et tenebit privatus. 234. [X] THE PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO SELL IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE WITH MEASURES THAT ARE NOT WHOLLY MADE OF IRON. In the same way, it has been decreed that resellers (i.e., retailers) and any others selling grain or salt in the public square can not sell or measure at the sester, mina, or peck (or quart), unless the aforesaid measures are completely bound in iron and across their width as well. And he, who violates [this bann], should pay five solidi for each and every offence; and, anyone can accuse or denounce and their name will be kept confidential. 235. [XI] QUANDO ASOMATORES VETERES TENEANTUR MENSURAS NOUO CLAUARIO CONSIGNARE. Item statutum est et ordinatum quod assummatores veteres teneantur et debeat dare reddere et restituere clauario nouo et consulibus qui pro temporibus fuerint infra VIII. dies post sanctum Martinum omnes mensuras communis quas habebunt penes se. ad signandum alias mensuras et qui contra fecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet ebdomada. qua contra facerent sol. V. pp. 235. [XI] WHEN THE OLD [INSPECTORS] OF THE MEASURES ARE OBLIGED TO TURN THEM OVER TO THE NEW TREASURER. In the same way, it has been decreed and ordained that the old (retiring) inspectors are obliged to and should give, return, or restore to the new Treasurer (clavarius) and the consuls who are in office within eight days after the Feast of Saint Martin (Nov., 11) all of the measures of the commune which they will have in their possession to seal other measures. He, who violates [this bann], should pay five solidi for each and every week in which he is in violation. 236. ELECTORES OFFICIALIUM NON POSSUNT ELIGERE ASUMATOREM, QUANDO SIT DE CONCILIO VEL CREDENCIA. Item statutum est quod electores officialium non possint eligere asumatores quando vnus ex ipsis sit de consilio uel credencia communis bugelle et non possint signare nisi ambo insimul et in plathea plani bugelle et in placio comunis et teneantur signasse infra nativitatem domini et elapso dicto termino non possint. 236. THE ELECTORS OF THE OFFICIALS CAN NOT CHOOSE AN INSPECTOR [OF THE MEASURES], WHILE THEY ARE ON THE COUNCIL OR THE "CREDENTIA." In the same way, it has been decreed that the Electors of officials can not choose inspectors when one of them may be a member of the Council or the Credencia of the Commune of Biella and they can not seal [measures] unless both do it together and in the public square of the open place of Biella and in the public square of the Commune. And, they are obliged to have the measures sealed by the feast day of the Nativity of the Lord (Dec., 25) and they can not do it after the aforesaid date has passed. 237. REVENDITOR NON POTEST TENERE IN DOMO MENSURAM NON SIGNATAM. Item statutum est quod aliquis reuenditor non possit in domo tenere aliquam mensuram que non sit signata signo comunis bugelle et qui contrafecerit soluat pro qualibet mensura sol. V. 237. A RESELLER CAN NOT KEEP MEASURES IN HIS HOME WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN SEALED. In the same way, it has been decreed that no retailer should keep a measure in his home which has not been sealed with the seal of the Commune of Biella; and, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of five solidi for each measure. 238. NOUUM STATUTUM DE FORNAXARIJS. Item statutum est quod omnes et singuli fornaxarij per se et eorum laboratores et masnengos teneantur et debeant de cetero facere et redere lapides et tegulas bene coctas. in longitudine latitudine et grossitudine justa mensuram ordinatam. et positam per comune. et denunciare consulibus quocienscunquue vacuauerint fornacem de lapidibus et tegulis quod mittent officiales comunis inquirendum si dictum opus factum fuerit ad mensuram dicti comunis. Et qui contra in aliquo fecerit soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. LX. Et quilibet possit accusare publice et priuatim. Et consules teneantur inquirere omni mensse tempore quo ipsi fornaxarij laborant ad fornacem. Et per hoc statutum intelligantur esse cassata omnia statuta loquencia de fornaxarii. preter statutum quod loquitur de ponderandis seu careandis lapidibus uel cupis. 