This document covers the recent major user-visible changes to the DOME Library. Version 5.2.1 (March 1999) ------------- * The property editor has been enhanced to use a more user friendly multi-layer tabbed widget. * Plug in functions may now be registered with DOME through the Plug-Ins tab of the Tools->Options tab. * Two new menu entries have been added: Layout->Nodes->Equalize Widths and Layout->Nodes->Equalize Heights. These equalize the widths or heights of the selected nodes. * The for-each-with-separator Alter procedure has been added which functions in a similar manner to for-each. * Various defects were corrected. Version 5.2a (January 1999) ------------ * Linux now uses /usr/bin/lpr for printing and ghostview for viewing pdf files. * Fixed a defect that prevented users from modifying DOME Tool Specification Alter methods. Version 5.2 (January 1999) ----------- * Upgraded to use ObjectShare VisualWorks 3.0. * The MetaScribe document generation system was added. This allows for the quick and easy creation of new kinds of document generators. Refer to the MetaScribe appendix in the DOME Guide manual. * The CyberDOME tool was added. This tool allows for the creation of a new notation by simply creating an example model. CyberDOME is under development and the documentation has not been completed. See the DOME web pages for more information on CyberDOME. Version 5.1 (October 1998) ----------- * The progress meter is now displayed on the DOME launcher or the graph that is being edited rather than in a separate window. * Every object now has a pop-up menu with at least three default entries: Rename, Properties, and Go Down. Menu entries that are not currently applicable are disabled. * New tools may now be associated with DOME via the Tools->Options dialog available from the launcher. Users may add new tool directories which are searched for DOME related files such as DOME Tool Specifications, Alter files, and document registration files via the Misc panel. A tool directory is expected to follow the following layout: registration files are placed in the 'etc' directory, Alter files are placed in the 'lib' directory, and DOME Tool Specifications are placed in the 'specs' directory. The tool directories settings are maintained across sessions. In addition, a Tools->Reset Tool Caches menu entry has been added to the launcher that allows the user to flush the caches so new specs, registration files, and alter files are found by DOME without having to restart DOME. * A DOME Tool Specification now supports the specification of a Load File which is loaded when a ProtoDOME model is created or loaded. The load file should contain Alter code. The Alter file is searched for using the normal Alter load path and loaded, if necessary, when a ProtoDOME model is created (or loaded) from that DTS. * Transient properties are now supported. A user may now define a property that is not saved with the model by setting the property to be transient. These are most often used with code generators and document generators. * Properties may now have guard and post actions associated with them. Both of these are specified as Alter methods on a MetaDOMEProperty. The guard method takes in three arguments: the object being modified, the property being set, and the new value. The guard method should return true, meaning that the set operation should be allowed, or false, meaning don't allow the set operation to take place. False is assumed if neither true nor false are returned. The post action method takes in four arguments: the object being modified, the property being set, the new value, and the old value. The return value of the post action is ignored.