Date: 18 Jul 1994 13:47:10 -0400 From: Pete Hammes Subject: ASSIST 94-25 To: assist-bulletin@assist.ims.disa.MIL -----BEGIN PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE----- Proc-Type: 4,MIC-CLEAR Content-Domain: RFC822 Originator-Certificate: MIICozCCAgwCAREwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQECBQAwgYYxC zAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMSswKQYDVQQKEyJEZWZlbnNlIEluZm9ybWF0aW9uIFN5c3Rlb XMgQWdlbmN5MTAwLgYDVQQLEydDZW50ZXIgZm9yIEluZm9ybWF0aW9uIFN5c3Rlb XMgU2VjdXJpdHkxGDAWBgNVBAsTD0NvdW50ZXJtZWFzdXJlczAeFw05MzEyMDkxO DU5MTZaFw05NTEyMDkxODU5MTZaMIGxMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzErMCkGA1UEChMiR GVmZW5zZSBJbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBTeXN0ZW1zIEFnZW5jeTEwMC4GA1UECxMnQ2Vud GVyIGZvciBJbmZvcm1hdGlvbiBTeXN0ZW1zIFNlY3VyaXR5MRgwFgYDVQQLEw9Db 3VudGVybWVhc3VyZXMxEzARBgNVBAsTCk9wZXJhdGlvbnMxFDASBgNVBAMTC1Bld GUgSGFtbWVzMIGaMAoGBFUIAQECAgQAA4GLADCBhwKBgQDFFJkcaDOuS+6Ai2vmT bwY6JRbhdzPsl6X60hnXruOw2WvrAhc8BTFB+id75m3M55i+Th6MxWH20QHyQq5u yVghOu/s37OxIrj7irNPjtUdPv8b2m4hNGEW53QH6GmXkxLmgLzOhookpoYPC+uw 2MzibDnleVI50d2m//XsWs7hwIBAzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQIFAAOBgQDHH6CmBoyWU zPlqVnEWYKIBsifqdTJzkKfnoST7NDRIakUP49FP86Cyy1+2AKpUCWaxjq+wGHCH RCNFCCrOwdC9z8XwJal/c69ml6eLRhOoX77ANndpU9E5+eHxP+6Ute6lc63K7+Lz 5xOULjmgaMmKDkTXveVcQO6R2CTY37vcA== Issuer-Certificate: MIICNTCCAZ4CASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQECBQAwRDELMAkGA 1UEBhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgTAk1EMSgwJgYDVQQKEx9UcnVzdGVkIEluZm9ybWF0a W9uIFN5c3RlbXMgUENBMB4XDTk0MDIyNTE0NDkxMloXDTk0MDMwNzE0NDkxMlowg YYxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMSswKQYDVQQKEyJEZWZlbnNlIEluZm9ybWF0aW9uIFN5c 3RlbXMgQWdlbmN5MTAwLgYDVQQLEydDZW50ZXIgZm9yIEluZm9ybWF0aW9uIFN5c 3RlbXMgU2VjdXJpdHkxGDAWBgNVBAsTD0NvdW50ZXJtZWFzdXJlczCBmjAKBgRVC AEBAgIEAAOBiwAwgYcCgYEA19l6BN7iTGYEU61qJETIjBh3iAeHzoL8sZ5KwFRZD S/a1KnYlD1zJHR/KeQCOBWW2HzX43TFLCNGU7UD9i6m8AymLe5IJf/bGh0Rne7Jd Q1GAOLw7/J4hE57IMbGETZpzeU1D9IYxiERRNio/oa422lUlS9JZHLA5jaPNcUrX P8CAQMwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQECBQADgYEApkliqAdudoOxvOFmQkOZbSgtlpn61VcNC R7azDNJa2ulevaebptwSTs2OvMeuR/J0Ez4TC7XrJXLVjI5huRAqc+EWGRpZYRMa CARZyE7gGYjUqS7DIQazfskeWiB8zheyW5tCVn+jnB09AZXtgbM6qRjyqrmSdCpg CtfgazIKqI= Issuer-Certificate: MIIB8jCCAVsCAQEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQECBQAwRDELMAkGA 1UEBhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgTAk1EMSgwJgYDVQQKEx9UcnVzdGVkIEluZm9ybWF0a W9uIFN5c3RlbXMgUENBMB4XDTkzMDUyODE3MTEyN1oXDTk1MDUyODE3MTEyN1owR DELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgTAk1EMSgwJgYDVQQKEx9UcnVzdGVkIEluZ m9ybWF0aW9uIFN5c3RlbXMgUENBMIGaMAoGBFUIAQECAgQAA4GLADCBhwKBgQDbL xaRlS3u54yyRgVDI5dcE9nlasL8fJqOGlyo7xH2FZnr3kUfsFj7OGiYsr6UbvqwK nyfMIRUrXDUa64leGmft3SK27psDUHOynRSCc40d/HrDf810U5tnTamBKUIMqivK 4GoL0tMRA1eX6hALAvLLgK1HbnwZAo6GqQGW8CIJQIBAzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQIFA AOBgQDBp5aC6oV6IuFi8JCctq57bew604HHNllgjjp7zdXafq6jctRg2g91k/yFW h19bJC/tNrb0WVwuZOs5L/FToPMNIIHzaW/YSROBmyhTDYaKHZGj0P1+iNjMbHt9 dm1QEHGIfKgBwFidItnOa74DfkXdijlPRnr/+E2Ib6PM+hEfQ== MIC-Info: RSA-MD5,RSA,jo7CU6NnTwMwxsWWlTzNzN/emJb5VTNjnRHvTqSyIq6 VZNbmKhjBsWazFw4QRGJTh/7jbUwE3+KdxW8h54EkD23wSlJDXoMQMTuWmXQLV31 ire051kitJmGU8FCsr1b7mB47MUhI41vJXlTD/i7QnmIBx1BlFYG8M5qzcbaTEbs = <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Automated Systems Security Incident Support Team _____ ___ ___ _____ ___ _____ | / /\ / \ / \ | / \ | | / Integritas / \ \___ \___ | \___ | | < et /____\ \ \ | \ | | \ Celeritas / \ \___/ \___/ __|__ \___/ | |_____\ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bulletin 94-25 Release date: 18 July 1994, 1:30 PM EDT SUBJECT: Sendmail Vulnerabilities. SUMMARY: There is a problem with the debug option (-d) and/or the error message header option (-oE) in some vendors' versions of sendmail (8). An exploitation script has been circulated for sendmail -d, and intruders are actively exploiting this vulnerability. As of the date of this advisory, we have not received reports of the sendmail -oE vulnerability being exploited. BACKGROUND: There are two vulnerabilities in some vendors' versions of sendmail (8). The 1st one is in the debug option, which enables local users to gain root access. The 2nd one is with the error message header option, which allows local users to read any file on the system. Both vulnerabilities