238. THE NEW STATUTE CONCERNING BAKERS. In the same way, it has been decreed that each and every kiln operator by themselves or through their workers and masnengi (hired labor) are henceforth obliged to and should make and render stone measures and tiles well baked. They should be a just measure in length, width, and size as ordained and established by the Commune. [Kiln operators and their employees are obliged to] denounce to the Consuls anyone whomsoever abandons the kiln of the stone measures and tiles. [It is understood] that the consuls may send the officials of the Commune to determine whether the aforesaid work was completed according to the standard measures of the Commune. And he, who violates [this bann] in any way, should pay sixty solidi for each and every offence. And anyone can accuse in public and in confidence. And, the consuls are obliged to investigate every month at a time when the kiln operators are working at their furnaces. And through this statute, it is understood that all statutes speaking in regard to kilns are nullified with the exception of the statute that speaks about the weighing and measuring of stone measures and cups. XIII. RUBRICA DE HABITATORIBUS ET UICINIS. XIII. THE RUBRIC CONCERNING HABITATION AND NEIGHBORHOODS. 239. [I] QUALITER ET CUI TENENTES A COMUNI SINE VENDERE POSSINT PENA. Statutum est quod aliqua persona non debeat nec possit uendere alienare canbire aliquas terras uel possessiones de quibus dat fictum comuni bugelle nisi de licentia et consenssu credentie et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum sol. XX. et emptor amitat rem emptem et perueniat in comuni bugelle et emptor et venditor teneantur et debeant dare communi pro inuestitura pro quolibet. denarios. XII. pro qualibet precij dicte possessionis uendite siue canbite et consules non possint inuestire alicui qui non sit habitator et subditus comuni bugelle in fodris dacijs. et omnibus alijs scuffis et honeribus communis et si contra fecerint ille investiture contra predicta facte sint casse irrite et nullius valoris. Et possessiones perueniant in dictum comune pleno jure. 239. [I] HOW AND FOR WHOM THOSE WHO HAVE HOLDINGS FROM THE COMMUNE CAN SELL WITHOUT PENALTIES. It has been decreed that no person should or can sell, alienate, or cancel any lands or suspensions from which the financial resource of the Commune of Biella is derived, unless it is done with the licence and consent of the Credencia [of Biella]; and he, who violates [this chapter], should pay a fine of twenty solidi and the buyer loses the property which he has purchased and it reverts to the Commune of Biella. Both buyer and seller are obliged to give the commune for the investiture [of the property] twelve denarii for each pound of the value of the aforesaid property which has been sold or alienated. And, the consuls can not invest anyone who is not an inhabitant or subject of the commune of Biella in farmlands, crown lands, and in all other escrowed (endowed) lands and honors of the commune. If anyone violates [this chapter], the investiture which has been made against the aforesaid [chapter] is irretreviably quashed and of no value. And the possession falls to the aforesaid commune in the fullness of the law. 240. [II] STANTES IN BUGELLA UICINENTIAM FACERE DEBENT. Item statutum est quod omnes qui habitauerunt in bugelle faciat uicinencias sicut alij sui uicini nisi juste se defenderet inde. 240. [II] THOSE WHO RESIDE IN BIELLA SHOULD ESTABLISH RESIDENCY IN A NEIGHBORHOOD. In the same way, it has been decreed that everyone, who lives in Biella, should establish a "venue" as others of his neighbors [have], unless he justly defends himself from that necessity. 241, 259, 260, 270. [III, XXI, XXXII] HABITATORES QUALITER SINT RECIPIENDI. Item statutum est quod aliquis homo non recipiatur in habitatorem comunis bugelle nisi sit de uoluntate credencie et nisi prius fecerit bonam et ydoneam securitatem emendi domum uel aliam possessionem ad uoluntatem credencie. infra sex mensses post quam receptus fuerit et uenerit stare in bugellam. Infra unum menssem post quam receptus fuerit et nisi promiserit perpetuo stare et permanere et steterit in bugella cum familia sua et obligauerit domum uel possessionem pro predictis attendendis et dederit albalistam uel albistas comuni ad uoluntatem credencie. et qui contra in aliquo fecerit non sit habitator nec pro habitatore habeatur et domos et possessiones si quas emerit ipso facto perueniant in comune bugelle pleno jure. 241, 259, 260, 270. [III, XXI, XXXII] HOW RESIDENTS SHOULD BE RECEIVED. In the same way, it has been decreed that no man may be received into the habitation of the Commune of Biella, unless it is at the will of the Credencia and unless he has made prior good and suitable security for the buying of a home or another possession at the will of the Credencia within six months after he had been received or he had come to stay in Biella [or] within one month after he was received and unless he promises to stay and remain in perpetuity; and, he should stay in Biella with his family and he should obligate the home or possession for the aforesaid matters that should be attended to and he should turn his crossbow or crossbows over to the Commune at the request of the Credencia. And he, who violates [this chapter] in any way, may not be an inhabitant, may not be considered a resident, and may not own homes or possession if he should buy them. Should this take place, [these homes or possessions] should fall to the Commune in the fullness of the law. 259. Iten statutum est quod aliquis non possit recipi In habitatorem communis bugelle nisi prius steterit et habitauerit in bugellam cum sua familia per annos decem continue. 