![]() | True WYSIWYG LaTeX System |
Changes HistoryVersion 9.40 (10-Nov-2010)Upgrading to BaKoMa TeX 9.40BaKoMa TeX 9.40 has redesigned user interface, with several radical changes.In this reason, automatical upgrade of installed BaKoMa TeX 9.05 to BaKoMa TeX 9.40 by using 'Update Packages' isn't available. We lock it to avoid confusion of users who waits only package updates. To perform upgrade you must explicitly use installation module (quicksetup.exe). Most Noticeable Improvements
However, we hope these changes will not confuse you. Obsolete FeaturesBaKoMa TeX 9.40 lacks some obsolete features:
Previous Test VersionsVersion 9.30 RC2 (10-Oct-2010)Release Candidate 2.Autoclosing of Symbol Panels has been reimplemented in new version. ... and bug fixing ... Version 9.20 RC1 (3-Sep-2010)Release Candidate 1.General Bug fixing. Few changes in interface only touch collisions. Version 9.10 Testing (15-May-2010)Preview.First published Test version. Version 9.05 (23-Mar-2010)
Beginning from BaKoMa TeX 9.0 you can use Update Utility
available in Windows launch menu:
![]() You can move this command to 'Start/All Programs/StartUp' group to check updates every time at windows login.
BaKoMa TeX 9.05 includes a lot of
minor improvements and bug fixing in programs: Updated and fixed following packages: beamer-fuberlin, ccicons, hyperref, pgf, pgfplots, powerdot-fuberlin, pst-3dplot, pst-abspos, pst-am, pst-barcode, pst-func, pst-gantt, pst-knot, pst-math, pst-mirror, pst-optexp, pst-poly, pst-tree, pstricks-add, pstricks, stellenbosch, tikz-3dplot, tikz-qtree, txfonts. - 9.03 - abstract, achemso, algorithms, animate, anonchap, answers, appendix, asyfig, babelbib, background, bclogo, bez123, bezos, blindtext, booklet, boolexpr, calctab, caption, ccaption, changelayout, changepage, chemstyle, chngcntr, cite, classicthesis, cleveref, codedoc, collref, coollist, coolstr, csquotes, ctable, curves, dashrule, dashundergaps, datatool, diagmac2, disser, docmute, dox, elsarticle, emptypage, enumitem, epigraph, eqexam, erdc, estcpmm, etextools, etoolbox, fixme, floatrow, fmtcount, fonttable, footmisc, formats, gcite, getfiledate, grid, gridset, guit, hanging, hyphenat, ifluatex, ifmtarg, ifplatform, ijmart, ionumbers, isodoc, isomath, keycommand, koma-script, layouts, logical-markup-utils, ltxdockit, ltxmisc, ltxnew, ly1, mailmerge, makecell, makecmds, makeplot, mattens, memoir, metalogo, mfpic, midpage, minitoc, minutes, mlist, ms, mwcls, nag, natbib, needspace, newfile, nextpage, oberdiek, pagecont, pagenote, paresse, pauldoc, pict2e, printlen, pstool, rangen, rjlparshap, romannum, rsc, sagetex, showlabels, siunitx, spverbatim, stdclsdv, steinmetz, stringstrings, tablists, tabularew, tdclock, tdsfrmath, textpos, threeparttablex, titlepic, titling, tocbibind, tocloft, tocvsec2, todonotes, totcount, trimspaces, tufte-latex, tugboat, umthesis, verse, version, vertbars, widetable. - 9.02 - revtex4-1. - 9.01 - amscls, amscls.doc, babel, cyrillic, graphics, latex, pst-geo, tools. Version 9.0 (9-Sep-2009)
Autodownload -- Automatical download missed packagesMissed packages but required by your documents will be automatically downloaded from our server and installed. For downloading and installing new packages document processing will be paused for completion of downloading.Now we keep almost comprehensive set of (La)TeX packages on our site, such that manual installation of LaTeX package will not be required more. NOTE: Internet connection is required - packages are downloaded through internet. AutoUpdate - Check and install updated packages.![]() You can move this command to 'Start/All Programs/StartUp' group to check updates every time at windows login. This feature isn't restricted by LaTeX packages. BaKoMa TeX IDE (TeXWord, Centaur) and other programs also may be updated by using this tool. In this reason, this feature will work only when upgrade period of your licence isn't expired. NOTE: Internet connection is required - updated index is downloaded through internet. Package Manager - tool to add/remove individual packages.![]() Simple tool to install more packages or remove already installed packages. NOTE: Internet connection is required - packages are downloaded through internet. TeX documentation is searchable online.![]() 'Help/BaKoMa MetaHelp' Now we do not include documentation for TeX packages into distribution package. However, MetaHelp (invoked by 'Help/BaKoMa MetaHelp' menu command) provides access to entire document collection through internet. You can search TeX commands and LaTeX environments through entire document collection. Documents are downloaded into local computer on the fly (when you try to open it). User Interface Improvements.Interesting improvements in TeXWord:
Upgrade Notes.BaKoMa TeX 9.0 can't be installed as upgrade on top of previously installed version of BaKoMa TeX. It is because of too different structure of new distribution. Most of differences are related with autodownload and autoupdate features.However, any customizations made in $TEXMFUSER (V 8.50) will continue to work. Customizations from LOCAL subdirectory may be copied into new system without changes and will continue to work. However, you must understand that in most cases they will not be needed, because new system is attached to large enought package repository which will be used automatically via internet when it is needed. To migrate to new version We recommend to install it into new directory (but on the same drive) without removing previous version. Additional Modules.Distribution of BaKoMa TeX 9.0 do not have additional modules. They may be download on the fly when you select proper items. Below table should suggest what option to choose for a modules.
Saving the DistributionWith new version you need to save only quicksetup.exe file. Other packages are kept in our server permanently, and proper versions will be available even after update.However, if you don't trust that packages will be always available on our server you can order DVD disk with complete distribution. [This feature will be available in nearest feature].