FS98CLASS VERSION 2.5.2 RELEASE This Active-X dll contains methods and properties permitting programmers to develop adventures using VB5 along with FS6IPC.DLL. This version has most (but not all) properties that are identical to the variables found in FSFS Adventure Programming Language (APL) as well as a whole truckload more not available in APL. The methods replace many of the APL functions and commands as well as provide many new features. IMPORTANT: This DLL was compiled with VB5 AND SERVICE PACK 3 installed. If you have not installed SP3, download (all 13mb :( of it ) it from the Microsoft Support Site. Without it, some features of FS98Class may not work and your application may generate strange runtime errors. ARCHIVES: Neither archives contain the VB5 runtime libraries and assume you have VB5 installed. "FS98Cls250.zip (585k" is for new users or anyone who installed FS98Class prior version 2 "FS98Cls250Upd.zip (184k" is an update for those with FS98Class version 2.xx installed FEATURES: ' Most FSFS APL variables are available through Properties. ' Where practical, most FSFS APL functions/commands are available by means of Methods. Obviously I didnt duplicate them all. Do you really need a GOSUB method?? ' DirectSound capabilities to add/mix sound to/with FS98 sounds ' Control engines, throttle, reverse thrust, etc ' Return AC characteristics such as Max allowable speed, stall speeds,etc ' Add the options of your adventure to the FS98 Menu ' Completed weather methods and properties ' Read/Write Aircraft options (reliability, realism,etc) ' Add Keystrokes to your VB adventure ' PrintMsg Method allows you to print text to the "Adventure Window" ' Random ATC chatter and Weather generation. NEW and/or FIXES since V2.5.0 ' ADD: AnyLong, AnyInt,AnyByte properties. ' ADD: AllowFineTrim documentation ' ADD: Fuel Flow of Engine in Engine class (FFofEngine property) ' ADD: Total fuel flow in Fuel Class. (FF_LbsPerHr Property) ' ADD: PoundsPerGallon Property for the current AC in Fuel Class. ' ADD: NumofEngines for the current AC ' MOD: Weather Altitudes changed from Integer to Long ' MOD: Play waves total changed from 12 to 64 total. Cor Dikland "diklanco@gov.on.ca"