. . . . . . . Welcome |
The Skunkware 98 CD-ROM has been prepared primarily as an installation medium. Please consult the installation guide for detailed instructions on how to install Skunkware 98 components.
Use your browser to explore the CD-ROM, read the component descriptions, or click on the links which take you back to the main Skunkware web site for additional components and component updates.
Wherever possible, the Skunkware 98 CD-ROM contains packages in the operating system's native installation format. For OpenServer, this means the packages are installed using the custom command, and for UnixWare, packages are installed using pkgadd
Where this was not possible, the packages can be found in a single tar or cpio archive on the CD-ROM or the SCO Skunkware home page. For instructions on how to unpack and install compressed cpio and tar packages, please consult the release notes.
Please note: Although every attempt has been made to ensure that all of the links on this CD-ROM are accurate, you may encounter some links which have expired, or which are inaccurate. Sometimes, the sites to which the links point have moved, and this is more likely to be the case as time goes on. Wherever possible, you are strongly advised to view the on-line version of Skunkware to get the latest information.
Thank you for using Skunkware 98! We hope that the tools you find here will help make your work more effective and productive. If you have any comments, queries or suggestions about the contents of this CD-ROM, please feel free to send mail to skunkware@sco.com.
The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. and SCO Skunkware are not related to, affiliated with or licensed by the famous Lockheed Martin Skunk Works (R), the creator of the F-117 Stealth Fighter, SR-71, U-2, Venturestar(tm), Darkstar(tm), and other pioneering air and spacecraft.
Last Updated: Friday Mar 19, 1999 at 09:32:53 PST
© Copyright 1997 The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. All rights reserved.