Mr.Hoge and Hengband Dev Team released new version; Hengband 1.4.0 and 1.5.0 Here are archives of Hengband 1.4.0 and 1.5.0 Stable version: Source archive [provided by Hengband Dev Team (]: hengband-1.4.0.tar.gz Windows binary [compiled by iks]: Macintosh binary [compiled by Kuwa]: hengband-1.4.0-68k-eng.sit.bin hengband-1.4.0-ppc-eng.sit.bin 16x16 tile graphics files (should be unpacked into lib/xtra/graf/) heng_graf.tar.gz (for X11) graf.rsrc.sit.bin (for Macintosh) Development version: Source archive [provided by Hengband Dev Team (]: hengband-1.5.0.tar.gz Windows binary [compiled by iks]: Macintosh binary [compiled by Kuwa]: hengband-1.5.0-68k-eng.sit.bin hengband-1.5.0-ppc-eng.sit.bin The biggest change is addition of the 'Saved Floors' which is added only on the Hengband 1.5.0. You can climb back stairs to get back former floors, but different stairs will always take you to (infinite) different floors. More over when you get back to the surface using stairs, Word of Recall, or some other way, all saved floors will be cleared and you can explore entirely new infinite number of floors. Artifacts and unique monsters will appear freely on any new floors, and if old ones are already in saved floors, they will disapper from saved floors(they had moved to new floor). Random quest level is 'only-once' and stairs will be blocked from the inside once the player exited the quest level. Level-teleport, trap door, and stair creation take you to the floor right above or right under the former floor which is connected with one of the stairs in the former floor; so you can get back to pick up the long sword (4d5) even *after* you have fallen from trap door. On the other hand Hengband 1.4.0 on stable branch also has one big change; Scrools of Satisfy Hunger are removed, and allocated other objects their side job as substitute of satisfy hunger for Androids, Barlogs, Golems, Zombies, Skeletons, Spectors, and Ents. The substitute of Androids are flasks of oil, for example. Please make sure to read on-line help, in-game description of each races, or change list below. Changes from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0 Implemented 'Saved Floors': - You can climb back the same stairs to get back to the same floor. - But different stairs will always take you to different floors. - All saved floors will be cleared when your reached to the surface. - Changed effects of Level teleport, trap door and stair creation. (Each effect takes you to the floor right above or right under.) - Remove two options; dungeon_stairs and confirm_stairs - Add a new option 'confirm_quest' which warns about one-way stairs. - Increased number of walls with treasure. - Implemented walls with hidden treasure. - Removed detect treasure effect from the Detection spell. Changes from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 - Removed scrolls of satisfy hunger and that class power of Berserkers. Androids can quaff flasks of oil. Barlogs can sacrifice corpses with symbol 't','p', or 'h' using the Eat command. Golems, Zombies, Skeletons, and Spectors can Eat charges of wands and staves. Ents can get nutritions from water in any potions. - Added lists of known monsters/objects from Eyangband. - Shift + direction keys will move cursor quickly in the look command. - Tuned interface to list stack of items in the look command with easy_floor. - Added new service of buildings in town which evaluate effects of your AC. - Added disturb_high: disturb whenever high-level monster moves - Added allow_debug_opts: allow use of debug/cheat options - Changed 'munchkin_death' into a cheat option 'cheat_save'. - Removed terrain_streams and stupid_monsters. - Fixed typos and grammar errors on English. (Thanks to John Mikula) - Fix various bugs: Too many items break savefile. Crash at boundary of wilderness. Stop time at forest of global map. Hidden door at Deep Water. A floor mimiccing wall. Warding True. Disintegration on runes. Absence of new traps. Confused Blue-mage. Quickness of Mirror-magic. Resurrection of Amberites. Multiple Chameleon King. Buffer-overflow breaks macro. --------------------------------------------------------- Visit our web page! And see the world score board with screenshots! --------------------------------------------------------- Mogami