Commander 114B in promo livery N114PW ca.1995 TRULY FS98 MODEL! ==================================================================================== Livery by: Rafael Zimmermann (I'm really a 2 N's Zimmermann :-) Original 114B model by: Eric C. Johnson ***I WISH TO THANK ALL THOSE KIND FOLKS (INCLUDING FLIGHTSIM.COM) WHO HAVE UNDERSTOOD MY HELP REQUEST AND PLACED MY FILES WITH THE RIGHT LABEL. HOWEVER, FOR THOSE WHO MAY STILL NOT KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT, THE NOTE BELOW SHOULD REMAIN STILL FOR A FEW TIME. THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!!*** ***PLEASE ATTENTION EVERYONE! A SMALL MISTAKE THAT HAS BEEN HAPPENING IN FLIGHTSIM.COM HAS PUT MY LATEST FILES IN A FATAL "FAKE" LOW QUALITY LEVEL. THEY'RE BEING DISPLAYED AS IF THEY WERE FS5 FILES, WHILE THEY ARE TRULY FS98 FILES. YOU WHO MIGHT BE A FS98 USER AND FOLLOWS MY WORK, WILL NOTICE THAT SINCE JUNE 1998, ALL MY FILES HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY DEDICATED TO FS98 (EVEN WITHOUT MOVING PARTS & OTHER SPECIALS). PLEASE, DEAR FLIGHTSIM.COM WEBMASTERS AND GENERAL PUBLIC, CONSIDER MY FILES AS FS98 MODELS, BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T LOOK ANYMORE TO OLD FS5 SECTIONS... PLEASE CONSIDER THIS SMALL REQUEST OF MINE FOR MY SURVIVAL IN THE FS HOBBY! :-)*** HISTORY: "The Commander 114B with a range of 725nm, 1.216 pound useful load, large luxurious four place cabin and low maintenance costs offers an optimum combination of performance, comfort, style, luxury, utility, and safety" - March 1995 Ad. NOTES: This file has copyrighted design and repaint, it CANNOT BE SOLD! You're able to distribute it freely EVERYWHERE like as include it in static aircraft packages, sceneries, to add sounds & panels, to publish it in personal or FS-related pages, etc, etc. But just be sure of doing that as long as you DON'T CHARGE FOR THE FILES!!!! I'll not allow the use of my repaint textures through any texture converter program or other program without my written authorization. If noticed in any ways, actions will be taken right away! NOTE: Lately people are feeling comfortable under 3D usages. Actually I never noticed any "SERIOUS" complain on 3D usage of my aircrafts. Just a single person once told me something like this, but I guess he didn't know what himself was talking about... :-) SPECIAL THANKS AND DEDICATING THIS PLANE TO: To my greatest friends: - Marcel Ritzema (thank for all your helps man!) - Hans Jakobsson (what do you think of an Alitalia DC-8-62?), - Salvatore Reale (what happened to your page amico? Seems unreacheable?), - Marco Balzarotti (you're missing hey man!?!:-) - Francesco Zoja (I'd like to talk to you again amico!), - Frank Safranek (this Commander was specially painted for you!) - Vinicius Pires (cara, meu e-mail ta pior que nunca) - And all others that are so many to so few space (with no restriction!) I'd like to thank you for your friendship always, for your faithfull feedbacks and also tell you that even being a little slow on repaints I'm still up, heriocally up (even with primitive tools!) :-) CONTACT: NEW e-mail: (Uff! imposible problems my server seems not being able to solve, however, your mails come no problem, just my replies are slowly and troublesome...) Have a nice flight and happy landings!!!! Bon vol et joyeux aterrissages!!! ¡Buen vuelo y felices aterrisajes! My best regards, Rafael Zimmermann - CURITIBA - BRAZIL ======================================================================================