**************************************************************************************************************************** ************************************* ******************************************************************************************** Peter Salzano " Repaint by Alex Mendes " FS2000 only In this version I made the winglets smaller and their correct size. Korean Air uses the PW4460's so I changed the shape of the engines, lowered the thrust and lowered max N1 to around 108.6%. Also using a new spotlight filter so the night textures are alot nicer. FEATURES features moving fans, landing gears, gear bay door, spoilers, rudder, ailerons, slats flaps and elevators. tranparent windshield, 3D engines, 24 sided fuselage, 32 sided engines, night stearable nose gear and night lighting. In the future I will be adding a cockpit with pilots. There are a few parts I would like to rebuild. I will probably post versions with different cargo weights, most likely a 150,000lb and a 120,000lb version. There will also be passenger versions coming out, I havent even begun to figure out what the cargo weights will be on those. I will also be doing more liverys, once the plane itself is done new paintjobs are easily done and dont take too long at all. I will do Delta possibly next because of its easy paint scheme, AA if I can figure out how to make nice bare metal textures, if I cant get them as nice as FFG's I wont even bother, will be doing Fed Ex old colors, China Airlines, KLM, Lufthansa and possibly VASP, Gemini Cargo and World Airways. NOTES This plane is loaded with a 179,842 lb cargo load so you have 171,272 lbs left for fuel before you reach MTOW. I have been flying all my flight at MTOW to test the planes range, if you do fly at MTOW you will need to step climb or you will not get any speed. For a MTOW takeoff I've been using flaps at 3/8 and pitch at +9, begin to rotate at 150+ kts dont even bother before that, dont put the nose higher then 15° up or you will scrape your tail. Right after takeoff I climb at about 1000 fpm, any higher then that and I cant get over 180kts, get your gears and flaps up and you will soon be on your way to 250kts and can climb at 1600-2000 fpm. At 12000' or so I level off to get some speed, I wait till I get to about 340-350kts before I begin to climb again. Do not go over 350kts at this altitude your plane will fall apart. I stop again for speed at FL270 or FL280, get to mach .83 then climb, stop at FL290 or FL310, to mach. 83, then I make my last climb for a while to FL330 or FL350. So far I've been up to FL370 I think I had about 120,000lbs of fuel and it didnt climb to bad, I have not yet been able to get to FL390 but lowest fuel I've tried is like 115,000lbs, I got to FL390 but couldnt get over mach .71, I think with 100,000lbs of fuel it should do the climb just fine. These flights where all done with a 200,000lb cargo load so I would be at MZFW. So you can add 20,000lbs of fuel to the numbers I did. Ok now we've climbed and cruised, now to land. I've been landing with flaps 5/8 with my 200,000lb cargo load 20,000lbs of fuel puts me at MLW but the less fuel the much nicer it is to land. With this version you have 40,000lbs of fuel to reach MLW. I've been doing my finals at 160kts and theres no need to idle down to land at all, with most other planes I've flown in FS2000(777,737,727, etc..) alot of time I would lower thrust to idle at the last 100' and just glide in nicely, with this MD-11 if you even take 10% N1 off what it took to maintain 160kts you will drop too fast and crash. Most of my landings lately the altitude call out has called the last 100-20' really fast at 20' I put the nose pitch at about 10° up lower the N1 by about 5% and it comes down real nice, sometimes the idle down wont be necesary, you'll know when if you never hear it call out 10', I suppose with this lighter cargo load then I've gotten used to it wont fall quite so fast. Almost every day on the zone people say hey theres no good MD-11 panels, well actually there is one and its the best freeware panel I have seen, goto http://www.freewareworks.com and download their Swiss Air MD-11 the panel comes with it, copy everything from their Panel folder to the panel folder from my plane to use it. www.flightsim.com has MD-11 sounds for FS2000 its md112ksn.zip . dry weight is 251,050 lbs has a cargo load of 179,842 lbs pilots weight 336 lbs MTOW is 602,500 lbs this means you can put in 171,272 lbs of fuel to be at MTOW I've adjusted the engines to run as close to real as I felt like, idle N1 is 23.1% Max N1 is 108.6%, idle egt is 248, oil pressure 48.8, oil temp 99, this is at sea level at 75° f. SPECS Wing Span 169ft 10 in. Length 200ft 4 in. weight empty 250,510 lbs MTOW 602,500 MZFW 451,300 MLW 471,500 Max operating Mach (Mmo) .945 Max level speed at FL310 Mach .87 FAA T-O field length, MTOW, S/L, ISA +15C 10,260' FAA landing field length, MLW, S/L 6,990' Design range, FAA international reserves 3,623nm specs taken from Janes All the Worlds Aircraft 1995/1996 CREDITS Visual model, flight model, textures and moving parts by Peter Salzano(tekdope@yahoo.com) Repaint by Alex Mendes alexbhms@bol.com.br