Note: this file and the accompanying .pat file supercede w_ratio-290.*. The old files were not generated correctly with diff. Yes, I made a mistake. If you're really angry about it you can send me money - the burdens of material joys makes me really depressed. Honest. This patch, for angband 2.9.0, gives you the option in the User Interface menu to see, instead of absolute weight, the percentage an item is of your carrying capacity (before speed loss). So instead of: Chain Mail (-2) [14,+0] 22.0 lb you see: Chain Mail (-2) [14,+0] 7.3 % While you might not want it on all the time, it might be really useful in town at your home for deciding how to load out your character. 50% of angband strategy is equipment decisions, and if that shiny piece of equipment takes up 25% of your carrying capacity you should be looking for another way to get resist nether. To apply, copy patch to src directory, change to the src directory and run: patch -p1 < ratio-290.pat Enjoy