Document Outline

About Document Outline

Designed for use during the early stages of writing, the Document Outline notation is a graphical alternative to text-oriented "idea processors" or "outliners." A simple "concept mapping" notation (sometimes called a "spider diagram"), topics are represented by circles and are connected to subtopics.

Topic contents reside in the Description property for each circle (node). When you're finished, you can generate a "starter document" using DoME's Document Generator.

The Document Outline Editor

The DoME Document Outline editor is equipped with the four common tools (Select/Move, Add Bend, Remove Bend, Note) included with most model editors, as well as a specialized setContents.03 of nodes, connectors, and tools.

Drawing Toolbar


Creating & Generating a Document Outline


Your document outlines will start in the middle with a central, unifying theme and work radially outward. The theme is linked to a set of topics, and each topic can be split into subtopics. This refinement can go on indefinitely, as far as DoME is concerned.

Each topic or subtopic is represented as a circle (Topic node) whose label is the topic, often stated as a question. Topic Link connectors connect a topic to its subtopics. (The central theme has no incoming connectors.)

In larger documents, outlines can suffer from "urban sprawl," so DoME allows you to take a subtopic down into a subdiagram for refinement. In doing so, the subtopic of the parent object becomes the central theme of the subdiagram and you can proceed in exactly the same manner as you did for the parent diagram.

Topic Order

A topic is linked to its subtopics in clockwise order. The subtopic that DoME considers to be "first" is connected with a thick line and the order proceeds clockwise from there.

Moving Topic Trees Around

When you move a topic that has been refined into subtopics, DoME maintains the radial layout of its subtopics (and their subtopics (and their subtopics (...))). Keep this in mind when you need to reorganize your outline.

Reorganizing the Outline

You can move a subtopic to a different parent topic by reconnecting it: Simply pick up the end of the Topic Link and drop it on top of the desired topic.

If the subtopic is refined into its own subtopics, you may wish to reorient the subtopic tree (see above) before reconnecting it.

Cross References

A special type of connector called a Cross Reference allows you to annotate your outline with forward and backward references. These connectors are not used in default documentation generation; they are visual cues only. If you choose to write your own plug-in function, however, you have full access to all objects in the document outline, including cross references.

Document Generation

DoME includes a document generator for document outlines.

  1. To start the generator, select the Tools:Document Generator menu option.
  2. Select the "Starter Document" generator and fill in the rest of the items according to your requirements.

  1. Click the Generate button and DoME will create a document based on your outline. Each (sub)topic will be created as a numbered heading. If you added text to the Description property, it will be included as body paragraphs under that heading.