FLIGHT SIMULATOR POCKET ASSISTANT The Flight Simulator Pocket Assistant is a program which combines several utilities into one larger package. This file is version 1.4 Beta, which means there are probably still some bugs. If you find any, please drop me an e-mail. It goes a long way to helping me put out the best product that I can. The FS Pocket Assistant contains the following utilities: - Time Enroute Calculator - Character Calculator - Navigation Form Creator - FS Sound Changer - Calculator - Notepad - Fahrenheit/Celsius Converter - Distance Conversion - Squawk Code Generator - GMT Time Clock - Top-of-Descent Calculator - Top-of-Climb Calculator - FPM Calculator - Fuel Usage Calculator - TAS/IAS Converter Version History: - V1.0: First release of FSPA. Uploaded to Wings.Ark.Com and Flightsim.com. - V1.1: Second release. Fixes a bug in the Distance Calculator utility, adds the GMT Clock, a complete revamp of the Notepad, and overall improved functionality. - V1.2: Third release. Adds the Top-of-Descent, Top-of-Climb, and Feet-Per-Minute Calculators. - V1.3: Not released (Used as a test program only) - V1.4: Adds Fuel Usage Calculator and TAS/IAS Covnerter. Also updates registration information to new e-mail and web site address. For operating instructions, see Assistant.doc in the installation directory. For installation instructions, see Readme.txt once you have unzipped FSPA-V12.ZIP. Happy Landings! Christopher Vig cpvig@home.com http://members.home.com/cpvig/