*** results from eTRIP test *** pltotf trip *** TRIP test for e-TeX in compatibility mode *** etriptex \input trip diff ..\..\tex\trip\tripin.log ..\..\..\tmp\tripin.log 1c1 < This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (INITEX) 8 MAR 1995 14:24 --- > This is PubliC e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1/Dos-TP 2.2 (INITEX) 31 JAN 1999 15:42 450,451c450,451 < (preloaded format=trip 95.3.8) < 1320 strings of total length 23539 --- > (preloaded format=trip 1999.1.31) > 1441 strings of total length 24796 465a466 > There were 13945 accesses to 6 mem, 9 font, 2 hyph, 1 trie1, and 32 trie2 pages *** etriptex &trip trip diff ..\..\tex\trip\trip.fot ..\..\..\tmp\trip.fot 1,3c1,4 < This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (INITEX) < ** &trip trip < (trip.tex ## --- > This is PubliC e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1/Dos-TP 2.2 (INITEX) > PubliC TeX Copyright (C) 1988,99 by the Toad and the Earthworm > Distributed under terms of GNU General Public License > **(trip.tex ## 83a85 > Time used: 4 seconds *** diff ..\..\tex\trip\trip.log ..\..\..\tmp\trip.log 1c1 < This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (preloaded format=trip 95.3.8) 8 MAR 1995 14:24 --- > This is PubliC e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1/Dos-TP 2.2 (preloaded format=trip 1999.1.31) 31 JAN 1999 15:42 3326c3326 < \vbox(10000.0+2.0)x28.0, glue set 9737.58789fil --- > \vbox(10000.0+2.0)x28.0, glue set 9737.5874fil 7296,7299c7296,7299 < 47 strings out of 1680 < 267 string characters out of 8461 < 2825 words of memory out of 3000 < 370 multiletter control sequences out of 2100 --- > 44 strings out of 4559 > 239 string characters out of 35204 > 2825 words of memory out of 3000 > 370 multiletter control sequences out of 4000 7304a7305 > There were 65231 accesses to 12 mem, 12 font, 2 hyph, 1 trie1, and 1 trie2 pages *** dvitype -o2 -s*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* -r7227/100 trip diff ..\..\tex\trip\trip.typ ..\..\..\tmp\trip.typ 1c1 < This is DVItype, Version 3.5 --- > This is DVItype, Version 3.5/Dos-TP 2.2 9c9 < ' TeX output 1995.03.08:1424' --- > ' TeX output 1999.01.31:1542' 419c419 < 1121: down4 639342208 --- > 1121: down4 639342176 1087,1088c1087,1088 < 2535: y4 203921760 < 2540: y0 203921760 --- > 2535: y4 203921756 > 2540: y0 203921756 1215d1214 < *** diff ..\..\tex\trip\tripos.tex ..\..\..\tmp\tripos.tex *** *** TRIP test for e-TeX in extended mode *** etriptex *\input trip diff ..\..\..\tmp\ctripin.log ..\..\..\tmp\tripin.log 2c2,3 < **\input trip --- > entering extended mode > ***\input trip 36,41d36 < ! Bad register code (256). < l.29 ...{1} \toksdef\tokens=256 < \show\errorstopmode < A register number must be between 0 and 255. < I changed this one to zero. < 452,453c447,448 < 471 memory locations dumped; current usage is 96&278 < 341 multiletter control sequences --- > 509 memory locations dumped; current usage is 134&278 > 407 multiletter control sequences 466c461 < There were 13945 accesses to 6 mem, 9 font, 2 hyph, 1 trie1, and 32 trie2 pages --- > There were 13333 accesses to 6 mem, 9 font, 2 hyph, 1 trie1, and 32 trie2 pages *** etriptex &trip \toksdef\tokens=0 \input trip diff ..\..\..\tmp\ctrip.fot ..\..\..\tmp\trip.fot 4c4,5 < **(trip.tex ## --- > **entering extended mode > ## (trip.tex 18c19 < Memory usage before: 159&313; after: 102&278; still untouched: 1613 --- > Memory usage before: 151&313; after: 102&278; still untouched: 1613 76c77 < Memory usage before: 334&428; after: 292&415; still untouched: 175 --- > Memory usage before: 330&428; after: 292&415; still untouched: 175 78a80,82 > > ### semi simple group (level 1) entered at line 429 (begingroup) > ### bottom level *** diff ..\..\..\tmp\ctrip.log ..\..\..\tmp\trip.log 2,3c2,4 < ** &trip trip < (trip.tex ## --- > entering extended mode > **&trip \toksdef\tokens=0 \input trip > (trip.tex 73c74 < Memory usage before: 159&313; after: 102&278; still untouched: 1613 --- > Memory usage before: 151&313; after: 102&278; still untouched: 1613 1769d1769 < {restoring \fam=-1} 1779d1778 < {restoring \displayindent=0.0pt} 1833d1831 < {restoring \fam=-1} 2135c2133 < .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0, shifted 50.0 --- > .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0, shifted 50.0, display 2138c2136 < .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0, shifted 100.0 --- > .