are known in the intruder community. See Appendix A for a list of vendors who have been contacted and the patches that are currently available. If your vendor's name is not on the list, contact the vendor directly for information on whether their version of sendmail is vulnerable, and if so, whether a patch is available. IMPACT: The sendmail -d vulnerability enables local users to gain root access. The sendmail -oE vulnerability allows local users to read any file on the system. RECOMMENDED SOLUTION: Obtain and install the appropriate patch according to the instructions. Below is a summary of vendors who currently have patches available and upcoming patches. For a more complete information, including how to obtain patches is provided in the appendix of this advisory. Vendor or Source Status Eric Allman Versions 8.6.8 and 8.6.9 are available and not vulnerable. Amdahl Not vulnerable. Apple Patch available. Berkeley Software Design Patch available. Convex OS 11.0 not vulnerable, patch available for 10.x. Data General Patch available. Digital Equipment Patch available. Hewlett Packard Patch available. IBM Patch available. Open Software Foundation Patch available. Santa Cruz Operation Patch in progress. Sun Patch available. Note: Some sites may find it feasible to install Eric Allman's sendmail 8.6.9, which is in the public domain. However, depending upon the currently installed sendmail program, switching to a different sendmail may require significant changes. The site system administrator may need to become familiar with the new program, and the site's sendmail configuration file may require considerable modification in order to provide existing functionality. In some cases, the configuration file of the site's sendmail may be incompatible with that sendmail 8.6.9. ASSIST would like to thank CERT Coordination Center for the information provided in this bulletin. ASSIST is an element of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Center for Information Systems Security (CISS), that provides service to the entire DoD community. If you are a constituent of the DoD and have any questions about ASSIST or computer security issues, contact ASSIST using one of the methods listed below. If your organization/institution is non-DoD, contact your Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) representative. You can obtain a list of FIRST member organizations and their constituencies by sending email to with an empty "subject" line and a message body containing the line "send first-contacts". ASSIST INFORMATION RESOURCES: If you would like to be included in the distribution list for these bulletins, send your Milnet (Internet) e-mail address to Back issues of ASSIST bulletins, and other security related information, are available from the ASSIST BBS at 703-756-7993/ 1154 DSN 289, and through anonymous FTP from (IP address Note: will only accept anonymous FTP connections from Milnet addresses that are registered with the NIC or DNS. ASSIST contact information: PHONE: 800-357-4231 (or 703-756-7974 DSN 289), duty hours are 06:00 to 22:30 EDT Monday through Friday. During off duty hours, weekends and holidays, ASSIST can be reached via pager at 800-SKY-PAGE (800-759-7243) PIN 2133937. Your page will be answered within 30 minutes, however if a quicker response is required, prefix your phone number with "999". ELECTRONIC MAIL: Send to ASSIST BBS: Leave a message for the "sysop". Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM): ASSIST uses PEM, a public key encryption tool, to digitally sign all bulletins that are distributed through e-mail. The section of seemingly random characters between the "BEGIN PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE" and "BEGIN ASSIST BULLETIN" contains machine-readable digital signature information generated by PEM, not corrupted data. PEM software for UNIX systems is available from Trusted Information Systems (TIS) at no cost, and can be obtained via anonymous FTP from (IP Note: The TIS software is just one of several implementations of PEM currently available and additional versions are likely to be offered from other sources in the near future. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by ASSIST. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Appendix A Below is information received from vendors that have patches available or upcoming for the vulnerabilities described in in this advisory, as well as vendors who have confirmed that that their products are not vulnerable. If your vendor's name is not in one of these lists, contact the vendor directly for information on whether their version of sendmail is vulnerable and, if so, the status of patches to address the vulnerabilities. - --------------------------------------- Eric Allman Sendmail versions 8.6.8 and 8.6.9 are not vulnerable. The problem with -d was fixed in sendmail 8.6.7, and and -oE was fixed in sendmail 8.6.8. Even if you are running 8.6.8, you may want to upgrade to 8.6.9 for the additional features. Version 8.6.9 is available by anonymous FTP from in the directory ucb/sendmail. MD5 (sendmail.8.6.9.base.tar.Z) = 9bffb19116e7fdbb6ec56ccf9344895b MD5 ( = 37ecb776ec61f596d01fbb46bae6e72f MD5 (sendmail.8.6.9.misc.tar.Z) = e083dbd609bdaf4b46c52f2546b3d1e5 MD5 (sendmail.8.6.9.xdoc.tar.Z) = 0df46586fbe767bf7060068331de7186 - --------------------------------------- Amdahl All versions of UTS 2.1 use smail rather than sendmail and are not vulnerable to these problems. - --------------------------------------- Apple Computer, Inc. A patch to version 3.1 of A/UX for these vulnerabilities is available by anonymous FTP from or; in each case, a compressed, replacement version ( of sendmail is in pub/aux.patches Filename sendmail.Z BSD checksum 02992 182 SysV checksum 10129 364 MD5 checksum df4ca82f624ee8f4404c5e979e7e3d24 Uncompress this file using compress(1) and replace the previous version (8.6.4) in /usr/lib; be sure to kill the running sendmail and restart. Earlier versions of A/UX are not supported by this patch. Users of previous versions are encouraged by Apple to update their system to A/UX 3.1 or compile and install the version of sendmail available from Customers should contact their reseller for any additional information. - --------------------------------------- Berkeley Software Design (BSDI) Patches to sendmail for these problems in BSD/386 V1.1 are available from BSDI customer support: BSDI Customer Support Berkeley Software Design, Inc. 7759 Delmonico Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80919 Toll Free: +1 800 ITS BSD8 (+1 800 486 2738) Phone: +1 719 260 8114 Fax: +1 719 598 4238 Email: - --------------------------------------- Convex ConvexOS 11.0 (the most recent production OS) does not contain the vulnerabilities. Convex customers running ConvexOS 10.x should install the CONVEX TAC PATCH 10/3/129, which is the full ConvexOS 11.0 mail system back ported to ConvexOS 10.x. The 10.3.129 README file is reproduced below: The following patch information is provided by a member of the CONVEX TAC. There is no express or implied warranty. The maintenance of this patch is the responsibility of the installer. The existence of patch does not guarantee that the patch or its functionality will be available in the next release of the product. PATCH PRODUCT NAME: ConvexOS Mail System PATCH FOR VERSION NUMBER: 10.3 PATCH MODULE NAME: /usr/lib/sendmail NEW VERSION NUMBER OF PRODUCT: 10.3.129 RELATED BUG REPORTS: X-33414, X-33531 PATCH INSTALLATION: Pre-installation precautions: if from tape: %tpmount %installsw -i NOTE: If installing from tape, you must use a no-rewind tape device, such as /dev/rmt20 or /dev/rdat0n, /dev/eb0nr, or /dev/rtc0n. if from script: % ./ The Convex Technical Assistance Center is available for additional information at 800-952-0379. - --------------------------------------- Data General Corporation DG/UX systems are not at risk from the -oE problem. Patches will be made available for all supported releases of DG/UX for the -d problem and it will be fixed in future releases of DG/UX starting with DG/UX 5.4 Release 3.10. Affected sites should call their Customer Support Center for information regarding this patch. - --------------------------------------- Digital Equipment Corporation The following information was excerpted from DEC SECURITY ADVISORY #0505. Please contact DEC for a complete copy of that advisory. Products Affected: ULTRIX Versions 4.3, 4.3A, V4.4 DECnet-ULTRIX Version 4.2 DEC OSF/1 Versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.3A, 2.0 SOLUTION: ULTRIX: Upgrade/Install ULTRIX to an minimum of V4.4 and install the Security Enhanced Kit DEC OSF/1: Upgrade/Install to a minimum of V1.2 and install the Security Enhanced Kit Please refer to the applicable Release Note information prior to upgrading your installation. These kits are available from