CAMSIM AVIATION & SIMULATION This patch fixe the bug with the autopilot in FSW98 and FS6 For the Cathay Pacific Boeing 777-300 Ver. B File 773cx98b and 773cxF98 for FSW98 File 773cxfs5 For FS5 Installation FSW98: 1- Replace the old *.AIR file by the new one in your aircraft directory 2- Replace the old *.MDL file by the new one in your aircraft/model directory 3- Open your Flight Simulator Installation FS6: 1- Replace the old *fs5.air file by the new one in your aircraft/pilot directory 2- Convert the new file *fs5.air for your FS6 3- Open your Flight Simulator N.B. Special thanks to Malishkin, Andrew Camil Valiquette