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x0.0, shifted 100.0, display 2570c2568 < .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x15.0, glue set 0.1875, shifted 5.0 --- > .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x15.0, glue set 0.1875, shifted 5.0, display 2835d2832 < {restoring current font=\ip} 3223d3219 < {restoring \fam=-1} 3372c3368 < .\hbox(68.26251+98.15005)x19.0, glue set - 1.0, shifted 9.0 --- > .\hbox(68.26251+98.15005)x19.0, glue set - 1.0, shifted 9.0, display 3557c3553 < .\hbox(20.5+50.80002)x8.27895, shifted 19.72105 --- > .\hbox(20.5+50.80002)x8.27895, shifted 19.72105, display 3766d3761 < {restoring \fam=-1} 3839d3833 < {restoring \fam=-1} 3895c3889 < ..\hbox(12.0+4.0)x8.1778 --- > ..\hbox(12.0+4.0)x8.1778, display 3917c3911 < ..\hbox(0.0+13.00002)x-0.1778, glue set - 57.67767fil --- > ..\hbox(0.0+13.00002)x-0.1778, glue set - 57.67767fil, display 3925c3919 < ....\hbox(7.0+1.0)x5.0, shifted 47.5 --- > ....\hbox(7.0+1.0)x5.0, shifted 47.5, display 4011d4004 < {restoring \fam=-1} 4047c4040 < .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x1009.0, shifted 7227.0 --- > .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x1009.0, shifted 7227.0, display 4051c4044 < .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x-7127.0, shifted 7227.0 --- > .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x-7127.0, shifted 7227.0, display 7155c7148 < Memory usage before: 895&436; after: 290&417; still untouched: 175 --- > Memory usage before: 851&436; after: 290&417; still untouched: 175 7288c7281 < Memory usage before: 334&428; after: 292&415; still untouched: 175 --- > Memory usage before: 330&428; after: 292&415; still untouched: 175 7291a7285,7287 > > ### semi simple group (level 1) entered at line 429 (begingroup) > ### bottom level 7299c7295 < 370 multiletter control sequences out of 4000 --- > 436 multiletter control sequences out of 4000 7302c7298 < 5i,7n,9p,113b,38s stack positions out of 200i,40n,60p,500b,600s --- > 5i,7n,9p,136b,40s stack positions out of 200i,40n,60p,500b,600s 7305c7301 < There were 65231 accesses to 12 mem, 12 font, 2 hyph, 1 trie1, and 1 trie2 pages --- > There were 66635 accesses to 12 mem, 12 font, 2 hyph, 1 trie1, and 1 trie2 pages *** dvitype -o2 -s*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* -r7227/100 trip diff ..\..\..\tmp\ctrip.typ ..\..\..\tmp\trip.typ *** diff ..\..\tex\trip\tripos.tex ..\..\..\tmp\tripos.tex *** *** e-TeX specific part of eTRIP test *** pltotf etrip *** etriptex *etrip diff .\etripin.log ..\..\..\tmp\etripin.log 1c1 < This is e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1 (INITEX) 31 JAN 1999 15:29 --- > This is PubliC e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1/Dos-TP 2.2 (INITEX) 31 JAN 1999 15:42 26c26 < 1435 strings of total length 24590 --- > 1442 strings of total length 24826 40a41 > There were 10863 accesses to 4 mem, 9 font, 2 hyph, 2 trie1, and 32 trie2 pages *** etriptex &etrip etrip diff .\etrip.fot ..\..\..\tmp\etrip.fot 1,3c1,4 < This is e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1 (INITEX) < **&etrip etrip < entering extended mode --- > This is PubliC e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1/Dos-TP 2.2 (INITEX) > PubliC TeX Copyright (C) 1988,99 by the Toad and the Earthworm > Distributed under terms of GNU General Public License > **entering extended mode 46a48 > Time used: 4 seconds *** diff .\etrip.log ..\..\..\tmp\etrip.log 1c1 < This is e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1 (preloaded format=etrip 1999.1.31) 31 JAN 1999 15:29 --- > This is PubliC e-TeX, Version 3.14159-2.1/Dos-TP 2.2 (preloaded format=etrip 1999.1.31) 31 JAN 1999 15:42 4265,4268c4265,4268 < 22 strings out of 1665 < 132 string characters out of 8410 < 2661 words of memory out of 3000 < 408 multiletter control sequences out of 2100 --- > 21 strings out of 4558 > 123 string characters out of 35174 > 2661 words of memory out of 3000 > 408 multiletter control sequences out of 4000 4273a4274 > There were 250880 accesses to 12 mem, 9 font, 2 hyph, 1 trie1, and 1 trie2 pages *** dvitype -o2 -s*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.* -r7227/100 etrip diff .\etrip.typ ..\..\..\tmp\etrip.typ 1c1 < This is DVItype, Version 3.5 --- > This is DVItype, Version 3.5/Dos-TP 2.2 9c9 < ' TeX output 1999.01.31:1529' --- > ' TeX output 1999.01.31:1542' *** diff .\etrip.out ..\..\..\tmp\etrip.out *** *** end of eTRIP test ***