*********************************************************************** Pakistan Air Force F-86 Sabre Jet *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= May 14, 1998 ======================================================================= THIS PLANE IS FOR MS FLIGHT SIMULATOR 5.X WITH FLIGHT SHOP OR MS FLIGHT SIMULATOR 95/98 WITH CONVERTER ======================================================================= The F-86 Sabre Jet, is presented in the 11th Squadron colors of the Pakistan Air Force by A.S. Durrani. This plane (F-35-NA) was piloted by Squadron Leader Mohammad Mehmood Alam. Squadron Leader Alam emerged from the 1965 India-Pakistan War, as Pakistan's top scoring ace with 9 kills and 2 probables. Squadron Leader Alam was the Commander of the 11th Squadron of PAF in 1965. He was a notable leader and a highly experienced pilot. He also excelled in gunnery competitions - "a skill that no doubt contri- buted to his becoming the first and only jet ace in one mission." He established a combat record which has few equals in the history of jet warfare. Although many pilots have scored several air victories in one sortie, and have equalled or exceeded Alam's claim of shooting down 5 Indian aircraft of superior performance within a few minutes, but few are likely to be able to match his record of destroying at least 3 opponents (Indian Air Force Hunters) within 30 seconds. On September 6, 1965, Alam engaged a flight of Indian Hunters, over the battle lines. In the dogfight, he scored 2 kills. He was awarded the Sitara-i-Jurat (Medal of Courage). Then on September 7, he led an intercept mission against Indian Hawker Hunters that were attacking the PAF airfield of Sargodha. When the 6 hunters broke after a final strafing pass on the field, Alam loosed a Sidewinder at their "tail-end Charlie". The missile found its target and blew the "hell out of the Indian Hunters". Alam and his wingman, Flying Officer Masood Akhtar, lost sight of the other Indian Hunters at this point, but re- ported them again after a few minutes. The Indian Hunter pilots saw the Pakistani Sabres and all five broke left in a line-astern formation, crossing in front of Alam's guns. Alam then performed a virtuoso, but well-documented, feat of gunnery by shooting down 4 of the Indian Hunt- ers in rapid succession. He was awarded a bar to his Sitara-i-Jurat. In action again on September 17, Alam bagged another brace of Indian Hunters to bring his final score to 9 confirmed kills and 2 probables. ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** Re-painted by A.S. Durrani ASDurrani@worldnet.att.net, ASDurrani@doctormail.com Flight Model by Mike Hill *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= For Flight Simulator 5.X with Flight Shop, the instructions: Copy the F86paf.air to your Flight Simulator "Pilots" subdirectory Copy all the F86paf.*af files to your Flight Simulator "Texture" subdirectory For Flight Simulator 95/98 with Converter, the instructions: Convert the F86paf.air file ======================================================================= Many thanks to Mr. Mike Hill, for making available the afx file to be used for painting this PAF F-86. Cockpit is opened with full flaps. ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** Now the legal stuff: THIS AIRPLANE IS THE PROPERTY OF THE AUTHORS, AND CANNOT BE RE-SOLD OR PACKAGED WITH ANY PRODUCT FOR SALE, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE AUTHORS. THIS IS FREEWARE!! YOU MAY UPLOAD THIS PLANE TO ANY OTHER SERVER THAT HAS A FREE DISTRIBUTION POLICY. IF THIS PLANE IS UPLOADED TO RESTRICTED SERVERS (I.E. COMPUSERVE FSFORUM)(NOT THE AUTHORS' INTENTION), IT MAY BE DOWNLOADED AND UPLOADED TO OTHER SERVERS. THIS NOTICE CONSTITUTES THE AUTHORS PERMISSION TO DO THIS. THIS ENTIRE TEXT FILE MUST BE INCLUDED IN ANY DISTRIBUTION. THE AUTHORS ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY LIABILITIES THAT YOU MIGHT INCUR AS A RESULT OF USING THESE PRODUCTS. YOU ASSUME THE RISK OF USE. ***********************************************************************