This file contains the following patches: ansi.dif: Fix a few ANSI C incompatibilities: - Empty translation unit is illegal, add a dummy struct. - The result of (1L << 31) is undefined when long is 32 bits, use 1UL. tab-fix.dif: Fix reversed logic: Tabs spaced to nearest NON-tabstop. uniqdump.dif: Mark known uniques list quicker to read: separate the names from the "is dead/alive" text. known-art.dif: Change the 'Known artifacts' title to the more truthful 'Known (or lost) artifacts' fulldump.dif: Add an 'F' command in the character dump screen, do dump all known abilities of each item instead of just the random abilities. That way it's easier to use a character dump to pick the items to wear; you don't have to remember e.g. that Westernesse gives See Invisible. knowledge.dif: Make artifact knowledge screens a bit more informative: Display where they are, if known: floor/home/pack/equipment. lost-art.dif: OPTION: Tell the user when he has left a level and lost an artifact forever. fmt-recall.dif: OPTION: Insert strategic line breaks in monster recall, if there is room. Each sentence like 'He resists fire.' will start a separate line. That makes it easier to look for specific information.