~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DG-Flugzeugbau DG-303 Elan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Huizen, 8 augustus 1999. DG-Flugzeugbau decided to update their DG-300 and to call it a DG-303 Elan - so we decided to do the same... This FS98 DG-303e has a cockpit interior, moving ailerons, rudder, elevators, airbrakes, landing gear and an opening & closing transparant canopy. The panel is a photorealistic DG-300 panel, previously uploaded by Klaus Leiber, but slightly adjusted to accommodate the moving parts on the plane. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How to install: After unzipping in a temporary folder you'll find the following structure: fs98\aircraft\dg-303e\docs \gauges \model \panel \sound \texture The docs folder holds the dg-303e.html file - the manual for the plane and the VP4manual.rtf file - the manual for the Peschges VP 4 glide computer. The other files in the folder are pictures for the html file. Move the dg-303e folder into your FS98\Aircraft folder. Move the gauges in the dg-303w\gauges folder into your FS98\Gauges folder. Print out - and read - the manuals and off you go... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Credits: Lutz Girard - original fs5.x DG-300 and inspiration, Klaus Leiber - flight model, panel and original instruments tutorials. The plane and the gauges are my own. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Max Roodveldt, Huizen, Netherlands, mail: roodvmax@xs4all.nl for more information visit: www.flightsimmers.net/fszever ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ copyright 1999 - Klaus Leiber & Max Roodveldt. This software is offered as freeware. The user is free to upload the software to a forum or bbs as long as there is no fee for users wishing to download the software. Users are prohibited from sale or any commercial use of this software, or from including this software on any cdrom for public distribution. Although the software was thoroughly tested, the author asumes no responsibility for problems associated with or resulting from the use of this software. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~