FS98 SR71B, Rod Conklin is the orig,maker of the sr71a i have modified the sr71a to sr71b it has new paint, and I have modified it to fly more stable, still it will become unstable at speeds over 950 miles per hour it will fly autopilot at 950, i recommend flying autopilot at 900 or slower it will fly 1500 miles per hour stable with out the autopilot on, Rod has done a fine job on this aircraft, and i hope to inhance it a bit, i still keep the org sr71a in my fs98 folder as i learn more about how to make it more stable i will upload to iup, thanks Jim A. jla@marion.net this version of jet and panel is better than first one i did, I corrected my boo boos wich i made when i modified the first sr71panel, just delete the first one and install this one. .