Version 1.2.7 (21 oktober 2015)
Bugfix in playing videos
Going back to http, since https doesn't seem to work anymore atm
Funhouse is added once more

Version 1.2.6 (17 oktober 2015)
Fixes due to website change

Version 1.2.5 (5 oktober 2015)
Fixes due to website change

Version 1.2.4 (16 september 2015)
Fixes due to website changes
Removed Fun Haus due to SSL error
Added next page to Recently Added Episodes

Version 1.2.3 (30 august 2015)
Only login for sponsored video's

Version 1.2.2 (22 august 2015)
Site switched to https (except recently-added)
Fun Haus doesn't work atm, maybe it'll work in a bit

Version 1.2.1 (15 august 2015)
Added some utf-8 stuff
Updated youtube dependency version

Version 1.2.0 (29 july 2015)
Added support for sponsored videos
Added Achievement Hunter
Added The Know Tv
Added Fun Haus
Removed some duplicate shows

Version 1.1.1 (24 july 2015)
Dependency fix

Version 1.1.0 (23 july 2015)
Complete rewrite, mainly due to website changes

Version 1.0.2 (may 2015)
Removed all the secure password saving stuff. The password has to be entered in the settings of the add-on again. 

Version 1.0.1 (6 may 2015)
Removed password storage as a dependency

Version 1.0.0 (5 may 2015)
The password is stored in keyring now (thanks to JBu92 for the suggestion)
If there's a password in settings.xml, it will be converted to the password in keyring (the password in settings.xml will be blanked).
If the user wants to view a sponsored video and the username/password doesn't work, the user will be asked to type in the correct password. If the userid/password works, the password will be stored in keyring.
Added a button in settings to force the removal of the password from keyring
Switched from LWPCookieJar to MozillaCookieJar due to bug which caused sponsored vids not working
Always delete cookie file
Small changes in logging
Sponsor Early Screening videos are NOT working

Version 0.1.1
Changes due to website changes

Version 0.1.0
Changes due to website changes
Video Quality is 480p/720p/1080p now

Version 0.0.91
Try and fix the parsing in case of a html parsing error by the python parser. This error
mainly occurs with the html python parser <= 2.7.2 (windows xmbc 12 and older, OS all versions, 
linux all versions)

Version 0.0.9
Mixed the current rt and ah shows
Mixed the retired rt and ah shows
Add dir for recent ah episodes

Version 0.0.8
Fixed so that there is no need to delete the cookie file when watching sponsored videos.
Thanks to AikenDrum for the patch.

Version 0.0.7
Because divingmule seems off the grid for a bit, i (Skipmode A1) have patched this version and put it in my repo. 
I'll push it to the xbmc repo, so it will automaticly update for everybody. 
Thanks to Frenzy for the patch.

Version 0.0.6
release to repository

Version 0.0.5
beta/testing release
added initial support for sponsor only videos
added more media information where available
set content to tv shows/episodes, enabling more view modes
added setting 'Default view mode for episodes'

Version 0.0.4
bug fixes
added podcasts
added 'Latest' episodes directory
added the option 'Ask' in the add-on settings, this lets the user choose from the available streams
bump python api for gotham