Boeing 747-200 built by Jon Murchison & Repeited by JJMFreitas. This patch is to the following files: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To flightsim community: Studying accurately your reported problems with my B747-200 repaints, I conclude for the best way to make them fly: 1)Each aircraft MUST be installed separately and individualized for a correct display on the system. This is caused by the same and inalterable *.mdl and *.air files for SAA airplanes; 2)For the panel, there are simple solutions that you can choose: (a) change the file "panel.cfg" to the following generic line: alias=FSFSCONV\panel.jet.heavy.4 (b) download some B747 panel, unzipping *.bmp and "panel.cfg" files to "panel" folder of each aircraft, and all *.gau to "Gauges" folder on the main FS2000 directory; (c) download some B747 panel, unzipping *.bmp and "panel.cfg" files to a created "panel.747sp" folder of "FSFSCONV" directory on FS2000\aircraft\, and all *.gau to "Gauges" folder on the main FS2000 directory. This last solution, that I prefer and still using on my system saves disk space ‘cause can be used for several aircrafts of same kind On each plane, on his own "panel.cfg" file, you must type the line: alias=FSFSConv\panel.747sp. (d) Unzip "panel.cfg" file to the "panel" folder of each aircraft above, overwriting the older file. For me, the best panel add on for Classics B747 (100/200/SP/300) is "BOEING 747-100/200/300 Panel for MSFS2000" (saB742pnl2k) by Staffan Ahlberg downloadable at My appologises for any incovenience. If troubles persists don't hesitate to contact me. Jose Jorge Meireles Freitas