Welcome to the Robert Atoll Scenery Group!<><><><><><><> This scenery is freeware for flightsimulator 98. This is my first scenery attept for FlightSimulator, dont worry, i tested it. It includes 2 islands (2 bgl files) which are full of goodies and some inventive techniques of mine. I have a pathetic computer, and I got great frame rates so that shouldnt be a problem. Please spread the word of me, the upcoming scenery designer. There were a few basic problems with polygon textures, but you wont notice them too much. Sometimes the mountains get a little white line through them, but ont worry about it. I made this scenery with Airport 2.10, so if you want to tweak this, feel free to tear it apart and make your own dream isles. Dont worry when you just see water in the middle of the big island (Robert Island). Thats a polygon problem which scenery making limits. I can only make it visible under 50km away, so just keep gettin closer. Installation: Well, I haven't installed this on my computer, i just kinda got it to work. But with experience downloading other sceneries from other people, here's how I would do it. Put the 2 *.bgl files in c:/fsim/scenery/Robsisles/scenery/. Unzip the texture files into your FlightSim main texture folder. Well, thats about it if you know how to get it workin in FlightSim. Robert Zavrel, with more to come. Rau2@aol.com