259. In the same way, it has been decreed that no one can be received into a habitation of the Commune of Biella unless he has stayed or lived in Biella before with his household continuously for ten years. 260. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona vndecunque sit non possit nec debeat recipi in habitatorem comunis bugelle. hinc ad XX. annos. et si aliqui reciperentur Infra dictum terminum pro habitatoribus non habeantur nec teneantur. 260. In the same way, it has been decreed that anyone, from wherever he might be, can not nor should not be received in a household of the Commune of Biella hereafter for twenty years. And, if anyone is received within the aforesaid time limit, they may not be considered or held to be residents. 270. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona cui non sit mota questio ratione habitarie comunis bugelle. per Otinum Villanum et Guillielmum de ferariis, sindicos et procuratores, comunis. ad hoc specialiter deputatos. anno currente MCCCXXIII. non possit recipi nec haberi dicti comunis aliqua ratione uel causa usque ad annos. XX. subsequentes. nec supra ipso statuto aliquatenus dispensari. nec poni in credentia quod fiat contra predictum statutum. Et consules qui ponerent in credentia nec poni permitterent. soluant bannum pro quolibet et qualibet uice. libr. X. et qui consuleret contra predictum statutum sit cassa et irrita et nullius valoris atque momenti. et receptus non habeatur pro habitatore ipse nec filij nec heredes perpetuo. 270. In the same way, it has been decreed that any person, whose inquiry in regard to their statutes as an inhabitant of the Commune of Biella by Otinus, Villanus, and William de Ferariis, the Syndics and Procurators of the Commune, specially appointed for this purpose during the current year, 1322, can not be considered or accepted as an inhabitant of the aforesaid Commune in any manner or cause for up to twenty years hereafter. And, concerning this statutes, [no one can] be given a dispensation at some time and [no law can] be placed in the Credentia so that it will be set against the aforesaid statute. [If anyone violates this bann], he should pay one hundred solidi pp. and a reception [as an inhabitant of Biella] made contrary to the aforesaid statute is considered to have been quashed, void, and of no value or importance. And, the person, who has been received [illegally], his sons, and heirs may not be considered an inhabitant forever. 242, 244, 247-248, 267. [IIII, VI, VIIII, X, XXIX, XXXI] QUI PROHIBEANTUR ACQUIRERE IN BUGELLA ET QUIBUS SIT UENDERE INTERDICTUM. Item statutum est quod aliqua persona que non habitet in bugella cum familia sua et faciat uicinentiam sicut alij uicini et que non soluat fodra et banna comuni bugele et qui non sit habitator communis bugelle secundum formam aliorum statutorum non possit nec debeant emere acquirere neque succedere neque in solutum nec in doctem extimatam nec inextimatam accipere aliquam domum neque possessionem in bugella neque in eius curte siue territorio neque neque alias possessiones quas habent homines de bugella in curte et territorio vernati. Et qui contrafecerit domus siue possessio taliter aquissita contra predicta deueniant in comune bugelle et sic omnes credenciarii ad sancta dei evangelia atendere Jurauerunt. 242, 244, 247-248, 267. [IIII, VI, VIIII, X, XXIX, XXXI] THOSE WHO ARE PROHIBITED FROM ACQUIRING [GOODS AND PROPERTY] IN BIELLA AND FOR WHOM THERE IS AN INTERDICT AGAINST SELLING ANYTHING. In the same way, it has been decreed that any person, who is not resident in Biella with his family, who has established his "venue" as other neighbors, who does not pay the dues and fines of the Commune of Biella, and who is not a resident of the Commune of Biella according to the form of the other statutes, can not and should not buy, acquire, inherit, or accept either in payment or as a valueless dower (or endowment) any house or possession in Biella or its holding, territory, or any other possessions which the men of Biella possess in the holdings and territory of Vernatum. And, for a person who violates (this chapter), the home or possession which has been so acquired against the aforesaid (bann) falls to the Commune of Biella. And all of the members of the Credencia have sworn to take care of this (obligation) on the Holy Gospels of God. 244. Item statutum est quod aliquis homo uel femina de bugella non possit nec debeat uendere alienare donare neque iudicare nec in infiteosim concedere aliquam domum uel domos terras uel possessiones. Iacentes in territorio et curte bugelle et uernati. alicui persone uel personis. comuni. collegio uel uniuerssitati. que non sint de bugella. Et non soluant banna fodra et alias impossiciones cum hominibus bugelle et qui non sit habitator Et subditus comuni bugelle in fodris. dacijs. condicijs et omnibus alijs honeribus realibus et personalibus. et mistis et alijs quibuscumque. et qui contra fecerit teneatur dare comuni precium rei vendite pro pena et banno. et vltra hoc perpetuo sit infamis. Ita quod ipse nec eius filij ad aliquos admittantur honores. nec possit habere ipse nec eius filij aliquod officium vel beneficium bugelle. