Npasswd Reference Manual

Introduction to the configuration file

The configuration file is /passwd.conf. This location can changed only by running Configure and rebuilding.

Npasswd will abort if the configuration file has syntax errors, or or fails any of the following security requirements:

The syntax of a configuration file can be checked with the -XC option, which disables the security checks.

Syntax of the configuration file

Blank lines and lines starting with "#" are ignored.

Npasswd performs the functions of three standard UNIX utilities: passwd, chfn and chsh. Each of these sub-programs have their configuration directives.

Configuration directive syntax
sub-program option value
One of passwd, chfn, chsh, or empty. A non-empty sub-program must be followed by a period (".") Sub-program option (see below) One or more whitespace characters Value for option (see below)
Value types
number May be decimal (with an optional leading minus sign), octal (format 0NNN) or hex (format 0xNNNN)
path UNIX pathname
boolean One of the strings "1", "true" "yes" or "on". Any other value is interpreted as false
string Strings can optionally be enclosed in single (') or double (") quotes
Non-printable ASCII characters can be specified thusly:
  • ^<caret>char" e.g. ^X for control-x
  • "\<backslash>char" for C special characters (\b \f \h \n \r \t \\)
  • "\0NNN" where NNN is the character value in octal
  • "\0xNN" where NN is the character value in hex

Summary of configuration directives

Npasswd configuration directives
Directive and options are case-insensitive
Directive Value
Directives applicable to all sub-programs
MatchTries number Chances to give user to correctly enter a password.
MatchWait number Delay after the user enters an incorrect password.
PasswdTolerance number Tolerance between old and new passwd files.
ShadowTolerance number Tolerance between old and new shadow files.
Directives for sub-program "passwd"
passwd.AlphaOnly boolean Allow alpha-only passwords
passwd.CharClasses number Set number of required character classes.
passwd.Dictionaries path Add to dictionary lookup path.
passwd.DisallowedChars string Set which characters are not allowed in passwords.
passwd.Help path Help file for passwd.
passwd.History See below Configure history mechanism.
passwd.LengthWarn boolean Warn about passwords over maximum length.
passwd.MaxPassword number Maximum effective password length.
passwd.MaxRepeat number How many adjacent repeat characters allowed.
passwd.Message path Message of the day.
passwd.MinPassword number Minimum password length.
passwd.PasswordChecks string Select password checks.
passwd.PrintOnly boolean Deny non-printable characters.
passwd.SingleCase boolean Allow single-case passwords.
Directives for sub-program "chfn"
chfn.Help path Help file for chfn.
chfn.Message path Message of the day.
Directives for sub-program "chsh"
chsh.Help path Help file for chsh.
chsh.Message path Message of the day.
chsh.Shells path List of blessed shells.


Directives applicable to all sub-programs






Directives for sub-program "passwd"
















Directives for sub-program "chfn"




Directives for sub-program "chsh"





Command line options

The main command line options of npasswd control the platform-independent features.

Some operating-system specific options may also be supported (e.g. SunOS 4, SunOS 5 and HP-UX). Others may be deferred to the vendor passwd program (usually preserved during the initial installation).

Refer to the manual page for the full list of supported options.

Command line options
Multiple -X options may be given
-Xc Read the configuration file, output settings and exit with 0 status.
-XCconfig-file Check syntax of config-file and terminate.
Exit status is 0 if file was ok, 1 if not.
This option disables configuration file security checks.
-XDdebug-level Set debug output level.
Debug levels
none None.
verboseMild verbosity.
lookupTrace user lookup.
updateTrace user updating.
configTrace configuration processing.
pwcheckTrace password checking.
detailMore detailed tracing.
allAll debugging.
-XF Suppress new password checking.
This option is restricted to root and should be used very sparingly.
-XI Read passwords from standard input instead of /dev/tty
This option is restricted to root.
-XV Print version and patch level identification.
-Xf Perform the "chfn" (change finger name) function.
-Xs Perform the "chsh" (change login shell) function.

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Document id @(#) Reference.html 1.9
Version 1.9
Last modified 07/20/98

Clyde Hoover
Academic Computing Services and Instructional Technology Services
The University of Texas at Austin
Copyright 1998, The University of Texas at Austin. All rights reserved.