Fractal Cave Patch for Angband 2.9.1 Fractal Cave Patch by Steven Fuerst (?) Adaptation to Angband 2.9.1, elimination of floating point math and reformatting by pelpel (kazuo atmark att fullstop ne fullstop jp). # I don't believe Angband uses floating point anywhere else. # Try grepping the source if you are in doubt. Since in 2.9.1 we have far fewer chance of destroyed levels (1/30 as opposed to 1/15 of 2.8.3), this patch has lost some of its significance, but I still find it's fun to meet a group of breathers or spellcasters in intricate landscape. To apply, say "patch -p1 < pathname_of_this_patch". in your src directory (without the quotation marks). // end