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum. libras. X. pp. Et emptor perdat ea que emerit et perveniant in comune bugelle. Et ita per omnia ut supra legitur machalua seruitor comunis bugelle de uolutate et consenssu omnium credenciariorum et super eorum animas Jurauit ad sancta dei euangelia hoc statutum firmum et ratum habere et tenere quod statutum confirmatum est per dominum Episcopum Vercellensem. 244. In the same way, it has been decreed that any man or woman of Biella can not and should not sell, alienate, donate, adjudicate, cede over in perpetuity any home or homes, lands, or possessions included in the holding and territory of Biella or Vernatum to any person or persons, commune, association, or community which is not of Biella. And, they should not pay fines, dues, and other impositions with the men of Biella and anyone, who is not a resident and subject of the Commune of Biella in terms of dues, grants, conditions, all other real and personal honors, allowances, and anyother payments whatsoever. And, anyone, who violates [this bann], is obliged to turn over to the Commune the value of the property purchased as a penalty and fine, and moreover, the person should be considered to be of ill- repute forever. Thus [it is understood] that neither he nor his sons may be admitted to any honors nor can they have any duty or benefice of Biella. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of ten pounds pp. and the purchaser loses that which he has purchased and those properties fall to the Commune of Biella. And thus, through all things as it has been written above, the hired help and the slaves of the Commune of Biella, at the wish and the consent of all of the members of the Credencia and on their souls, should swear on the Holy Gospels of God that they will consider and hold this statute valid and in force because the statute has been confirmed by the Lord Bishop Vercellensis. 247. Item statutum est quod si contingeret quod aliqua persona de bugella uel stans siue habitans in bugella venderet alienaret aliquo titolo alicui persone uel personis comuni collegio uel uniuersitati aliquas terras uel possessiones quas nunc habet uel de cetero habebit in predictis curijs territorio bugelle et uernati. et emptor siue aquisitor nollet soluere uel aliquo modo se deffenderet quin solueret fodra et monia onera et inpossitiones suprascriptas sibi inpossitas per dictum comune bugelle. quod venditor siue dator ipsarum terrarum uel possessionum teneatur ipsa fodra et honera substinere cum comuni et hominibus bugelle. et nichil hominus dicte possessiones perueniant in comune bugelle secundum formam aliorum statutorum. 247. In the same way, it has been decreed that, if it should happen that any person from Biella or residing or living in Biella should sell or alienate any title to lands or possessions which they now hold or will henceforth hold in the aforesaid curias of the territory of Biella or Vernatum to any person or persons, commune, college, or community, the buyer or acquirer does not wish to pay or in any way defend himself from paying all of the dues, honors, and aforementioned impositions placed upon them by the aforesaid commune of Biella, [it is understood that the seller or donor of these lands or possessions is obliged to sustain those dues and honors together with the Commune and men of Biella. The aforesaid possession fall to the Commune of Biella according to the form of the other statutes, and not to any man. 248. Item statutum est quod aliquis qui non sit habitator bugelle non possit nec debeat habere aliquam graciam emendi siue aliquo titulo uel forma aquirendi aliquem possessionem alicuius hominis de bugella super territorio bugelle et uernati. Et consules per eorum sacramentum non permitant poni in credentia quod dicta gracia ei vel eis fiat et qui possuerit in credentia. soluat pro quolibet et qualibet uice sol. XL. pp. et qui conscilium dederit super predicta prepossita quod fiat gracia de predictis soluat pro quolibet. et qualibet uice simile bannum. et consules teneantur excutere dicta banna ante quam exiant de credentia de quibus bannis nullam possint habere graciam et qui consuleret contra predicta quod aliqua gracia fieret de predictis illa responssio uel conscilium sic datum uel reformacio sic facta sint casse irrite et nullius ualoris atque momenti. 