[Logo]Postfix Source Code

Postfix was released under the IBM Public License. All Postfix source code is signed with Wietse's PGP key. See ftp://ftp.porcupine.org/mirrors/project-history/postfix/ for a more extensive archive of stable and experimental tarballs.

Postfix 2.5 stable release

Stable releases do not change except for bugfixes and for portability fixes. New features are tested out in experimental releases (see below).

Stable releases are called "Postfix a.b.c", where a is the major release number, b is the minor release number, and c is the patchlevel.

Source code changes since Postfix Version 2.5.0.

Postfix 2.6 experimental release

New features are tested in experimental releases. They become part of the next official release once the code has not changed for a significant amount of time. Although this code is still subject to change, it runs on all of Wietse's systems so it is production quality.

Experimental releases are called "Postfix a.b-yyyymmdd", where a.b is the next official Postfix release and yyyymmdd is the release date.

Past stable releases

Postfix 2.4

Postfix 2.3

Postfix 2.2

Postfix 2.1

Postfix 2.0

Postfix 1.1

Postfix 1.0

Postfix 0.9

Postfix 0.8