FS98CLASS VERSION 2.5.0 RELEASE This Active-X dll contains methods and properties permitting programmers to develop adventures using VB5 along with FS6IPC.DLL. This version has most (but not all) properties that are identical to the variables found in FSFS Adventure Programming Language (APL) as well as a whole truckload more not available in APL. The methods replace many of the APL functions and commands as well as provide many new features. IMPORTANT: This DLL was compiled with VB5 AND SERVICE PACK 3 installed. If you have not installed SP3, download (all 13mb :( of it ) it from the Microsoft Support Site. Without it, some features of FS98Class may not work and your application may generate strange runtime errors. FEATURES: ' Most FSFS APL variables are available through Properties. ' Where practical, most FSFS APL functions/commands are available by means of Methods. Obviously I didnt duplicate them all. Do you really need a GOSUB method?? ' DirectSound capabilities to add/mix sound to/with FS98 sounds ' Control engines, throttle, reverse thrust, etc ' Return AC characteristics such as Max allowable speed, stall speeds,etc ' Add the options of your adventure to the FS98 Menu ' Completed weather methods and properties ' Read/Write Aircraft options (reliability, realism,etc) ' Add Keystrokes to your VB adventure ' PrintMsg Method allows you to print text to the "Adventure Window" ' Random ATC chatter and Weather generation. NEW and/or FIXES since V2.0.2 There have been significant changes which have been documented in FS98Class.Doc which is included in the archive. Below is only a brief explanation. ' FIX: SETPOSITION Alt/Hdg Must be provided. Optional removed. ' FIX: KeyHook boolean array for the discard of keys did not work. ' FIX: Radio frequencies range check and Single to Integers where applicable. ' FIX: ADF Radio frequencies allows for decimals 200.0 to 1699.9 ' FIX: PlaneVmo (max speed at a given alt/temp) now computes correctly ' FIX: ReverseThrust now sets ALL throttle positions at the same time avoiding drift on runway ' FIX/ADD: added ControlledEngines LET property. This was documented but not available. ' ADD: SetTowerPos method set the new location of the Tower ' ADD: Get FrameRate ' ADD: Set Scenery and Dynamic complexity options ' ADD: Preference setting for Com and ADF increments can be toggled on/off ' ADD: Preference setting IAS Display on/off ' ADD: Preference setting and constants for Unit of Measure ' ADD: Added Manifold Pressure ' ADD: Flight Analysis on/off and associated options ' ADD: EMERGENCY FAILURE property (fuel tank leaks, Oil pressure and Temp) ' ADD: ApplyBrakes routine to apply all brakes at once ' ADD: GMTClock ' ADD: AltCheck which calls altitudes < kAltCheckMaximum ' ADD: added AOA (angle of attack) parameter to GetACConditions method ' ADD: GetNewLatLon method to compute a new lat/lon from any given point ' ADD: Speed of sound property based on altitude and temperature ' ADD: Current outside temperature as displayed on the panel ' ADD: Set Msg Window top ' ADD: PrintDontHide property will cause Msg window to stay on screen "permanently" ' ADD: Let properties for the plane parameters as alternative to methods. These have methods as well. (eg: PlaneBank) ' ADD: SetThrottles method sets all throtles at once ' ADD: ApplyBrakes as above ' ADD: Methods to set engine controls at one time ' ADD: NearCollision property that indicates Dynamic scenery is on collision with you ' MOD: GS & LOC needle values returned if either is inactive. ' This is a constant that is set byFS98Class if localizer/GS needle is inactive. ' In these cases <0> cant be used as this would indicate the needle is centered. ' the constant added "navInActive = 256" ' MOD: Msg window stays on screen when moving the window until mouseup occurs ' MOD: Msg Window has a constant left ' MOD: ReverseThrust. It will shutoff if speed < 65. Flaps/Spoiler is set In when speed < 30 Cor Dikland "diklanco@gov.on.ca"