248. In the same way, it has been decreed that anyone, who is not an inhabitant of Biella can not and should not have any grace (special favor) by virtue of any title or form for the purchase or acquisition of any possession of any man of Biella in the territory of Biella or Vernatum. And the Consuls, on their sworn oath, may not permit [a resolution] to be proposed in the Credentia that the aforesaid "grace" be granted to him or to them, and, those who propose [such resolutions] in the Credentia may not do so either. He, who violates [this bann], should pay forty solidi pp. for each and every offence and he, who has given advice regarding the aforesaid proposal that "grace" concerning the aforesaid matters [be grants], should pay a similar fine for each and every offence. And the consuls are obliged to enforce the aforesaid fines before they take their leave of the Credentia. Concerning those fines, violators can not have a pardon; any response, advice thus given, or amendment thus made, which gives counsel against the foresaid bann that "grace' not be granted concerning the aforesaid things, is nullified without recourse and is of no value or importance. 267. Item statutum est quod aliquis homo vel femina de bugella non possit nec debeat vendere alienare donare neque judicare nec indotem uel insolutum. seu quoque alio alienationis titulo dare seu contrahere uel obligare aliquam domum uel domus terras uel possessiones iacentes in territorio et curte bugelle et vernati. alicui person uel personis comuni collegio uel vniuerssitati que non sit de bugella et non soluat banna fodra et alias inpositiones cum hominibus bugelle et qui non sit habitator bugelle secundum formam aliorum statutorum. Et qui contrafecerit soluat bannum librarum. X. pp. Et vltra hoc teneatur omnas suas terras et possessiones indotem datas et obligatas contra superius ordinata vendere pro eo precio quod estimate fuerint per estimatores comunis bugelle. infra tres mensses postquam fecerint contra predicta. homini abitatori bugelle et si contra factum fuerit. hemptor et ille qui acceperit insolutum perdat ea que emerit et que insolutum aceperit et perveniant in comune bugelle. Et ille qui acciperit in dotem. si atendere recusauerit et facere venditionem non promiserit et fecerit uel non potuerit prout supra continetur similiter perdat ea que acceperit in dotem et perueniat in comune bugelle. Et ita per omnia ut supra legitur Machalua servitor comunis bugelle de volumptate et consensu omnium credentiariorum et super eorum animas jurauit ad sancta dei euangelia hoc statutum firmum et ratum habere et tenere. Quod statutum confirmatum est per Dominum Episcopum Vercellensem. 267. In the same way, it has been decreed that no man or woman from Biella can nor should sell, alienate, give away, legally declare unendowed or insolvent, or to give, restrict, or encumber by any other title of alienation any home, homes, lands, or possessions lying in the territory or holding of Biella or Vernatum to any person, persons, commune, college, or community which is not of Biella and he/she should not pay fines dues, and other impositions with the men of Biella. And, this applies to anyone who is not an inhabitant of Biella according to the form of the other statutes. And, he, who violates [this bann], should pay a fine of ten pounds pp.; and, furthermore, he is obliged to sell to a man living in Biella at the price which will have been determined by the Assessor of the Commune of Biella within three months after he had violated the aforesaid [banns] all of his lands and possessions which he has given unendowed or obligated against the ordinances above. And, if he does not do this, the buyer and he who accepted the insolvent property should lose that which they have bought or which he has accepted as insolvent and these properties fall to the Commune. And, if he, who accepts property in an endowment illegally, should refuse to attend to this [forced sale] and he does not promise to make the sale, or does not or can not do as required above, he loses in a similar fashion those things which he has accepted in an endowment and this property falls to the Commune. And thus, it shall be done in all things as it is written above. Machaleia, the servant of the Commune of Biella at the pleasure and consent of all of the members of the Credentia and on their souls has sworn on the Holy Gospel of God to keep and maintain the statute valid and in effect. [It is understood] that the statute has been confirmed by the Lord Bishop Vercellio. END OF PART ONE OF TWO