A few other bugfixes and some more doubtful 8-bit character patches. The first two are plain simple bugfixes. The third needs thought. I should have mentioned that none of my 8-bit patches make isalpha() & co treat any latin-1 8bit characters as letters, they just make sure these functions do not return garbage. (To make them letters, one would call setlocale(LC_CTYPE,""). However, that would break code like 'foo = (isalpha(c) ? tolower(c)-'a' : -1).) == 90-palette.dif == Bug: main-acn.c compared 'char' with 'byte'. Would fail when 8th bit was set. == 92-strnicmp.dif == Bug: my_strnicmp was buggy. Replace it with a prefix() call. == 98-uchar-changefmt.dif == Possible bugfix: More 8-bit char patches. Need inspection.