DESCRIPTION OF SUBMITTED PATCHES All three patches are derived (But not directly) from Unangband and apply to Angband 2.9.5-alpha. ------ 295a-ego-high-brand.pat adds several new high ego branded weapons to ego_items.txt. The weapons are 'Foulheart', 'Thunderhead', 'Acid wit', 'Flametongue' and 'Frostbite', and each has a brand and associated resist, one stat bonus (Up to +3) and one random ability. ------ 295a-fast-kill.pat modifies cmd1.c so that unused blows after a monster has been slain do not count towards energy use for the turn. This particular benefits warriors fighting breeders early on in the game. ------ 295a-pval-stack.pat adds pval and timeout stacking to Angband. Pval stacks are applied to items that differ in pval, particularly staffs and wands, but any item with similar pvals may stack. Timeout stacks (Including rods) allow items that are charging and charged to stack, provided they are similar enough. This includes stacking of any activatable item if similar enough. Unlike many variants, this patch does not 'cheat' in the sense that no information is lost when rods/staffs/wands etc. stack, unless the new options stack_force_pvals or stack_force_timeouts are selected, or an item is inscribed with '=s'. Instead, the patch works quite hard to maintain information, by permitting stacking only under limited circumstances. Only 1 charging item may stack with charged items. Only items where the pval differs by 1 may stack. However, this is 'good enough' in the sense that depleting a known stack of wands or staffs does not require unstacking at any point. This patch is unnecessarily complicated by the fact that rods use pval for storage of their timeout semantics rather than timeout, and by the desire to support unidentified stacks. It does munge cursed items slightly, but this was not considered enough of a problem to worry about a clean solution, versus the issue of allowing 'cursed' +0 pval objects. The save.c/load.c modifications are #if'ed out for save file compatibility. This causes pval stacks to 'round up' to the next highest value, and timeout stacks to timeout all items in the stack when saved and reloaded. Switch on cheat-xtra to see some debugging information in the object description. ------ 295a-pval-stacks.pat is the above patch, simplified to not handle the unidentified cases. This renders the patch, and resulting code a lot cleaner and more comprehensible.