"M82" (ID) Madison County Executive Airport. A Small airport just outside the Huntsville, Alabama city limits, located in Meridianville, Alabama. By; Mike Bennett You will need the usual texture files for Airport 2.05 or 2.10 along with the FS98 textures. Tours, rentals, lessons, engine repairs, supplies, etc. Included is the M82 scenery file (BGL) and an "exclude" file for the immediate area. Runway 36 threshold is displaced by 283 feet for road clearance. Last I looked the actual approach chart from the "U.S. Terminal Procedures" book listed it as being about 5nm from RQZ (Rocket VOR) at 44 degrees. 44 degrees is not accurate in FS98, you can find the airport by heading 48 degrees from RQZ Vortac (112.20) about 5 miles. Another thing that I didn't make accurate is that this runway is straight, in reality it actually has a crook in it (don't ask me why, it just does since repaving). I use this scenery along with Brent Hebert's Huntsville airport, (KHSV), with no problems. The Cessna 172 in the foreground was repainted by me and is an actual rental plane at the airport, registration # on the side is N734TC. M82 is managed by the Rocket Aviation... Their website is WWW.ROCKETAVIATION.COM I can be reached at: wp957@worldnet.att.net Thanks, Mike