{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab720{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2 System;}{\f3\fnil Times New Roman;}{\f4\fnil Courier New;}{\f5\fmodern\fprq1 Courier New;}} {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;} \deflang1036\pard\plain\f4\fs20 \par \par ------------------------------------------------------------------------- \par ' \plain\f5\fs20\cf2 BOEING 747-200 PANEL \plain\f4\fs20 \par ' \par '\tab \tab \tab B747-200 FS98 PANEL Ver 1.0 \par ' \par ' for FS 98 & Flight Shop Conv. NOT REQUIRED for use \par ' \par ' (C)1998 Nicolas T.R. Gourna-Douath \plain\f5\fs20\cf1 spitfire_29@hotmail.com \par \plain\f4\fs20 '\tab \par ------------------------------------------------------------------------ \par \par \par \plain\f5\fs20\cf2 DESCRIPTION \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par This panel is designed for 1024X768 \par It's suitable for Boeing 747-200 \par This panel is named B747-200 FS98 PANEL, Boeing 747-200 panel. \par This panel displays all navigation instruments \par \par \plain\f5\fs20\cf2 INSTALLATION \par \plain\f4\fs20 \par Using this panel will in no way harm your computer but in the event \par that you feel that it has in any way created you or your computer \par problems, I accept absolutely no responsibility. \par \par Put *.bmp and Panel.cfg in the panel directory of your aircraft \par Put *.gau in the gauges directory of FS98 \par Put *.wav in your sound directory \par \par And .... \par \par For the best performance, please, use it in FULLSCREEN mode. \par \par SHIFT F2 : Shield\plain\f5\fs20\cf2 \par \par \par PROBLEMS :\plain\f4\fs20 \par \par You can't turn on the autopilot with the mouse, just press Z to activate it. \par You can't turn on the engine with the mouse, use the keyboard : CTRL+SHIFT+F4, select \par a fuel tank on the tank gauge, and press J++ \par \par This Panel is FREEWARE. \par \par I would like to thank Eric W. Ernst for his outstanding gauges. \par They are the best you can get. \par \par If you enjoy it please send me a e-mail and tell me what panels we \par are still in need of for FS98. \par \par All rights reserved. Any Unauthorized copying, converting or \par modifying of these files or any part of them is prohibited. \par The entire panel may be freely copied and distributed under \par the filename B7472V10.ZIP if it is not modified and includes all \par documentation and references to authorship. \par Prior permission of the author is required for distribution on \par CD, or publication of any likeness of this panel (only on the WEB). \par \par \par }