Digital Equipment Corporation by contacting your normal Digital support channel or by request via DSNlink for electronix transfer. KIT PART NUMBERS and DESCRIPTIONS CSCPAT_4060 V1.0 ULTRIX V4.3 thru V4.4 (Includes DECnet-ULTRIX V4.2) CSCPAT_4061 V1.0 DEC OSF/1 V1.2 thru V2.0 ________________________________________________________________ These kits will not install on versions previous to ULTRIX V4.3 or DEC OSF/1 V1.2. _____________________________________________________________ Digital urges you to periodically review your system management and security procedures. Digital will continue to review and enhance the security features of its products and work with customers to maintain and improve the security and integrity of their systems. NOTE: For non-contract/non-warranty customers contact your local Digital support channels for information regarding these kits. - --------------------------------------- Hewlett-Packard HP/UX does not support the -oE option. To fix the -d problem, obtain patch PHNE_4533 from Hewlett-Packard. This patch may be obtained from HP via FTP (this is NOT anonymous FTP) or the HP SupportLine. To obtain HP security patches, you must first register with the HP SupportLine. The registration instructions are available by anonymous FTP from in the file "pub/vendors/hp/supportline_and_patch_retrieval". - --------------------------------------- IBM A patch for the -d vulnerability can be ordered from IBM as APAR IX44020(PTF U431041). AIX is not vulnerable to the -oE problem. To order APARs from IBM in the U.S., call 1-800-237-5511 and ask that it be shipped to you as soon as it is available. To obtain APARs outside of the U.S., contact your local IBM representative. - --------------------------------------- Open Software Foundation (OSF) For OSF/1 R1.3: CR11057 describes how to fix the -d option problem in the sources. OSF/1 is not vulnerable to the -oE problem. - --------------------------------------- The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. (SCO) SCO systems are not affected by the -oE problem and a patch for the -d problem on the following platforms will soon be available: SCO TCP/IP Release 1.2.0 for SCO XENIX SCO TCP/IP Release 1.2.1 for SCO UNIX SCO Open Desktop Release 3.0 SCO Open Desktop Lite Release 3.0 SCO Open Server Network System, Release 3.0 SCO Open Server Enterprise System, Release 3.0 For more information contact SCO at: Electronic mail: support@sco.COM The Americas, Pacific Rim, Asia, and Latin America: 6am-5pm Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) ---------------------------- 1-408-425-4726 (voice) 1-408-427-5443 (fax) Europe, Middle East, Africa: 9am-5:30pm British Daylight Time (BST) +44 (0)923 816344 (voice) +44 (0)923 817781 (fax) - --------------------------------------- Sun Microsystems, Inc. A. Patch list Sun has produced patches against these vulnerabilities for the versions of SunOS shown below. 4.1.1 100377-15 4.1.2 100377-15 4.1.3 100377-15 4.1.3_U1 101665-02 5.1_x86 101352-03 (Solaris x86) 5.1 100834-11 (Solaris 2.1) 5.2 100999-59 (Solaris 2.2) 5.3 101318-41 (Solaris 2.3) B. Patch notes 1. The last security-related patch for 4.1.x sendmail was distributed as 100377-08 (announced 23 December 1993). Revisions -09 through -14 were not related to security. 2. The 4.1.1 patch includes a version built for the sun3 architecture. 3. The 4.1.3 version of the patch is also applicable to 4.1.3C systems. 4. The patch listed for 4.1.3_U1 (Solaris 1.1.1) applies to both the A and B versions. This is currently true for all U1 patches. 5. One of the listed patches (100834-11, for SunOS 5.1) is actually a jumbo kernel patch into which sendmail was bundled. The other two SunOS 5.x patches, and all of the 4.1.x patches, contain only sendmail fixes. (Sun bundled all 5.x sendmails into jumbo kernel patches earlier this year, but later unbundled the 5.3 and 5.2 patches in response to customer complaints. The 5.1 sendmail will be unbundled as well later this summer. 6. Sun releases new patch versions frequently. For this reason, when requesting patches you should ask for the specified "or later" version, e.g., "version 11 or later of patch 100834". Patches can be obtained from local Sun Answer Centers and Sunsolve. U.S. users can contact Sun a 800-USA-4SUN. Sun can also be reached by e-mail at - --------------------------------------- -----END PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE-----