Iberia Douglas DC-8-63 EC-BSE "Alonso Cano" ca.1978 for FS98 and FS5 ==================================================================================== Iberia livery by: Rafael Zimmermann (I'm really a 2 N's Zimmermann :-) Original DC-8 model by: Kim Simmelink HISTORY: The DC-8-63 was for many years the long range jet of Iberia fleet. By the early 1980's, when already flying DC-10-30's and Boeing 747-200's, the airline gradually started to dispose off these types. EC-BSE is painted as it appeared at LHR in Sep. 1978. NOTES: This file has copyrighted design and repaint, it CANNOT BE SOLD! You're able to distribute it freely EVERYWHERE as long as you DON'T CHARGE FOR IT!!!! I'll not allow the use of my repaint textures through any texture converter program or other program without my written authorization. CONTACT: E-mail: rafaelz@avalon.sul.com.br URL: www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/2104 Have a nice flight and happy landings!!!! :-) Rafael Zimmermann - CURITIBA - BRAZIL