Mana curse/shield patch version 3 This patch is ready to be aplied to Vanilla angband 2.9.5-alpha The mana shield flag works as in the previous versions but the mana curse is now dependant on the pval of the item, using the following table : pval mana curse <=-5 100% -4 70% -3 50% -2 30% -1 20% 0 10% 1 20% 2 30% 3 50% 4 70% >=5 100% So, if you wield a mana cursed item with pval of 2. For every 100 points of damage you suffer you will loose 20 sp also (or 1sp every 5 damage). Mana curse is not cumulative, it will be used the item with worse mana curse Still to do : Display mana curse and mana shield at appropiate wizard commands. Luthien