============================================ MWC01a.zip - PATCH for MWC01.zip Lawrence J. Timmerman Airport (MWC) ============================================ Scenery for FS2000 by S. Gonwa August 2001 This patch for MWC01.zip fixes a problem with the missing LJT VOR at the airport. This patch consists of replacement BGL files for the MWC01 SCENERY folder. ============== REQUIRED FILES ============== You must have downloaded and installed MWC01.zip in order to use this patch. Please read and follow the installation instructions contained in the MWC01 readme file. Then proceed to install the patch files. ================== PATCH INSTALLATION ================== Once MWC01 has been installed, REPLACE the SCENERY subfolder in your MWC01 scenery with the SCENERY folder found in this MWC01a.zip file. It is important that you remove ALL of the existing BGL files and replace them with these patch files. There are seven (7) BGL files in the original MWC01 SCENERY folder. MWC01a replaces those seven files with only six (6) BGL files ( there is no longer a MWC01_01.bgl file ) That's all there is ! The navaids and frequency settings in MWC will now be identical to the FS2000 default settings and should work correctly. ===================== COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ===================== MWC01 SCENERY IS FREEWARE AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR. This scenery took an extensive amount of personal time, effort and financial resources to complete. Please respect the work of the author. Copyright S. Gonwa, August 2001. All rights reserved. Email steveg@hnet.net Visit my webpage at: www.hnet.net/~steveg/The%20Penguin%20Flight%20Page.html