WTP 3.0.5 Patches


Bug 267367. should disable deferred DOM expansion in parser used by DOMUtilities

Bug 279175. An internal error occurred during: "Validation TestEJB".

Bug 283634. ProjectResourceSetImpl getResources() cause deadlock with call to SynchronizedResourcesEList

Bug 284041. EOF in Validation Framework

Bug 285071. ComponentResolver does not resolve absolute references to the context root

Bug 286403. Validation Framework doesn't work after facet change

Bug 290581. Manual validation is cleaning up the already validated cache on every call

Bug 290701. IResource.IsSynchronized calls are slow in large workspaces

Bug 290727. ProjectResourceSetImpl throwing concurrent access errors

Bug 291266. Deleting java source folders should remove the corresponding artifacts from the .settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component file

Bug 292518. Fix deadlock introduced by bug 290701

Bug 292694. MessageCategory is broken in the validation framework

Bug 294214. ProjectResourceSet creation notification while holding lock

Bug 293586. org.eclipse.wst.common.component file incorrectly marked as need to be written

Bug 299057. ValidateEdit called when ArtifactEdit model not dirty

Bug 300062. Performance improvement of VirtualComponent caching

Bug 300267. Deleting obsolete code - VirtualComponent.cleanUpReferences

Bug 301477. EAR Libraries container missing entries on restart

Bug 301549. ComponentResolver performance improvement

Bug 299808. Protect against mutithreaded access to adapters during notify

Bug 303115. Validation framework does not try to shutdown cleanly when it is active at shutdown.