The directory distr contains the code associated with the book "Programming Languages: An Interpreter-based Approach," by Sam Kamin. Please report problems to: Sam Kamin Computer Science Dept. (217) 333-8069 1304 W. Springfield Urbana, IL 61801 The directory can be obtained either by copying the file distr.tar.Z, then uncompressing and de-tar'ing, or by copying the files directly out of the distr directory. If copying the .Z file, be sure to set the "binary" flag. The contents of the distr directory are fully explained in its README file. That directory also includes a file ERRATA. It lists all known substantive errors in the text. (Further contributions are always welcome.) The directory C-distr contains C versions of all of the interpreters except those from Chapter 10 (various versions of garbage- collection). These were obtained automatically by using the Pascal-to-C translator p2c. It is recommended that these be used only if a Pascal compiler is unavailable. The contents of the C-distr directory are explained in its README file.