Total Scenery for Spain, version 1 (BETA) Includes 114 Airports in peninsular Spain INTRODUCTION: I started working on this scenery a while back, on January 1998, right after I got FS98. At the time, there were no comprehensive sceneries from Spain other than Alfred Grech's, which was very nice for the FS5 days but I feel it became obsolete with FS98. I decided to make a scenery of my own, and my progress, as you can see, has been very slow, but sure. In the 10 months during my scenery creation there has been two new comprehensive sceneries from Spain (by Pedro Aviles and Toni Agramont). I had made too much progress in my scenery to quit, and I continued mostly for my own leisure. Now I feel that I've preety much completed the core of the scenery, and that it is ready for release in a beta version. I call this a beta version because I haven't had any beta testers (I tested myself extensively). The scenery is pretty much complete, although I will add more details in next versions. I would appreciate your comments and suggestions since they will help improve this scenery as well as fix any unexpected bugs. Also, as you will read later in this file, the technique used to design this scenery is very flexible, making it compatible with many other Spanish sceneries. INSTALLATION: If you unzip with winzip, and it unzips with directory structure, simply drag the Spain directory to your FS98 directory or anywhere you like. (not the FS98 scenery directory!) and ignore the steps after. I strongly recommend using winzip. Otherwise, Create a directory tree structure like this: C:\..\spain\scenery. Place all the .bgl files in this scenery directory: (C:\..\spain\scenery); then, move the texture files (*.R8, *.*oav, *.gkb) to your main texture directory in FS98, or to c:\..\spain\texture. NOTE: Seed90.r8 has to go in the main FS98 texture directory. Activate the scenery using the scenery library option in the FS98 "world" menu. Scenery must be set on "local" and scenery area "active" in the scenery library menu. Please refer to the airports.txt file for facility directory information. The airports will be accessible from the "Scenery from 6.0 and before" option. Airport/VOD textures are recommended. You can find them in the "must have files" section in IMPORTANT NOTES: This scenery incorporates freeware scenery from other authors. The following sceneries are included: Robledillo de Mohernando, Casarrubios by Jose Ramon Pascual and Joaquin Garcia Leal and Vitoria by Jose Ramon Pascual. Monflorite Huesca by Luis Ferreira Chozas by anonymous author (author please contact me and I will give you your proper credit). Readme files from these sceneries are included (in the docs directory if unzipped with winzip). You should deactivate this sceneries if you already have them. I have not included SP_EXCL.BGL, SP_POL.BGL, SP_NAV.BGL because they conflict with my scenery. The file SP_GEO.BGL is included but I have not tested it extensively to see if it is compatible or not. It mostly adds macros for VOR and NDB stations. This scenery is compatible with the following quality Spanish sceneries. Following are instructions on how to use them: MALAGA (LEMG_v30) by Angel Alba: IMPORTANT: This scenery MUST be in a lower layer than mine, or else you will see ugly bleedthrough. I made my Malaga coast match exactly with his, so there is no problem with mine being on top. Angel's exclude files are not necessary with my scenery. Move all of my scenery's malaga_*.bgl files out of your spain scenery directory to remove my Malaga airport. I strongly recommend Angel Alba's scenery. ALICANTE (LEAL) by Ronald Nisble: Simply remove all of my scenery's LEAL_*.bgl files from the espana scenery directory to inactivate my airport and make room for his. MADRID by Nacho Temino (barajas2) or by Alfonso Bello (?). Simply remove all of my scenery's barajas_*.bgl files from the espana scenery directory to inactivate my airport and make room for theirs. Their scenery should be in a higher layer than mine. VALENCIA by Jose Lopez (LEVC2709): Remove all of my scenery's valencia_*.bgl files from the espana scenery directory to inactivate my airport and make room for his. His scenery should be in a LOWER layer than mine or else the city of Valencia will dissapear. I think the exclude files are not necessary, since when you remove my Valencia airport you also remove the pertinent conflicting navaids and static scenery. MURCIA by Francisco Garcia Garrido (Murcia1): Remove all of my scenery's Murcia_*.bgl files from the espana scenery directory to inactivate my airport and make room for his. NOTE: Francisco uses a large area for his scenery, and conflicts with the Ciudad Quesada and Alicante airports. Therefore I do not recommend using any Alicante scenery with this file. PILOTS' MADRID (Commertial): Remove all of my scenery's madrid_*.bgl and barajas_*.bgl files from the espana scenery directory to inactivate my airport and make room for theirs. CATALUNYA (Catalony) or ESPANYA by Toni Agramont: If for some reason you decide that you like his Catalunya scenery and my Spain scenery or vice versa, note that all of my Catalunya scenery is in the cataluny_*.bgl files; if you remove them you can use Toni's Catalunya, or you can keep them and remove everything else to use Toni's Espanya. SPAIN GLOBAL SCENERY by Pedro Aviles (spain): Different in design but similar in concept, our sceneries are incompatible (except for Canarias and Baleares; and Melilla if you remove my melilla_*.bgl's). PORTUGAL, CANARIAS, BALEARES: There should be no problems adding these. I did not include them because there are several good sceneries from these areas (among the best). FUTURE VERSIONS: I plan to eventually substitute the remaining synthetic mountain tiles with real altitude manual mountains. I also plan to try to add snow effects on Sierra Nevada and Pyrenees mountains (I'd appreciate advice on how to do that using Abacus ASD). I plan to add more details in certain airports and areas, and of course, to address any bugs, suggestions, and new sceneries from Spanish areas. CREDITS/THANKS: Thanks to Jose Ramon Pascual, Luis Ferreira, Joaquin Garcia Leal, anonymous Chozas' author, Rafael Sanchez, Tim Dickens, Noel Silverston, Miguel Ros, and Eduardo Acuņa. These sceneries were created with Abacus Airport and Scenery Designer (ASD), Apollo's Scenery and Object Designer (SYD)with the aid of various maps and charts, including charts from Centro Cartografico y Fotografico del Ejercito del Aire and Jeppesen. Navaid lists by R. Schmid's BGLANA. DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible of any damages caused by misuse of this files. Use at your own risk. This file is FREEWARE. Absolutely no money may be charged for it. It may be freely distributed to non-pay sites only. Questions/comments to: David Pinero