Fix 2 for the BAe146 Panel for Microsoft FS2000 by Matthias Lieberecht June 10, 2001 When I test the BAe146 Panel I forgot to check also the Outside Views of the Cockpit. Otherwise I had recognized, that you always see the Main Panel then. I made a set of new Panel.cfg files to correct this. Please take care that you use the correct one. Installation: Please check first which Version of the BAe146 Panel you've installed. If you're using the Standard Panel ( unzip the new "Panel.cfg" into your BAe146 Panel folder where you've installed my Panel and replace the old one (if you like you can make a backup of it). If you're also using the Parkingbrake Fix ( unzip the file "Parkbrakefix Panel.cfg" into your BAe146 Panel folder where you've installed my Panel. Delete or backup the existing Panel.cfg and rename this new file into Panel.cfg. This is important because otherwise it doesn't work. If you're using the standard Panel and the low resolution 256 color Version ( unzip the file "256colors Panel.cfg" into your BAe146 Panel folder where you've installed my Panel. Delete or backup the existing Panel.cfg and rename this new file into Panel.cfg. This is important because otherwise it doesn't work. Feel free to send feedback or comments. I'm looking forward to your Mails to know in which part of the world this panel is used. Matthias Lieberecht and visit my Homepage: