- Add code to fetch kodi setting for "Ignore articles when sorting (e.g "the")" So to auto set the sort methods to use "title" sort or "the titte" sort

[B]Version 3.0.2[/B] 2016-01-04
- Added option to disable url caching from the add-on settings.
- Changed Youtube API handler to cache the channels playlist IDs
- Changed related context to alway update listings
- Removed bug Fix for the old cache error. Not Needed anymore and stoped some sites from caching
- Removed dailymotion video resolver
- And Logs of small changes as well

[B]Version 3.0.1[/B] 2015-02-22
- Fix bug with old cache that is still valid causing a decompression error

[B]Version 3.0.0[/B] 2015-02-20
- Disabled VeeHD Video Resolver
- Fixed bug with dailymotion Resolver
- Fixed small bug with video been set to true even if the listitem is a folder
- Fixed a long lasting bug with urlhandler not passing the User-Agent to the server. (More of a work arround)
- Fixed a possibility of a crash when passing a non str object to plugin.log
- Fixed bug with youtube api not piacking up duration
- Fixed some small comment typos
- Added the support for the possibility for each addon to return a generator instead of a list
- Added code to auto select sort methods when no sort methods are specified
- Added code to guess content type when no content type is specified
- Added a fallback to use json instead of simplejson if simplejson is not found
- Added icon.png image of "python module"
- Added support to use setArt api method from gothom
- Added some new shortcut methods like setPlot and setGenre
- Added the option to tell the source scraper to skip searching a page for urls and just work with the passed in url
- Added try catch to view mode setting
- Changed Youtube code to use the new V3 API
- Changed some name of methods to make more sense
- Changed the auto listitem folders to add itself to the extra items. e.g. Next_Page
- Changed notifications dialog to use the new api method from gothom
- Changed notifications dialog to use icon of the current addon
- Changed youtube scraper to return a generator instead of a list
- Changed urlresolver to be optional
- Changed log output to print the current addon id as well
- Changed how setting of the view mode is done. Way more usefull and far more dynamic
- Removed unneeded vimeo.png and added recent.png
- Removed download support, Not realy needed anymore
- Restructured how cleanup of objects is handled
- Restructured PlayMedia class to be more flexable
- Update search.png

[B]Version 2.1.0[/B] 2014-06-30
- Update Strings to strings.po
- Added UnitTests
- Added stripEnity to urlopeners
- Added with steatment support to urlhandler
- Added cleanup method that runs ones every 28 Days to cleanup stail url cache
- Added a option to enable debug output when testing addons
- Added unittest cases for all methods and function
- Removed unnecessary cache validation checks
- Reworked debug messages and methods
- Reworked the vimeo url scraper
- Fix bug with youtube video id parser
- And a lot more small improvements

[B]Version 2.0.4[/B]
- Changed the Video Context menu to not replace items
- Fixed bug with XBMC unexpectedly returning unicode instead of a string
- General unicode fixes

[B]Version 2.0.3[/B]
- Added getLabel method to custom listitem that returns unicode Label
- Fixed very small bug with youtube channel video scraper sudio name
- Fixed small bug where addons whould crash if profile path don't exist

[B]Version 2.0.2[/B]
- Added Full Unicode Support
- Added Search with Save Searches Support
- Replace all print steatment with xbmc.log

[B]Version 2.0.1[/B]
- Initial Version