Gumband 2.1.9a source code please move these files to angband/Variant/Gumband - sourcecode gumband-219a.txt - readme They are produced according to JWD's instructions in his r.g.r.a message. I also applied two fixes mentioned by JWD * * * Fix 1: (Re: [Gum]YASD: Gambolt Death Monk....) Hmmm. 'It has hidden powers.' shouldn't be showing with the death-*ID*. Oh. Forgot an '&& !(death)' in object1.c [line 2412]. Damn. Figures something would crop up the day after the new release. :) * * * Fix 2: (Re: [Gum] New Version Available - Sorta :)) IMPORTANT BUG FIX: For all those that decide to use this patch-upgrade, add the following at line 3905 of spells1.c: if ((cave[m_ptr->fy][m_ptr->fx].feat >= FEAT_DOOR_HEAD) && (cave[m_ptr->fy][m_ptr->fx].feat <= FEAT_PERM_SOLID)) do_poly = FALSE; * * * // pelpel (